
It's Sunday early evening and I've started prepping my dinner, Buffalo chicken Alfredo, my favorite girl dinner. I've been thinking about last night all damn day. Each time bringing forth a throb every time.

I eat a little early as I want to go for a run later, I need to distract myself as much as possible. Damon has messaged me once but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. Not yet. I'm scared and I hate that I'm so scared of something I so desperately want.

It's nearing six and I get into my running clothes, throw my earbuds in and I'm off. I've been running for almost an hour before I feel my phone vibrate and I stop to check it.

' I don't like being ignored doll, Get home to shower and put on something ... you decide.. p.s I'm not asking '

I reread his message a few times before it registers in my brain what he's saying. My heart thumps hard especially as I head home. More nervous than I think I have ever been. The excitement eats at me as I unlock my door and head to my closet, he gave me no indication on what to wear.

I go for something simple, A white cami top dress and matching heels, I lay the clothes on my bed as I go take a quick shower, shaving and brushing my teeth the whole nine. I don't know what to expect but I know I'll hate myself if I don't go.

I get dressed as I dry and style my hair, I add only mascara and do my brows. It's about a quarter til eight and my phone buzzes..

' Your ride is outside doll '

I smile at this message, I can't help but feel so giddy but also so nervous, I grab my clutch and lock my door thankful Cara isn't out to see me. I don't have time for her twenty questions right now. I bite my lip as I think of last night as I take the elevator down to the front doors.

There's a very nice car with a man in a suit waiting beside it. I watch as he opens the door and greets me as I gently slide onto the leather seats as the man shuts the door behind me and heads to the driver side. The ride is decent and quiet. I send a text to Damon

' Should I be worried lol '

' Yes '

Oh. I mean should I be, heading to this psychotic's house.. Late at night. I don't think I am .. At least not for the most part, I'm actually excited my stomach is doing backflips. He's right, I like dangerous men, I like the thrill of feeling like I'm in danger, walking the very fine line of instability and orgasms.. The only thing is trust and there lies the question can I trust this man.

We pull into a long drive as the man types in the code as the gates open quickly after. My heartbeat is in my throat and I'm burning up..

Okay so what, maybe I am a bit worried. The driver let's me out as I'm escorted inside.

Wow! This is what dreams are made of. The floors white marble with gold accents swirled in such a beautiful way, the walls match, there's old paintings everywhere but it's the chandelier for me. I have never seen such elegance in my life, I'm way out of my element here.

' That'll be all for the night, thank you Eladio ' I hear as the man comes in from the door in front of us. The driver nods, sets the door code and leaves through the same door we came in from.

' Hello Doll, Come.. Let's have a drink '

I watch as he extends his hand to me, I gulp as I see his long fingers and I smile as I grab it.

' Your house is an absolute dream Damon... '

I hear him give me a low chuckle

' It better be for as much time and money I've spent on it '

I chew on lip as we go through a door into the kitchen and dining area and through sliding glass doors that lead to a magnificent back yard. It's lit up delicately, we head to an island bar, I watch as he makes a few drinks and motions for us to have a seat on the other side at the table.

As we're seated I can't help but notice how good he smells and how his attire is more casual than what I've seen him in so far. I like it. I can see a few chest hairs popping through his unbuttoned shirt. I can't help but bite my lip as I look at him.

' There's a few matters I'd like to discuss with you Ariel .. '

Mm yup, I get it, the way he says my name makes my heart flutter..

' So discuss them Damon ' I say as I watch him shift.

' You know your smart mouth is going to get you in trouble ' He growls.

I smile as I take a drink before responding

' I like trouble '

Damon licks his lips as he smiles at this as he looks at my outfit in depth for the first time. He takes notice of my piercings poking through the thin white fabric, did he really not notice them last night?

' I like this dress love ' He whispers as he traces around my now hardened areola..

I shift in place as the throbbing is growing with vengeance.

' What would you like to discuss .. Sir.. I'm all ears ' He chuckles at my words as I take another drink.

' You '

' What about me? '

' I've had my eye on you for six months doll, that whole time trying to control my .. urges .. '

I cut him off.

' What.. six months.. Since I've started at the club... but I've never ... '

' Why do you think I'm there all the time Ariel, Starlight is mine.. Along with a few other exclusive clubs '

Well damn. I was not expecting that. I don't know what to say or think at this point I just ask him one thing.

' What .. What are these urges you've been having about .. Me. '

His chuckle makes me nervous, I finish my drink and wait.

' A lot of things doll, things I know you'd enjoy .. Painful, pleasurable, very dirty things '

His eyes grow dark as he too finishes his drink. He makes us another. I simmer on his words.. Wondering what these things could be. He told me I was inexperienced but now he wants me.. I'm lost.

' I think I'd like you to do those things to me Sir '

I watch as my response cause his lips to curl into a smile. I mean look at him, it's almost magic how this man puts me in an almost trance like state.

' You know all the girls at Starlight just adore you right '

His smile exposes his perfect teeth.

' Because I tip generously ... I've owned the club for almost a decade .. And I've never taken to any of them Never wanted any of them .. Until you Ariel '

Biting my lip subconsciously again as his words are like a sweet symphony to my heart and ears.

My adrenaline is going and I decide to slide over and head to the bar that's behind us and I grab the first clear bottle, Tequila, I grab two shot glasses and head back to Damon. Only this time asserting myself onto his lap.

I hear him let out the lightest groan. I pour us each a shot and then another.

I see the patch of slicked back gray shining in the moonlight, I never thought I'd be so into a man so much older than myself but fuck is this man so fine.

' Are you willing to play my games doll '

He whispers into my neck. I feel the goosebumps form everywhere, I want this man to do these unspeakable things to me. I feel his hand slide up my body as it reaches my throat and he gently grips it pulling me against his chest.

' Y.. Yes Sir ' I whimper

' Good girl ' He growls.

I love when he says those words to me, and he knows it. We're both about tipsy by our third shot as we finish it I feel his hand pull my legs apart letting the cool night breeze brush against my exposed, freshly shaven area.

His fingers creep closer and closer as they reach my bare lips. Sliding his index finger up and down a few times before saying

' Mm no panties tonight .. I like '

His finger now pretty wet, he brings it up to my lips as he slides it into my, so I do what I know he wants. Cleaning it off with my mouth. His dick growing beneath me feels so good.

He stands me up as he grabs my hand and pulls me forward, no words are spoken as he takes me back into house, heading up a long set of spiraling stairs. I watch as he unlocks the door and flips the lights on, they're very dim. I get a look at the vintage looking room filled with gorgeous antique materials.

' Bed, Now '

His words vibrate through me as I do as I'm told. I sit on the edge of the bed as he goes to what I see is a closet, I can't see inside though. He brings back a small-ish box but it still requires both hands to carry. He places it on the bed beside me as he tells me to open it.

I open the lid and see a box full of toys.. Of ALL sizes, brand new. I look at him in amazement and curiosity.

' Really? '

' Yes ' He replies dryly before continuing.

' I need you to be atleast half ready for me .. We both know you're scared of me .. So I bought you .. Erm .. practice '

He chuckles. As if I'm some kind of fragile being. I stand up, my head reaching only at his pecs before saying something I almost regret.

' I'm not scared of you Damon '

His dark eyes glimmering with excitement as he smiles. Without a second thought his hand is wrapped around my throat and neck, gripping tight, holding me in place before he responds.

' You should be love .. Or maybe I should show you '

He growls as he grabs the black nylon rope from the box and wraps it around my wrists as he uses it to lead me onto the bed tying it to the metal headboard. My heart thumping, the throbs in my pussy beating so hard it almost hurts. I can't move as my arms are bound above my head.

' I told you your mouth is going to get you in trouble love .. '

I see his buldge almost breaking the seams of his pants, Damon unbuttons his bottoms as he let's them pool at his feet, letting me get a better view.

Jesus Christ. Is all I can think of. I swear he can smell my sweetness, he knows I like this.. Somethings I'm learning about myself as well.

' My mouth is good for a alotta things Mr. Wright ... ' I tease him.

' Oh I plan to find that out '

I watch as he takes a few steps to the bed before finishing

' I knew I'd have to bound to my bed .. Now you're mine to play with '

I watch as he uses very little effort to rip my dress, right down the middle. My chest moving up and down as his excitement is growing. His eyes graze my body leaving no inch of me unlooked. Tracing his finger from my nipple down to my navel then down to my clit. Forcing my legs apart before his middle and index finger run along me a few times exposing just how turned on I am.

I whimper ever so lightly as he teases me for only a few moments before he walks over to the box and grabs a toy, it's big but I don't want him to know I'm more nervous than I think I should be. He slowly makes his way back to my side as he looks down at me and says

' Open '