Chapter 3: Getting Married 1

The next morning, a large group of maids and old women, led by the third wife whose daughter had not yet married, came to Yuehe Garden in a mighty procession. They brought gorgeous wedding dresses, various cosmetics and jewelry, obviously to dress up Zhong Cai.

The head of the Zhong family also came, followed by many servants, and brought with him 120 loads of betrothal gifts given by the Wu family.

Zhong Cai had already gotten up and was drinking tea with his stepfather in the main courtyard while waiting. His father's group of beauties in the backyard and all the unmarried children in the fourth room had also arrived.

After seeing the visitors, Zhong Cai stood up to greet them.

The head of the Zhong family first handed Zhong Cai two indentures and said with a smile: "These are the indentures promised to you as servants. Do you think you are satisfied with them? If not, there is still time to replace them for you." As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Immediately, two young men of ordinary appearance stepped forward and saluted Zhong Cai.

Zhong Cai took a quick look at them and knew that was neither too good nor too bad, so he took the indenture and said, "Thank you, Master." Then he said, "Zhong Da, I leave it to you."

Following his order, a dull man emerged from the shadows. These guards, who were assigned to the direct lineage according to convention, were usually of yellow rank. Their cultivation speed was similar, and they could only come out to see people when they reached the twelfth level of the Tianyin Realm. They were generally over fifty years old, and were named by the direct lineage they followed.

Zhong Da and the two servants hid in a corner.

Seeing that Zhong Cai was not picky about the indentured servants, the head of the Zhong family smiled and handed a list to Zhong Cai, saying, "This is the list of betrothal gifts. Please count them."

Zhong Cai didn't hesitate to check the list after taking a glance at it.

From the first lift, he would put the seeds into different mustard bags after checking them, and his movements were quite efficient.

Zhong Qiaoer at the side couldn't help but say: "You really check it like this, do you think someone is going to swallow your 'bride price'?"

She deliberately emphasized the word "bride price", and there was also a factor of jealousy - the betrothal gift was just delivered, and the amount was actually not small. Many people in the Zhong family had seen the dowry list, and after a rough estimate, the value was at least 500,000 gold, and there were many treasures that were priceless. It is true that the seventh wife of the Zhong family heard that the betrothal gift of the Wu family would not be much, but for the Wu family, it was a "gesture" that was different from what many people in the Zhong family thought, especially for the younger generation, it was really quite generous.

You know, the most betrothal gifts that the daughters of the Zhong family received in the past were only worth about 50,000 yuan, and this is ten times more! Although the three top-level Xuan-grade daughters still don't want to get married, they are also jealous of the betrothal gifts.

The other legitimate sons of the Zhong family who came with them but had poor qualifications were even more jealous.

If I had known earlier...

Unfortunately, it's too late now.

Zhong Cai curled his lips secretly.

This Zhong Qiaoer is really talking nonsense, of course he has to check it out. After going to the Wu family, who knows what kind of situation he will face, how can he not make some plans early?

But he couldn't say that to anyone. Zhong Cai first pretended to explain, "Only by checking it clearly in front of everyone can we show the selflessness of the head of the family and prevent some ignorant people from making up stories." Then he didn't give Zhong Qiao'er any face at all, raised his eyebrows and said, "Cousin, you are old enough to get married, don't you understand this? And your tone is so weird, do you regret it?"

The head of the Zhong family smiled and did not blame Zhong Cai. He only kindly instructed: "The people of the Wu family are waiting outside. Prepare everything that needs to be prepared. Cai'er is almost done checking. Don't let him wait for you later."

Several ladies quickly gave orders to the maids and servants, who were busy running around.

Everyone knew it, and the head of the family was willing to let Zhong Cai check the list in public so that it would not cause trouble in the future. Even if there were a lot of things on the list, hundreds of thousands of gold were actually equivalent to dozens of black beads, not enough for the Zhong family's ancestor to buy a pill. The head of the family would not forfeit anything for these things, so it would be more open to allow it to be checked. On the contrary, Zhong Qiaoer's words just now were very troublesome and annoying.

Zhong Qiaoer also quickly understood, shut her mouth, and silently shrank back.

Zhong Cai checked the things with satisfaction and put them into different mustard bags. He thanked the head of the Zhong family again and bowed to the ladies, saying, "Are all the aunts ready? My nephew should put on his makeup."

Everyone: "…"

In this case, isn't it a bit too much to be too eager to get married?

Zhong Cai had a smile on his face, but he was indeed very anxious inside.

What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up. His buddy must be feeling really bad right now. How can we leave him alone all the time?

In order not to keep the Wu family's bride-welcoming party waiting for too long, the ladies were very efficient. It only took them an incense stick of time to dress Zhong Cai up in a brand new look.

The situation was urgent, and there was no time to prepare a male wedding dress, so Zhong Cai was given a bright red dress inlaid with many jewels, which was extremely beautiful. However, perhaps because Zhong Cai was a man, his makeup was not heavy, and the jewelry was also a simple embellishment, which only added a bit of brilliance to him.

Zhong Cai stood in front of a makeup mirror as tall as a person, turning around with her skirt flying. It was fitted, and it looked pretty good. He simply waved his hand and said, "Come on, put on the veil too."

Ladies: "…"

I've really learned something new. Not only is he not angry about wearing a woman's skirt, he seems to like it quite a bit?

Zhong Cai took the veil from the maid and covered his entire face with it.

Tsk, isn't he just a cross-dresser? What's the big deal?

Hurry up and do your job, you are so slow!

The Wu family can't be said to be very kind, but they are not very mean either.

The person sent to propose marriage and to welcome the bride this time was Wu Shaoan, a legitimate descendant who was most closely related to Wu Shaoqian by blood - not only did they belong to the same direct line, they also had the same direct ancestor, and even their respective fathers were born to the same mother.

In addition to the Wu family representative, there were five or six powerful managers. Wu Shaoqian himself did not show up because the destruction of his companion treasure had impacted his soul, making him very weak. He could not even stand for a long time, let alone come here in person.

At this moment, Wu Shaoan was sitting in the lobby, holding a cup of tea, and listening with a warm face to the polite conversation of the elders of the Zhong family who stayed here.

At the same time, everyone in the Wu family also knew that the person who was going to marry Wu Shaoqian this time was not one of the three proud daughters, but a young man from the direct line of descent, with very poor qualifications, who was said to be very much in love with Wu Shaoqian and willing to give everything for him.

Manager He showed anger and wanted to criticize.

However, he was stopped by Wu Shaoan.

For Wu Shaoan, it was indeed a waste for a girl with top potential in the Xuan class to marry Wu Shaoqian. He would rather take them into his own backyard and have them give birth to children with outstanding qualifications for himself.

This Manager He works for the Ninth House where Wu Shaoqian was born. He is a close confidant of Wu Shaoqian's mother Yang Jingfei, and his trip is also considered as Yang Jingfei's representative.

Although he did not argue with Wu Shaoan in front of outsiders when he was stopped, his face looked very ugly.

Wu Shaoan said calmly: "Manager He, please be patient. As the saying goes, a fruit that is forced is not sweet. What Shaoqian needs most right now is a willing heart."

Manager He paused.

Yes, although he was very sad, he also understood that the abandoned Shao Qian was no longer a good destination, so it was naturally difficult for him to be willing. It was hard to say how much use the Zhong family's Xuan-grade treasure would have. But compared with being willing, the latter had greater hope.

But even so, the Zhong family had so many legitimate-age children, but only the youngest one was willing to do so, which still made Manager He very unhappy.

Manager He sneered and said sarcastically, "Master Shao'an is right. In the eyes of our Master Shaoqian, there is no difference between Xuan-grade and Mo-grade."

After these words were spoken, the elders of the Zhong family were a little embarrassed.

However, the Zhong family was indeed reluctant to give up the top-notch daughters of the Xuan-grade. No matter how good the reasons were, they were just good-sounding. Who could not guess what the underlying reason was? Looking good on the surface was one thing, but it was also normal for some people to feel uncomfortable.

If you are ridiculed, you can only endure it.

Zhong Cai walked out of the room in a gorgeous outfit, and stepped over the threshold with a red veil on his head. With his slightly thin figure, he looked like a "beautiful lady".

More and more people came into the main courtyard, and when they saw him like this, they all gasped.

The legitimate and illegitimate children from other branches could not help but look at the people from the fourth branch, whispering in surprise:

"Are all the brothers in your four rooms like this?"

"He really looks like a delicate girl! Not at all inconsistent."

"If I hadn't seen him go in and dress up with my own eyes, I would have thought one of the sisters was really getting married!"

The men and women in the fourth room had no time to feel ashamed and angry - they couldn't have imagined it!

Although they all had the same father, Zhong Cai was born late, and most of the children were much younger than him. Those who were closer to him in age were all being taken care of by their mothers, and had hardly ever interacted with Zhong Cai, and had no idea of ​​his temperament at all.

Now look...

His attitude is so natural!

Everyone felt something a little weird in their hearts.

Zhong Cai couldn't see anything, he just felt that a man with a very imposing aura approached and handed him a box.

He felt a sense of closeness as if they were connected by blood from the box, and he immediately understood that this was the Soul-Fixing Fruit that he was going to take to the Wu family.

The person who sent the box was undoubtedly his cheap father.

After all, apart from Zhong Cai himself, only his father can help him pick the Soul-Fixing Fruit.

Sure enough, Zhong Guanlin's kind voice sounded, with earnest instructions: "Xiao Liu'er, take your things, live a good life, and remember to come back often to see your father when you have time."

Zhong Cai held the box tightly, bowed, and said in a clear voice, "I bid you farewell, father. Please rest assured, father."

Zhong Guanlin patted Zhong Cai's shoulder gently, still feeling a little sad.

A son who is married off is like water spilled. From now on, he belongs to the Wu family. No matter whether his life is good or bad, it will all be considered as belonging to the Wu family.

Zhong Cai was not sad at all and even felt that time was passing very slowly.

Surrounded by many members of the Zhong family, Zhong Cai pushed away the maid who was pretending to help him and walked out with the crowd.