She extended her hand towards him like a Queen she is. Looking at each other, both broke with laughter and gasped for air.

"Let me show you around" he held her hand protectively and led the way.

" I used to come here with my mom when I was a child. She was really a beautiful lady with blue eyes and I descended hers. My dad loved her almost like a crazy freak and so did she. But I lost her when I was around 13. At that moment, I not only lost my mother but also her love for eternity and her care. Like a candle snuffed by the wind, her warmth vanished, leaving a void that echoes through the corridors of my heart. The whispers of her love, once a constant, tender lullaby, now drift away like forgotten melodies, and her nurturing hands, that once cradled my fears, are but a memory etched in the twilight of my soul. It was a late pregnancy miscarriage, a loss wrapped in sorrow. Dad blamed himself, and we both needed time to heal, having lost my mom and the little version of her we speculated to be a girl. When we were still together, we spent precious moments deciding her name—Hanissa, a surprising choice that shared your origin. Perhaps that's why I find solace in your presence, Hannah. My love for her is boundless; she was an angel, inside and out. The moon itself would envy her radiance." He smiled as he said how much his mother meant to him. And Hannah comforted him with her little gestures.

It was almost dusk, the dewy sunset looked more ethereal. The dull light casted on Hannah's face made her glow like an outcast. Her Hazel brown orbs glazed like honey seasoned with gold.

"Christian? How did you guys managed to live without your loved ones when they meant the entire world to you?" She asked as if her life depended upon it.

"You know what? Maybe our loved one's dead by body but not by soul. Yes, I loved her more than my being. Do you think she'd be happy if I drowned myself with grief? She'd not want that, isn't it? I want her to be happy even if I had to let go of my sorrow. That's how I managed my pain without her and to love without her being."

Hannah knew what she wanted to do right now as Christian said all these.

"Wanna know what's my happy place?" She asked looking at him with endearment.

He nodded as he smiled and she returned the same.

"Let me drive this time. Don't worry I have my driving licence handy!!" Christian broke with laughter when Hannah said these.

"Don't worry I trust you" Christian said smiling.

After an hour's journey, dusk had already fallen. It was a full moon night, and the moon hung in the sky, beautiful as ever. Sunlight had its charm, but the moonlight's glow was pure serenity. It calmed Hannah, rendering her silent as the deep ocean, wrapped in the tranquility of the night.

"Where are we?" Christian asked having no clue.

"My parents' grave." She said as her smile dropped a bit and a tint of sadness could be seen.

"Come let's go meet them. I wanna introduce myself." He said cheering her a bit.

Hannah led the way with a proud smile on her face to let them know she's on her own now and they can rest easy.