Chapter 8:Bottled up emotions

I know I probably looked like I was going crazy,but i didn't care,I had pulled off my skates leaving only my socks on,I searched everywhere,the toilets,the arcade close to the roller rink,the rental shops,everywhere,it was like Reece suddenly disappeared.

I was frustrated at the thought of losing my only sister,tears rolled down my cheeks,she was probably scared shitless;as much I knew Reece liked to act as if she was tough,I was the only one that knew she was just a soft little girl.

I was walking back to the roller rink to tell them I still hadn't find her,my hair a total mess,mascara streaks down my face,I could feel the stares from everyone but couldn't care less,then I noticed it.

The door close to the roller rink ,side by side with the rental shop,it had a sign on it that said "STAFF MEMBERS ONLY " but that wasn't what drew my attention,it was the fact that the door was slightly ajar,a voice at the back of my head told me to just ignore it and focus on the search for my sister but my guts kept telling me to go check it out.

I walked to the door,looked around to make sure no one noticed me,then I entered only to find my baby sister on the floor,her head to her knees like she wanted to shut out the whole world or something.

For a moment I was so stunned I couldn't approach her,I just stood there watching her cry silently ,the sight broke my heart,I knelt down by her side,

"Reece,baby it's marce what's wrong?everyone has been scared shitless ,we thought you went missing or something"

She looked at me and removed her hands from knees and that when i saw the reason on her shorts,I hugged her tightly,she must have been horrified by what she saw that she went to hide,

"I noticed I was bleeding and got scared,then I left jayla amd this was the only place I would hide that no one would notice me"she said in between sniffs.

"But why didn't you call me sweetie?"

"You we're on the rink when I left,I figured you wouldn't be with your phone,and I didn't know why I was bleeding from there so I freaked out"

"Well it's okay Reece,this is normal for girls and women,it happens monthly,I'll give you full details when we get home,lucky for you I have a tampon and a pad in my purse,

I dug it out and gave her the pad,

"We'll have to start with that,I'll explain to you how to wear a tampon another time,I gave it to her and gave her instructions on how to wear it and then took of my jacket then gave it to her to tie her waist after she was done.

"Good as new"I said giving her a pat"see,having a period is not so bad after all"she gave a tight hug,then mumbled

"Best sister in the world"I smiled and took her hand ,we walked back to the table ,when the whole family saw us approaching,then all ran towards us and practically lifted Reece up not minding the gaze of everyone else in rink.

My mum was busy being a drama queen as usual ,tears streaking down her face,Latin kisses on every part of Reece's face,Reece looked like she was struggling for air.

I smiled at the sight,it was lovely,jayla walked over to where I was standing and said

"Marce I would like to speak with you privately",

"Sure"I followed her to the much quieter side of the room

"What's up jayla?"

She took a deep breath "I just found out something concerning your cousin,my question is how long were you going to hide this from me Marce,I thought we were best friends"

My heart skipped a bit,there was no way she found out so soon,did Hardin tell her something.

I looked over to where he was standing at the end of the room,one thing was for sure he was as clueless as I was.