Chapter 2:she's so hot

Hardin's POV

I didn't expect to see Marcy like this,I mean I know it's been six years but she had really evolved over the years,even though she was trying her best to show me hate just like the old days,there was something about the way that she talked to me that was different,i could tell.

Mum had told me that she was going to be at the pool,I wanted to go back to my room and sleep,but mum would definitely think something was off.

I opened the patio doors and stepped outside,she was emerging from the pool towards the sun chairs,she had not noticed my presence,i wasn't supposed to be staring at my cousin this way but she had definitely added in the right places,like she was so hot,i mean she had such great boobs and a perfect ass and everything,i sometimes had to occasionly hold my breath whenever i was around her,plus that swimwear she put on was invoking the wrong choices.

"You know I could get you a picture to put on your ceiling so you could get to look as long as you want..."

I turned,i had been so lost in my thoughts that he hadn't noticed she sat on one of the sun chairs,she folded her legs and was basking in the evening sunlight.

"What makes you think I would want to stare at you, pigface?"I dived into the swimming pool and took some strokes,then I held my breath and submerged myself in the water,i didn't like the way my body was responding to her presence.

I stayed under the water for exactly one minute,then came out and saw her talking to one of the ranch workers,a good looking one by the way,he looked lije he was around i and marcy's age,she was standing facing him directly,I don't know why I felt somewhat relieved that she had tied her towel around her waist.

Their conversation seemed casual but what made me walk towards them was the look of anxiety or was it fear on her face.As I got closer,I started hearing their conversation,

" you really have to come check it out because I don't think she's going to survive"

"What's going on?"marcy looked surprised that I asked.

"Umm,Nathan here has just informed me that Miranda's having difficulties with childbirth"she faced Nathan"Let me change into some overalls,I'll be there in a minute "

Nathan nodded and started walking towards the ranch.

She faced me and said"Miranda's one of the cows that's expecting, she appears to be experiencing minor difficulties with childbirth.

She started walking towards the house,I decided to follow her because I was intrigued by the thought of a cow giving birth,I've never seen such before.

"Are you following me?"

"Yeah,I wanna see how you deliver the cow"

"Alright then"

I followed her to the garage where she picked up a pair of black coveralls on top of her swimwear,then she wore some boots and a pair of gloves.

She looked at me"Aren't you going to put on some coveralls,it's chilly outside and the cowshed is definitely not the cleanest place to be"she took a pair of coveralls and handed them to me,i took them whilst looking at her.

This was the first time since we were born that she was being nice to me,infact this was the first time that we were even having a conversation without any form of insultsat all.

I took the overalls and put them on,she gave me a pair of boots,"I don't know if they're going to fit tho,they were my dad's, these are the only ones that might be your size.

"Thanks"I said"who taught you how to birth calves anyways.

She chuckled"well, Alexander the great,while you were away fighting world war 20,I learnt some skills of my own,so i work at the ranch during summers"she went sad all of a sudden"I just hope Miranda makes it through childbirth, she's literally my favorite".

I don't know what prompted me but I held her hand"Don't worry,I'm pretty sure you're gonna do a great job, Miranda will be fine"

She looked up at me and nodded,we locked eyes for a few seconds but it felt like ages and then she retracted her hand and cleared her throat

"Let's go"she started walking towards the shed and I followed thinking of the way we stood staring at each other,that was definitely awkward.