Chapter 12: flood gate of emotions

Authors pov


Y/n says.. It's more of a question that needs no answer as of yet since she already knows, As soon as dabi hears her say his name he instantly take her hand in his, His heart full of emotion just as much as Y/n's is.

"God.. yes.. yes it's me" 

He replies, taking her hand up to his face and placing it there leaning into her touch. She already knew the answer but hearing it .. hearing it from him makes this real... and far more intense.. she has so many questions and rightfully so.. 

Y/n pov

My mind is still spinning.. with thoughts, emotions.. as relieved as i am i'm also mad.. angry.. There's a chained spiral of endless questions in my head that i need answers to but for now i'll hold of some of them and ask those that are far more important.

"How.. is this possible..? you were.. you died in that fire.. didn't you??" 

Well obviously he isn't dead but i need to know how, so i asked..tears threatening to spill, i've missed him.. i was devastated when that incident happened, i thought he was gone and i even believed it but now that he's in front of me it's almost overwhelming..

"i got out.. it was my own quirk that caused that very fire.. but i made it out" 

As he answers my question it opens a flood gate to more questions.. why didn't he come back? where has he been all these years? what has he been doing? how could he leave me to think he had died??! HOW?!.. 

"Why didn't... why.. didn't you come back? why let us think you died? WHY?!"

I couldn't stop the anger and hurt in my tone from surfacing.. my voice cracking as i asked, i needed to know why he had kept everyone in the dark.. why he kept me of all people in the dark?!.. how could he just do that..

"i know, i know your mad.. you have every right to be but i had my reasons.. I had a reason for all that i did and why i did.. what i did Y/n and i swear it wasn't to hurt you.. not at all"

I know i asked him that question.. but i'm getting angry.. and what reason? what reasons??! what could have been so important as to run away and let people think he had died.. doesn't he know how much it had hurt me? how much it broke me?? to know the one person i care most about was gone... or so i thought... i felt alone for so long.. which made my anger damn near breaking point.

"what ..reasons..Start explaining what was so important that you just UP AND LEFT letting me think you died.. DO YOU KNOW HOW HURT I WAS??? i thought you died. So by all means.. do fucking explain."

I border-line yelled that at him, i had been holding back tears and now they were just on the verge of falling as my frustration increased and continued to increase.. i hated it.. i feel weaker than i've ever felt..

Authors pov

After that dabi started to explain his reasonings, Telling her all she asked and wanted to know. The main reason for what touya did was his father.. of course.. Touya and His father were close at the beginning.. he used to train him show him love.. make him feel wanted, Which made touya feel happy.

when Enji found out that touya's quirk harmed him he stopped training him.. stopped spending time with him and instead replaced him with shoto which made him feel unwanted.. hurt.. abandoned hell even forsaken and that alone was enough to unstabilize his mental health enough that it validated his actions to leave.. runaway and let people think he had died just so that he could come back sooner or later to hit Enji where it hurt the most. 

Y/n listened intently.. soaking it all in and it made her even more angry but not at dabi instead at his father this time.. she already knew his family had some issues but while listening to him and his explanation all she wants to do is comfort with him.. show him that he isn't unwanted.. not even in the slightest.

In a heartbeat Y/n pulled him into a hug holding him tightly, supplying him with much needed comfort and in that moment everything was forgotten.. the world around them dissipated the only thing that now mattered was that they were together again.. dabi wrapped his arms around y/n just as tightly burying his face into the crook of her neck.. relashing the feeling of her being close to him.. the feeling of her touch and the warmth of her body providing support.