Chapter 3: Supergirl to the rescue

Hardin's POV

I watched her, crouched on the floor trying to deliver miranda,she had this confident look on her face,like she knew what she was doing,I marveled at how she was so at ease ,approaching the issue matter of factly,nevertheless Miranda looked like she was in a great deal of pain.

Nathan was hovering about trying to help,I don't know why but i didn't like the way he was always trying to be close to her,it annoyed me.She seemed to had discovered where the problem was coming from,she looked up to me and said

"Nathan's is going to help hold her down in case she tries to get up, I'm going to need your help with delivering this calf,it's coming out backwards,and i know he can't do that alone,so just stay by it's side incase it tries to get up"

"What do you mean it's coming out backwards? "I asked

"It's coming out with the hind legs instead of the front hooves,I'm going to push this little guy up enough that i can straighten his hind legs out."

I maveled at the fact that this young girl was doing a job I'm pretty sure some guys don't have the balls to do,the calm,soft way she spoke and assessed the situation showed she sympathized with the cow's pain

I stepped forward and saw the two feet protruding from the vulva,I bent to the side of the cow and watched as she tried pushing the calf back in,the front of her coveralls was now covered with blood and a strand of her hair from the ponytail she had pulled it into clung to her face,I subdued the unexpected urge to smoothen it back for her.

After what seemed like forever,she said"okay I've got the back hooves out,now we're on the right path".

The drama of the whole situation was somehow making me tense,I knew she was doing a good job but look at me here being worried for an animal I just met today.

The process went on a little while longer with the cow pushing and Marcy helping to push the calf forward until it finally slid into the straw in a heap.

Marcy smiled,she had a little look of triumph on her face that intrigued me,Nathan picked up the calf and moved it to the side of its mother,placing it back on the straw.

She looked at me and said"Now I have to make sure there's no other one coming".

"She could have another one?"I asked,surprised by this information

"Yeah we've had it happen before" I hoped for the sake of Miranda that it wouldn't happen now.After a minute or so,she said "Looks like that's it"She sat back on her heels and patted the cow"You did a great job , Miranda".

Her face was alight with satisfaction and the kind of relief I felt when Miranda had delivered safely.

She looked down to the little calf and said"welcome to the other side"the calf let out a half hearted bleat, marcy laughed"looks like she arrived with an appetite".

Nathan gave the cow a pat "you did really good, Miranda and you too Marcy,but then you always do"he winked and Marcy smiled at him.

I was resisting the urge to scoff,what was it with this guy and his horrible flirting,just after a delivery, seriously!But why was why I feeling jealous anyways,their flirting was none of my business,at least that was what I told myself.

"These two have some bonding to do,out time here is up"she wiped her damp forehead on her shoulder and looked up at me and smiled"Thanks for your help,Hardin,meant a lot"

I smoothened the hair strand that was clinging to her face back to her hair,her smile widened,I don't ever remember someone's smile affecting me the way this particular one she gave me did right now,it was genuine,like she really appreciated me being there and giving a hand.

I thought of all the girls I had been with in the past,no one could definitely measure up to my cousin,she was definitely a supergirl,it was crazy but true.