Chapter 83: A Bond That Could Never Broken

Damon arrived pretty quickly at the motel, maybe he was too happy to notice the distance.

The taxi ride had flown by in a blur, and before he knew it, he was standing outside the motel, paying the fare.

As he handed over the money, he couldn't help but think back to that kid, Matthew.

The little boy's words of admiration had left a warm feeling in his chest, and he couldn't help but smile as he remembered the encounter.

It felt good to have someone tell you you're great, even if it was a child.

But somehow, it felt even more meaningful coming from a kid.

Maybe it was because children were always honest, or maybe it was because they looked up to you with such wide eyes and innocent faces.

But as he walked towards the motel room, he also felt a sense of obligation creeping in.

He couldn't let that kid down, not now that he had been told he was someone's hero.