Chapter 1:Reunion

I looked at his head crouched between my legs

"Mmmm you taste so good"he looked up with a devilish smile and started to kiss a path up my lower abdomen towards my already hardened nipples,I moaned hard.

It felt so illegal for sex to feel this good with my cousin,yes you heard me right,my cousin Hardin ,Now i know what you're probably thinking but it never started out this way,alright,take a little walk down memory lane.

Hardin and I have always had a love hate relationship since we were four,the hate in that sentence being us at every opportunity we get,while the love was just in front of our moms so they would leave us alone.

We never agreed on anything,always fought at every interval,we we're polar opposites and of course we hated each other to the core.

We were raised together by our moms and hardin's dad in the countryside,we all lived together and there was no single day we weren't separated from a fight.

Until Hardin left for military school when we were 12,so were apart for some years and everything was peaceful,it was just me ,my mom,my younger sister reece who was four at the time,hardin's mom and hardin's dad,my dad was in the military so we barely saw him.

Until one day,I was feeding the horses at the ranch and I heard noise from inside the house,like they were screaming excitedly,I decided to go check it out.

I got to the porch and got the biggest shock of my life,it was Hardin,he was back from military school,but that wasn't what surprised me,it was the fact that he didn't looked like 12 year old scrawny Hardin.

I mean I know it's been six years and it would make complete sense that he grew up,I know I did,but he filled out like a lottt,he was wayyyy taller than I imagined him,he has grown muscles,he was looking like some hot model off the cover of a magazine.

I didn't even know I was staring until my mom beckoned on me,

"Oh come on Marcy,don't just look,come say hi to your favorite cousin"

I scoffed,(favorite my foot,we hated each other's guts)I thought as I walked over to where he was standing looking at me like he'd never seen me before.

"Hey Hardin"i said and then looked away,for some weird reason I couldn't muster the courage to look him in the eye.

"Hello Marcy,long time no see"he gave a very weird smile like he was wanted to say something but was restricted by the presence of every one else.

We had always hated each other, even till he left, we barely ever talked,the only words we said to each other were insults so I was kinda expecting one, nothing's changed.

"Okay my baby needs to rest,it's must have been a tiring journey"said hardin's mom, Aaliyah,she led him upstairs "Let me show you to your room so you can freshen up,he followed her upstairs.

My mom started making dinner while I assisted her in the kitchen,I always liked staying in the kitchen while my mom cooked, she was such a great cook and I wanted to be just like her.

Aunt Aaliyah came and joined us in the kitchen,not to cook tho,just sit around and gossip while my mum cooked, that was the routine most times and they loved it that way.

I sat on one of the kitchen chairs,I looked at them while they gossiped,I had always loved their friendship since I was little,they were more like best friends than sisters which made me wonder sometimes if they were really sisters because they looked nothing alike.

My mom was a blonde with blue eyes while Aunt Aaliyah was a Latina, although their husbands were best friends so that probably contributed.

My dad and hardin's dad had opened the ranch before my dad joined the military,but now, hardin's dad manged it,it was a big family business with lots of we were kinda rich.

I decided to go to my room and change,I promised Reece I would take a swim with her at the swimming pool by 6 and it was almost 6.

I went upstairs,I was about to enter my room when i noticed the room opposite was open,i peeked and saw Hardin standing butt naked,it looked like he just came out of the shower,his towel was on the floor and he was holding a pair of briefs.

I kept staring like I hadn't seen a good looking butt before, although this one was too sexy for me to ignore,(eww Marcy,he's your cousin,the one you hate remember).

I was about to turn around and enter my room,but then I stepped on one of reece's Lego men collection.

"Ow fuck,oh shit that hurts".

Hardin turned around and saw me crouched holding my hurt foot,he tied his towel and came out of the room to where I was bent on the floor.

"Ohhh did that hurt? "

"Yeah,it really..."

He started laughing,"what makes you think.i care nitwit,it's makes me feel good seeing you're hurt"

I frowned"Good to see you haven't changed a bit you blockhead "

He smiled"Not even a little bit"

I stood up facing him"Exactly why my hate for you hasn't diminished a single bit"

He smirked"Heard you got into college? "

"That's none of your fucking business "i entered my room and slammed the door behind me.(Gosh,I hated him so much).

I went to my closet and picked up up one of one piece swimwear,I chuckled as I held it up,my mom always called it the stripper wear,cus it was a very exposy kind of one piece,the only places covered were my breasts and my vagina of course,the rest parts were opened because it was a shredded design.

So I only wore it to swim at home,I had other ones for the beach and vacations.I put it on and wrapped a towel around my waist, then headed to reece's room.

"Hello little big sister,ready for the pool "I always called her that because she always claimed that she wasn't a little girl anymore even if she was just ten.

"Hi Marce,oh you're already dressed for the pool"

"Yeah,aren't you gonna swim anymore"

"Ummm,yeahhh but I lost one of my Legos and I've been searching everywhere for it".

"I saw one on the floor in the hallway,a Lego man,is it not?"

"No,that one's trent,I'm looking for riyah,Just go ahead without me,I'll catch up later,even if I don't,we could do it tomorrow,we have the whole summer after all".

"Yeah,you're right"I sighed and left her room,I liked swimming with Reece,she was my little sister but she was basically my best friend,I couldn't imagine life without her.

I went downstairs and met my mom and aunt Aaliyah still in the kitchen,they both had glasses of wine in their hands and were laughing breathlessly.

My mom turned towards me,"Honey,dinner's gonna be ready in an hour"

"Alright mom",I increased my pace because I knew what was coming next"Also Marce,could you try and bond with your cousin,you guys have been apart for quite a long time"(It's not as if we were close in the first place)I nodded"Okay mum" .

I was opening the patio doors when I heard Aunt Aaliyah say "Hardin's gonna be coming to the pool shortly,he told me he was gonna go for a swim,so maybe you guys can start your bonding process there"I nodded and closed the patio doors behind me (This definitely wasn't gonna be good)