"Looking for someone? " She said looking everywhere but his eyes. "Yes, looking for you." As he said, he was stunned as well. She looked as gorgeous as ever, her swollen eyes, messy hair and plump lips made her look like a cute fluff ball.

"" She said in cute broken voice and he gently ruffled her hair making it a little more messy than already is.

"Let's go?" Christian asked expecting her to respond in a cuter way to make his heart flutter more.

"To where?" Hannah asked with an expecting tone.

"Is there an extraordinary place that you wanna visit after a hard day? If not I'll take you somewhere." With gentle words, he bestowed upon her the liberty to decide, granting her the precious moments to find her own happiness and peace.

" Let's do both. I wanna visit my happy place as well as know where do you wanna take me"

"Alright then we have better places to visit and more quality time for ourselves. Let's go to my happy place first, I'll show you in and around" Christian uttered with an excitement tone like a child who's looking for chocolates in the convenience store making Hannah look at him adoringly.

Both sharing tenderly feeling on each other, when would they be confronting?

What if the other one felt was just sympathy?What if both had mutual feelings but don't confront each other like an incomplete hearts beating for a complete love?

"Are we there yet?" Hannah asked being blind folded and Christian whispered right in her ear "Just few more minutes Ms.Curious" with a raspy monotone making her crave for more of him and still not be enough of him.

Still being blind folded he helped her walk and she could feel the fresh and gentle breeze piercing through her, sweet fragrance of green grass and moist soil hit her.

"I want you to get your shoes off. Trust me, it's worth it" he said giving her a clue and with zero male ego, helped getting her shoes off. His cold hands touched her feet,

sending tingles through her veins,

sparks igniting in her soul,

as her heart beat wild and fast,

lifting her standards higher still,

in the echo of his touch.

As her feet touched the essence of nature, she could feel the motherly love sent from above. Blood surging through her body gave her peace like a caged bird finally had her freedom to fly. Christian unfolded her and the first thing she did was to hug him tight as possible and never let him go.

Inhaling the strong vanilla and cedar, it slowly intoxicated his entire existence and the thought of never leaving her resided in his mind.

"I always wanted to visit Yolkshire Dales with my parents" Hannah said interrupting his thoughts.

"Then what're you waiting for? Your parents are still living through your memories, they're in your soul and it's my pleasure to lead your way"

" At your service, Highness"

With a graceful bend, he extended his hand towards her, his left arm folded neatly behind his back, a perfect mimicry of a servant offering his service to a queen. His gesture, laden with both respect and subtle charm, spoke volumes in the silence, as if inviting her into a dance that transcended time and place.