"Christian? Christian? Are you there? CHRISTIAN!!" Lucas, his practice mate screamed into Christian's ears as he's so drowned in his thoughts.

"Yeah, what is it?" The latter asked unbothered about the former's frustration.

"Yeah? Christian Beckett ? The hell is wrong with you? We're supposed to be practicing right now and here you are! What's so interesting than our match this weekend? Dude you're freaking me out." Lucas said complaining his behaviour.

"Just like that..." Christian shrugged while Lucas blankly stares at his void reply.

Both went practicing, while Christian still drowned into his new addiction.

Meanwhile, Clarke the fangirl came panting into the classroom.


"What does it have to do with me ? I'd rather drown myself with the notes and assignments " Hannah thought to herself and shrugged but what Clarke said next clicked her brain.

"CHRISTIAN BECKETT WILL BE THE CAPTAIN AGAIN AFTER ALL THOSE ALLEGATIONS THIS TIME!" Clarke said and the entire classroom went saying "Yeahhh THE Captain is Back!"

"Christian Beckett? Isn't that guy from morning? Yes he is! But how come I didn't realise that he was our university heart throb?? Should I go watch his match? Or just the boring assignments this week? This morning, his beauty figured all his features perfectly...his deep ocean blue eyes, blonde silky hair, well built physique,above all his strong scent of cinnamon. Wait what am I thinking? Maybe I should go to the stadium."

Hannah thought grabbing her backpack and left to the stadium to watch the practice match.

All through the corridors, people were so excited for the upcoming match and were busy selecting their merches. Hannah could hear the captain still away from the stadium door. That's how dominating his voice was. The never visited stadium looked very strange for her to enter. There she stood in front of the door that's supposed to be the entrance, at least to her pov. Walking through the door and passing through an equipment room, the next moment she knew that it's fucked up. She's directly led into the court. Yes, the basketball court while the match was already in progress.

Who would've expected that the girl who's never interested in sports would enter the basketball court with such an audacity to enter through the players entrance. Given the crowd, all she could think is dig a big hole and bury herself right beneath this platform. Even before she could process anything, the basketball was ready to land right on her face and she was already questioning her life decisions.

But in fraction of a second, she could feel the strong veiny hand around her waist gripping her securely. Hannah knew who that was realising the same familiar cinnamon scent.

"Oh shoot, among all the players it was definitely him. The day couldn't get any better than this. Oh my! Oh my! People are watching! What have I done! It's so embarrassing. Why can't I just disappear into thin air?" Hannah cursed in her mind.