"I'm sorry I just wanted to scare you a bit" Christian said while being nervous with apology written on his face.

Hannah pushed him as her anger reaches at the peak. Unbeknownst her madness, Christian hoped for her forgiveness.

She back faced him and walked away with pissed off facial expression.

Following her with his long steps hoping for tomorrow,

"Han, wait! I apologise for what I did "

"You're so stupid Christian, I swear. Now, buy me a gluten free bread stick" Hannah demanded and he nodded while sighed with relief.

"I'm leaving right now. I've to pick Lett from her office." Hannah said as she looked at the time and Christian let her go while saying,

"Call me when you reach home," and these little gestures were her favourite.

The days passed like in a split of a second and it was the match day already. Christian couldn't care less about the tension building up with his teammates.

"Guys! Listen, I know you're all so tensed up. Trust me, we'll get through this. We're Bradford knights! We've got people who believe on us today. I agree, Rivertown Spartans aren't any less but I know they've no idea how united we are and are capability of bringing them down."Christian's words sure made them cheer up and hope for the victory ahead of them. But a voice echoed, it was Tyler one of his teammate who didn't like Christian being the leader.

"What do you think? We can't fight those Rivertown worms without your so called encouragement? Remember, we just lost it last time. Only if you've controlled your petty anger issues." Tyler screamed his lungs out venting all his anger on him while Christian being done with him losing temper, fisted his hand. Lucas intervened trying to cool down the atmosphere,

"Tyler, you know it wasn't Christian's fault. Just stop blaming him and think straight. We've got a match to win."

Though it wasn't enough for Tyler to shut his mouth but it'd be fine temporarily.

Christian received a call distracting himself from this situation, it was Hannah's.

A small smile crept on his face replacing the anger. But soon replaced with disappointment as Hannah said,

"Christian, I'm sorry we can't make it tonight. We've been caught in a middle of something and can't just leave it as such."

"Oh, it''s fine just take care" Christian said ready to disconnect the call.

"Hey dumbo, I can sense your sad ugly face from right here. Stop that right now and come lead us inside, we can't figure out the entrance." Hannah said smiling as Christian's face lit up.

"You came?!" He asked her expectantly to make sure if she's really there.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Come on! How would I miss the chance of being treated with front row tickets and VIP services?" Hannah said lightening his mood as he rushed to her.

All through the way, fans screamed looking at their Captain with widened eyes and excitement and he can't complain though.

He finally got through all of them reaching her with sweat dripping face that lit up immediately as he saw her.

He held her hand and led the way to an empty room as Scarlett followed them like a lost puppy. Once, they're away from the sights, Christian hugged her to feel the warmth of her while inhaling the scent of her. Hannah hugged him back as she patted on the shoulder comforting him. He stayed like that for a minute.

"Are you guys done? I feel like I'm the one who's third wheeling now." Lett said being annoyed but internally happy for them as if they're some ideal couple. Both Christian and Hannah laughed as they remembered her presence.

"Yeah, Lett I haven't forgotten about you. I bought you guys front row tickets and I've asked my friend to help you guys on the way so don't worry about the snacks or the view, everything's been arranged."

Christian said with cheering tone.

Ryan came into the room to escort Hannah and Scarlett to the reserved seats. Hannah asked Scarlett to go with him first and she'll be back. After Lett's left, Hannah looked at Christian with a huge smile.

"All the very best. I've faith in you. Hope this victory will be yours." Hannah said as she hugged him tighter.

"Trust me, I'll give you the best Han!" He said returning the hug with a smile.

Christian led the way to escort her to the seat as the preying eyes looked at her with full of jealousy, while some looked at her with awe.