Chapter 9, Iron Sand Coat, Pirate Hunter Daz Bonez

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In the next few months, Yuri learned just how attractive a 130 million Berries bounty could be to pirate hunters and how crazy it could make them.

During this time, he was attacked by pirate hunters hundreds of times.

Sneak attacks, assassinations, poisoning—it could be said their methods were extremely varied.

These pirate hunters could be as vicious as anyone, willing to do anything for a bounty.

If it weren't for Yuri's Observation Haki, even his strength might not have been enough to keep him safe.

Even if he managed to stay unharmed, Robin might have been killed by these pirate hunters many times over.

After all, it's impossible for ordinary people to be on guard against everything around them all the time.

These pirate hunters are truly relentless; sometimes, they appear as innocent children, only to reveal themselves as killers intent on claiming your bounty the next moment.

Conversely, Yuri and his crew found more peace of mind, not needing to constantly guard against sudden attackers.

Unfortunately, Yuri's ship is too small, requiring frequent trips ashore to replenish supplies.

Every time Yuri goes ashore for supplies, a large number of pirate hunters emerge, but Yuri doesn't tire of it.

Now, Yuri doesn't dare to bring Robin with him when he goes ashore for supplies.

The bounty hunters are too crazy, and their methods too obscure; they might harm her if they're not careful.

He can handle the danger himself, but adding Robin would greatly increase the risk.

The last time a bounty hunter attacked, Robin was almost injured.

One day, they passed by an island.

Because they had run out of supplies on the ship, Yuri had to go ashore to buy more.

"It seems we need to find more crew members and get a bigger ship," Yuri thought to himself, walking slowly down the street like a Marine, wearing a big black jacket and windbreaker.

Having a small boat is really inconvenient, requiring frequent trips ashore to replenish supplies. This is not only troublesome but also gives those bounty hunters opportunities.

The most significant issue is that it exposes his whereabouts.

During this time, he had been intercepted by Akainu several times at sea because his location was revealed when he went ashore for supplies.

This made Yuri start thinking about whether to recruit some crew members, expand the pirate group, and get a larger ship.

In fact, Yuri doesn't want to hire just anyone, not because he can't find people willing to join.

With his current bounty, many would come to join him.

But such people wouldn't have high loyalty.

At the same time, he hasn't met anyone he truly admires.

Yuri doesn't want to recruit people casually; not just anyone can join his pirate group.

But now, due to the need for supplies and control of the ship, he's wondering if he should lower his standards.

"Huh? They're here again, how annoying."

Yuri bought some supplies and suddenly noticed fewer people around, sensing waves of danger from all directions.

Yuri glanced around and realized that pirate hunters had come again.

Yuri was used to this, ignored them, and continued towards the port with his supplies.

"Kill..." As Yuri passed an alley, a group of pirate hunters armed with knives rushed out to attack him.

"Sand Shiyu," Yuri said lightly.

Instantly, the black windbreaker on his body fluttered without wind, and countless iron sand shot out from it like flying needles, dense as raindrops.

Those who rushed over were instantly pierced by the iron sand.

It turned out that Yuri's trench coat wasn't real clothes but made up of a large amount of iron sand.

Yuri, having the ability of the Magnetic Fruit, can control iron sand, but he can't create it.

Iron sand is Yuri's best weapon. In places without iron sand, his combat effectiveness would be greatly weakened.

So Yuri came up with this idea,

He controlled his magnetic sand to form an iron sand windbreaker to wear.

This iron sand suit can be used as a weapon for attack and defense in battle.

It also serves as a training tool for Yuri.

The weight of the iron sand provides excellent weight training.

Condensing iron sand to form a coat and wearing it 24 hours a day is also an extremely clever Devil Fruit training method.

"Some money shouldn't be yours. The Marines gave me such a high bounty for a reason. You should know that I'm not someone you can handle. Why bother to die?" Yuri said.

Unfortunately, no one understood Yuri's efforts and advice. The response to his words was a long knife and a musket.

Yuri wasn't soft-hearted.

Yuri is also a pirate hunter, and he knows that softness is the biggest weakness in this world.

Even if you are a lion in this world, when you are soft-hearted, others will find opportunities to take a bite.

Iron sand shot out from all directions, and a large group of people fell to the ground instantly.

Yuri ignored them and continued towards the pier with his supplies.

At that moment, he saw a bald man blocking his path.

This bald person was very young, perhaps only fourteen or fifteen years old.

"Are you here to kill me too?" Yuri asked lightly.

"That's right. I'm going to kill you, claim the one hundred and thirty million Berries, and become West Blue's number one pirate hunter," the bald boy said calmly.

"Interesting. What's your name?" Yuri asked.

"Daz Bonez. Remember this name; it's the name of the person who will kill you," Daz Bonez said.

As he spoke, Daz's hands formed claws, his fingers turning into blades as he attacked Yuri.

It really was him!

Hearing Daz's name and seeing his abilities, Yuri recognized him.

This boy would become Mr. 1 of Baroque Works in the future.

Yuri recognized him as soon as he saw him.

Though he was only a teenager, he hadn't changed much from his future appearance, except for looking younger.