The next day,rumors ignited, more fiery than any flame, casting shadows that danced with whispers of scandal. She became the storm's eye, a tempest of intrigue and speculation, the name on every lip, the pulse of every conversation. The world watched, entranced, as she turned into the thread weaving through the tapestry of gossip, her story the ink in which the day's headlines were written.

Christian knew she'd be the scape goat to all these preying eyes and it was his business since then. But chose to let it slide until or unless it bothered Hannah.

Little did he know, this would definitely bother Hannah.

Christian, walking through the corridor knew the aura that's been surrounded around him. At the very moment, Lucas came panting "Christian! Hannah... stadium...fangirl..." taking large breaths between each word making Christian to be more cautious.

Christian took large steps with wailing heart, desperate to see those Hazel brown orbs. His mind was an absolute fire on ablaze. Standing in front of the door with fiery look and fisted hand, ready to punch whoever was in front.

Opened the door only to witness emotion less Hannah and whomever supposed to be the fangirl ready to slap. Christian said interrupting, " Dare to lay a finger on her! I swear this'll be the last day of you to be studying in this university". Yes, he's a man of his words and would dare to do anything he promised.

The supposed to be fangirl said "I... I didn't start it, she's the one who pushed me to my limit. I..." before she could blame everything on Hannah, Christian stepped in the conversation saying " I don't care now just get the hell away from here". She left as he possessed his intimidation on her.

Once she's gone, Christian made sure if that lady hurt Hannah somewhere by checking on her exposed skin.

"Are you alright?" Christian asked in order to double check and Hannah said " No. I'm not alright. What did I even do to her? Why am I punished for everything that I'm not responsible for? " her eyes glazed with burning tears that were ready to fall.

Christian understood the assignment and hugged her tight as possible expecting her to vent out whatever she's been holding back. To his surprise, she hugged him back.

His shirt absorbed the sorrow of her tears, each drop a testament to her anguish. Yet he remained motionless, a steadfast pillar in her storm, offering silent strength until her heart had spilled its every woe.

Witnessing the silent storms behind the thorned rose petals, Christian decided to take ultimate care like she's a delicate thing in the world. Later that evening, he was waiting for Hannah to finish the classes to pick her up. The time went by, she slowly approached him as she saw him waiting.