075. Visiting Great Wall. Bickering between Song Youzhen and Ye Manman

Ye Manman urged Song Youzhen to sit in the passenger seat.

She thought she could let Su Yan touch her legs later.

But Song Youzhen also insisted, "Manman, you should sit up front."

"Alright." Ye Manman reluctantly agreed.

Su Yan watched the two women, both seemingly on the verge of bickering, and felt utterly helpless. Women, no matter their age, always seemed to be jealous. The tension between them was unmistakable, and he feared they might start a real argument one day.

In the end, the two women settled on either side of Su Yan in the back seat. It was a bit cramped, but Su Yan couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of being surrounded by their soft fragrance and the luxury of the Maybach's seats.

As he absentmindedly traced the stitching of the car seat, he mused about Maybach. In just a few years, it would be acquired by Mercedes-Benz and cease to exist as an independent super-luxury brand, merging with the S-Class. What a shame, he thought.

If I ever open my investment company, I'll buy a true, full-blooded Maybach—with a driver, of course.

Lost in his thoughts, Su Yan suddenly felt Ye Manman take his hand and place it gently on her lap. He didn't pull away, simply resting his hand there as they drove.

When they arrived at the Great Wall, Su Yan gazed at the breathtaking view and felt a rush of emotions. In his previous life, he hadn't been one for travel. Not because he didn't want to, but because poverty shackled his dreams. When you're struggling to make ends meet, who has the luxury to travel?

But now, things were different. Completely different.

"Aunt Song, the Great Wall is truly magnificent," Su Yan said, his voice filled with admiration. "If it weren't for the Great Wall, our nation would have suffered much more. Qin Shihuang was truly remarkable."

Both Song Youzhen and Ye Manman exchanged puzzled glances.

"Qin Shihuang?" Ye Manman asked, confused. "Wasn't building the Great Wall one of his acts of tyranny? Everyone criticizes him for that."

Su Yan smiled. "Qin Shihuang wasn't a tyrant."

In 2008, most people still saw Qin Shihuang as a tyrant, Su Yan knew. People's understanding of history was often skewed by popular opinion. But in truth, the first emperor's merits far outweighed his faults.

"Wasn't he?" Song Youzhen asked skeptically.

Su Yan nodded. "He was misunderstood. Think about it. He escaped to the State of Zhao at just three years old and didn't return to Qin until he was nine. He ascended the throne at thirteen and quelled the Lao Ai rebellion by nineteen."

He recounted Qin Shihuang's achievements one by one. But when he spoke about Lao Ai's execution, Su Yan felt a pang of sympathy—perhaps the kind that only men understand.

"Ying Zheng unified the six kingdoms. That alone would be enough to secure his place in history as an emperor for the ages. He standardized the writing system and even the axles of carts. Without him, our Dragon Kingdom might have been divided into hundreds of small nations like Europe."

Su Yan spoke with such conviction that both women listened intently, unable to take their eyes off him. How was it that an 18-year-old could know so much about history? Ye Manman and Song Youzhen were in awe of Su Yan's knowledge.

"The Great Wall," Su Yan continued, "wasn't just some random whim. It protected the kingdom from the Xiongnu. Every year, countless lives were lost to their invasions. The Great Wall was built to defend against those threats and ultimately saved many lives. It's true that the project was arduous and cost many lives, but it secured the future of our nation. Qin Shihuang knew he would be criticized, but he didn't have a choice."

The two women, now seeing Qin Shihuang in a new light, couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for Su Yan. His understanding of history was truly impressive.

At that moment, Su Yan's phone rang. It was Wang Sicong.

"Hey, Mr. Su," Wang's voice came through. "Where are you? I've arrived at the Great Wall."

Su Yan spotted Wang Sicong's Lamborghini at the foot of the mountain and grinned. "I see you. Bringing a supercar to the Great Wall, huh?"

Wang Sicong chuckled awkwardly. "Well, I brought a girl with me."

Su Yan knew Wang Sicong's tastes well. The young billionaire had a habit of cycling through internet celebrity girlfriends, most of whom had faces that seemed molded from the same plastic surgery template.

"Alright, I see you. Come on up," Su Yan said.

As Wang Sicong and his girlfriend approached, Song Youzhen's curiosity was piqued. "Xiaoyan, is that your rich second-generation friend with 'no future'?"

Su Yan smiled. "Yeah, we met at an auction. His dad wants him to learn business from me. We're just hanging out today."

When Wang Sicong and his girlfriend arrived, the internet celebrity girl greeted Su Yan with an overly sweet, high-pitched "Hello, Mr. Su."

Su Yan offered her a polite smile, but he couldn't help but feel a bit repulsed by the artificiality of it all. Compared to Ye Manman and Song Youzhen, she didn't even come close. The difference in beauty and grace was striking.

Wang Sicong's love for these plastic-faced internet celebrities must have been ingrained in his DNA, Su Yan thought wryly.

Watching Wang Sicong fawn over Su Yan, both Ye Manman and Song Youzhen were left in stunned silence. So this was the "useless second-generation" friend Su Yan had mentioned—Wang Sicong, son of Wang Jianlin, one of the richest men in China!


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