Chapter 7:Stiff Dancer

Hardin's POV

Chemistry isn't just the psychological and emotional interaction you have with someone,it isn't just the gooey feeling you get in your tummy when your hands brush,or when your heartbeats are in sync.No it's way much more than that.

Chemistry is the feeling I get whenever her name is called even when she's not there,the way my breath hitches and my heartbeat pace increases whenever I even have a little thought of her.

Chemistry is the way we both went stiff when she touched my hand when she was passing the salt later that evening during dinner,our eyes locked and I nearly spilled all the salt on my food.

But what made it feel so unreal was the fact that I've only been home four days,how many days does it take to fall in love with a girl you've practically known for years?

Marcy's POV

They could literally cut the tension in this car with a knife,we were on our way to the roller skating,my mum decided to drive her rv and Reece called shutgun,since Hardin didn't want to sit with jayla,so his dad and mum drove their rv with jayla and Nathan while it was me and Hardin were at the backseat of my mum's rv with Reece up front with my mom.

He hadn't really said a word to me since our kiss at the hay barn and although I hated to admit it,I had feelings for him,so in order not to get hurt,I decided to keep my distance,it was better safe than sorry,he was my cousin after all.

We got to the place where we were going jamskating,we all got down and went straight to the roller rink ,we all got our skates,I put mine on and entered the rink, Dua lipa's levitating was playing in the background.

I was always swaying and skating to the music and for a minute I forgot where I was ,I just had this ethereal feeling,I was at peace with myself for a moment then my my eyes darted across the room and I saw the most unbelievable thing,

Hardin couldn't skate,not for any particular reason,he didn't just know how to,he was gripping the railings of the roller rink like his life depended on it,I saw jayla skate his way to help him out but he declined her help.

It was a pretty funny sight ,seeing him struggle with the skates,Reece skated over to where I was ,

"Pretty horrible huh?"

I looked at her,she was defini holding in a laugh,

"Yeah it is pretty horrible"

"Nah I think it's more of pitiful,why don't you help him out marce,you're pretty good at roller skating"I looked at Hardin again,he looked like he definitely needed it.

I rolled my eyes"fine,fine I'll help him out"I skated over to where he was struggling with his skates and held out a hand,

"Looks to me like you need some help"

He looked at me for a moment and then took the hand I held out,for a second I saw a look of relief on his face

"Okay so,skating is all about the flow,you have to move your body to the rhythm"i said swaying my hips left and right to show him,his eyes lingered on my body,he kept looking like he was mesmerized.

My heart rate increased and I could feel my cheeks immediately start to burn,something about the "not so holy"look he always gave me made my stomach do a flip.

I tried to focus on the task at hand and not his gaze,

"Okay now,you try,just feel the rhythm,that's all ,then you flow with the beat and sway left ,right".

He tried to follow my instructions and was swaying but he was missing the flow,he looked like he was struggling,

I took his other hand and said,

"Alright,here's what's gonna happen,you're gonna follow my lead,okay"I took his hands and placed them on my waist,feeling the heat of his palms on me,he looked me in the eyes,I could see the hunger and need in them,I shuddered.

He let out a low chuckle "cold?"

"No,your hands are so warm,I didn't expect the heat"

"Oh so you like the heat then,huh?"he said with a smile caressing my waist with his thumbs,that little motion already made my panties soak,i cleared my throat and tried my best not to appear stricken by his little caresses.

"Alright now ,I want you to come a little closer,just a little and follow my lead"

He nodded and practically dragged me to him,so close that I got a whiff of his spicy cologne . I could feel every inch and part of his body,it made me squirm.He looked me in the eyes and then his gaze lowered to my lips,I felt the urge to damn everyone else to hell and kiss him right there and then,but I resisted.

We were still swaying in synchronized harmony,and now ,Every kind of way by H.E.R was playing,his hands still encircled around my waist,staring at me like if he looked away,I would disappear,he seemed to be getting the hand of it,we were skating like we were one person and not two,and for a split second,the world went quiet.

He brought his lips to my ear and said "you always seem to be tempting me each time,how long do you think I could resist?"

He ran his hand along my spine and I shivered "if only you know how much I want you"he brought his body closer to mine and I felt the evidence,and for a split moment I thanked God that we were at the corner of the roller rink.

He was about to lower in for a kiss when I heard someone scream,I turned to see aunt Aaliyah beckoning for us to come,we skated to the table where they were seated,everyone was seated at the table except Reece,my mom was crying in aunt Aaliyah's arms.

"Mom,what's going on"she just kept crying,everyone at the table was silent with sad looks on their faces,

"What's going on?"i was becoming frantic, aunt Aaliyah sighed deeply and said

"Jayla and Reece went to get some ice cream from the truck,jayla said she was paid for their icecream only for her to look down and she couldn't find Reece,we've pratically searched everywhere,

"Honey your sister's missing"the words kept echoing in my ears,this definitely had to be a joke.