Chapter 2: Dowry 2

After carefully putting away all the "dowry", Zhong Cai returned to Yuehe Garden.

This is where their large family of four lives.

As expected, his father Zhong Guanlin was waiting for him in the main courtyard. When he saw him push the door open, he smiled lovingly and praised him, "Little Six, you made me proud today. You helped our fourth branch share the worries of the head of the family."

Zhong Cai laughed and stretched out his hand to Zhong Guanlin, asking for something: "Since I have made Dad proud, shouldn't Dad show some appreciation?" He deliberately squinted his eyes, "I also made the third room bleed heavily, shouldn't Dad reward me?"

Zhong Guanlin slapped his hand in annoyance and said, "Our fourth branch is very poor. You have taken so much money, and you still have the nerve to ask your poor father for money? Your father is counting on you to make more money from the head of the family through this matter."

Zhong Cai withdrew his hand with a chuckle, pressed the mustard seed bag hanging on his waist, and said in a pretended vigilant tone: "I won't share my dowry with Dad."

Zhong Guanlin rolled his eyes and waved his hand, saying, "Alright, who wants your things? Keep them for yourself."

He was indeed not here to plunder Zhong Cai. The fourth branch of the family was actually very wealthy. Zhong Guanlin was so lustful and had so many children, he valued the expansion of his industry. This time he was willing to contribute one of his sons, not because Zhong Cai could be dismissed with the things he got. He wanted to use this incident to get a few industries that he had long been eyeing from the head of the family.

Zhong Cai also understood. After making a joke, he followed his cheap father into the study, sat at the desk, and poured himself some tea.

Zhong Guanlin had some feelings for Zhong Cai. After all, he only had this one son who treated him very kindly. If Zhong Cai's soul imprint wasn't too shallow and the marriage partner wasn't the Wu family, he wouldn't have been willing to marry him off.

"Now, there are only two of us, father and son. Tell me the truth, are you really willing to do this?" There are benefits to it, but it may not be without emotional suffering.

Zhong Cai still did not hesitate: "Of course."

Zhong Guanlin became interested: "Tell me more in detail."

You're just making excuses. Isn't this just something you make up casually?

Zhong Cai pretended to be frank and said, "I have reached the fourth level of the Heavenly Induction Realm. I will need precious medicine to help me break through. When I reach the sixth and twelfth levels, precious medicines are indispensable and will cost a lot. Moreover, I am already eighteen years old. It is difficult for me to open the secret treasure of my soul by myself. When the Heavenly Induction Realm is perfected, I must use secret medicine to strengthen my body and slowly open up the secret treasure palace. When I break through to the first level, I can summon the companion treasure... With such a shallow soul imprint, if I stay in the Zhong family, I can only apply for the prescription of low-grade secret medicine. It will take at least several years to strengthen my body. When I break through the Palace Realm, I will have to wait for a long time. At that time, the family would not give me precious medicine to assist, and I don't know how many years of hard work it would take. The elders in our family with the best qualifications had to be around 40 to summon the palace, let alone me? If this goes on, I dare not imagine when I can successfully summon it." He drank tea to moisten his throat, his expression was very positive, "It's different now. Just by agreeing to marry Mr. Shao Qian, I have already received a large amount of dowry. I also picked out enough precious medicines, top-grade secret medicines, and resources for cultivation in the palace realm in the public treasury. Compared with what I paid, this is simply a great bargain! What else is there to be hypocritical about?"

"Besides, I have won a certain say for Dad. Even if I get married, Dad will still take care of me, right? What's more, I am still married into the Wu family. Even if Young Master Shaoqian can no longer practice in the future, we are still related to the Wu family. If he could have accumulated some connections in the past, maybe he could have gotten some benefits. And I just need to take good care of him. People are kind-hearted, so he won't be angry with me for too long. Even if he has a bad temper, I have tempered my body after all, and my skin is thick and tough, so I can withstand the torture."

The cultivation of secret treasure practitioners cannot be without a companion treasure, because the companion treasure is the medium for attracting the energy of heaven and earth. Without it, they cannot even absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

Most of the time, the higher the grade of the companion treasure, the faster it can draw the energy of heaven and earth, and the earlier the secret treasure will be opened.

Usually, the soul secrets of heaven grade and above will open by themselves after birth; those of earth grade will open before the age of three; and those of mysterious grade will open before the age of ten - occasionally there will be yellow grade secrets. The three top-level mysterious grade daughters of the Zhong family can be said to be the three beauties of the family, and all of them opened by themselves when they were about six years old; and those that open themselves after the age of ten and before the age of sixteen are mostly yellow grade secrets, and only very rarely can there be mysterious grade or other situations; the chance of opening a secret after the age of sixteen and before the age of twenty is extremely slim, and there may not be one in hundreds of years, and almost no one pays attention to what grade can be opened; after the age of twenty, it is completely impossible to open the secret by itself, and one can only wait until one has cultivated to open up a Taoist palace on his own. At that time, he can use the power of the Taoist palace to summon companion treasures, but in this case, ninety-nine percent of the summons are the most common low-grade, also called "bottom grade".

The soul seal is the projection of the companion treasure, and it often matches the grade of the companion treasure. It is a red spot covering the Baihui point on the top of the head. Generally, the higher the grade of the companion treasure, the darker the color of the spot will be - just like Wu Shaoqian, his soul seal is as red as blood - when the companion treasure is destroyed, the soul seal will also disappear.

Therefore, in many cases, soul seals can also be used to judge the approximate qualifications of secret cultivators.

Some cultivators who have not yet opened the secret treasures of their souls by the age of twenty have very strong soul imprints, so the companion treasures they summon by themselves may also be able to reach a relatively high grade.

But when Zhong Cai was born, his soul mark was only a light red, which was almost a "death sentence" and he was definitely a low-end product.

It was also because of his shallow soul imprint and poor aptitude that he started practicing at the age of six, but now, twelve years have passed, and he is only at the fourth level of Tianyin Realm.

Even more so—

Even so, Zhong Cai's cultivation speed is considered very fast among the lowest level.

Zhong Guanlin felt relieved when he saw that Zhong Cai explained it so clearly.

"You are so sensible, your father is very pleased." He patted Zhong Cai's shoulder, "But don't underestimate your father, kid. I have a medium-grade prescription in my hand, and I was planning to use it on you."

—That's not a lie.

Among all his sons, Zhong Guanlin valued the best one, the only one with Xuan-grade qualification, who happened to be his eldest son, Zhong Han, and he regarded him as someone who could bring honor to his family. The second was his sixth son, who was like an ordinary father and son, and they were very relaxed. So although he would apply for a high-grade prescription for his eldest son, he was also prepared to give some gold and silver to give the sixth son a medium-grade one.

Zhong Cai didn't expect that Zhong Guanlin would have such a plan for him, but he changed his mind and felt that it was not in vain that he had saved his reputation, and it didn't seem too strange, after all, he was almost the same. Apart from Wu Shaoqian in this world, he only had some feelings for this stepfather, although these feelings were quite limited and far less than the feelings he had for Wu Shaoqian, who he could trust with his life and death, but if conditions permitted, he was willing to show his filial piety appropriately.

So Zhong Cai immediately said earnestly: "Dad, I am grateful for your kindness. Now I have the opportunity to share your worries, and it is my duty..."

After a conversation between the father and son, they roughly confirmed that they would not lose contact with each other after Zhong Cai got married. Zhong Guanlin would help Zhong Cai when he needed it, and if Zhong Cai had a good relationship with Wu Shaoqian and could bring any benefits to Zhong Guanlin, he would also actively introduce Zhong Guanlin to him.

Maybe the chat deepened the relationship between father and son, Zhong Guanlin even gave Zhong Cai 10,000 gold as a dowry, which immediately attracted a lot of flattery from Zhong Cai, making Zhong Guanlin's face full of smiles.


Zhong Cai returned to his own courtyard and began to pack his dowry.

He now has four mustard seed bags in his hand, so...

The first one was used as a small treasury, with 40,000 gold in it; the other one was used to store warming and nourishing herbs, which had to be separated out, and the ones he would get for his buddies in the future would also be placed here; the third one was used to store more precious resources, which was also convenient for access; the last one was what he originally had, and it contained his savings over the years, and some ordinary resources he had picked up before were also placed here