Once, there was a girl, not just little but vast in spirit. Meet Hannah, a princess reigning over her own realm. Her heart, feather-light, floated above a life dense with trials. Carved from the stone of sorrow, it still blossomed with unyielding kindness. Unbeknownst to her, a destined day approached when she'd find herself cherished by her Prince Charming. And who might that be? Enter Christian Beckett, a prince whose beauty was as striking as his heart was cold. The calmer Hannah remained, the colder Christian appeared, a perfect paradox, like the dance of opposite poles in a magnetic embrace. Here, the laws of attraction play their part—no need to rush, let the story unfold.

The day was bright as the sun and so is she.

Black was her happy colour, and she looked wearing elegant as ever. The white as snow complexion with perfectly manicured nails, and her Hazel brown orbs. Oh, she's getting late for her classes, waiting for her bus to arrive. Panicked looking at her wrist watch. Still, she managed to reach the university on time but not really if she had her mini cat walk session in the corridors through the crowd.

"Excuse me! Coming through!!" And,.... "Ouch!" She said.

"Well, lady watch out while walking". The male voice echoed through the corridor.

Looking at her flawless features, he was mesmerised.Heart beats synched as the clocks ticked.

"I'm sorr...sorry! I didn't mean to..." she stuttered while looking through his deep ocean blue orbs.

"You must be running late, I could say looking at your anxious self..." he shrugged looking at her beaded cold sweat formed on her forehead. It was mid January, though the sun shines brighter, one could always tell it was cold enough to get a mild flu.

"Yeah..." she said rushing while picking up the scattered books. She's running late man and the dude just looking at her as if she's a human disguised mannequin. He's not wrong though, indeed she is.

"Mind, helping?" She asked interrupting his thoughts.

"Sure thing." He said taking a huge diversion from his not so impenetrable thoughts.

"Thank you?" She said expecting his name in return.

"Um...Christian." He said as if he could read her like an open book.

"Hannah Grace. Nice meeting you". She said throwing her best smile.

What just happened? Why am I even staring at her? Nevermind. He thought to himself and left to spend the rest of his day practicing for his forthcoming basketball match.

Though both were bound by the same university walls, fate kept them unseen to each other. His days were a blur of "practice" over "classes," always finding ways to escape the monotony of lectures. Hannah, however, felt a deep empathy for her professors, unwilling to let their efforts go unappreciated. She chose to drown herself in extra classes, preferring the burden of knowledge over the thought of breaking a teacher's heart. Through all the odds, they were destined to meet each other today. No offence, but it was love at first sight for him, it's just that he haven't realised that yet.