House of YLIVIA.

 In a beautiful mansion with beautiful design of dragons telling stories of their relationship with humans. This is the house of YLIVIA. In a distance voice could be heard, loud voices of argument could be heard between a man and his wife.

No no no, I can't let my only daughter get married to those despicable beings. No I can't do that, a beautiful woman with raven black hair and beautiful green eyes yelled with tears in her eyes. She is our only child, don't you understand? how do you expect me to let my only baby get married to those creatures of the night? Tell me Gideon, Answer me Mrs YLIVIA's voice thundered with pain.

 You need to calm down and think rationally, Mr Gideon tried to calm his wife down. Look woman many lives are at stake here and we have to do what to do to save them, those people look up to us and you know that.

And the only way to do that is to get our only daughter married to seal a truce? Can you even hear yourself at all. You... You want our only child, we don't even have a male child yet, no heir and you want to give Lisa out as a bride to those sickening creatures as a wife. Tell me at what cost and for how long will she live with them?

Not for long my wife, not for long. We would do everything to save our little princess, I mean it everything we just have to do this for the land , our family and for the human race. All we need to do now is to convince Lisa, wee need to make her understand and see reasons with everyone. Mr Gideon said.


 In a beautiful garden, laughter could be heard and a beautiful lady with long silvery locks and beautiful Amber eyes shinning brightly as the sun that brightens the face of those who looked upon her. She was indeed a goddess to behold.

Your Highness, what character traits do you look out for in a maid of the lady's maid asked.

I... I want a man, a human man. Handsome, caring, hardworking, he must not necessarily be a prince or knight but he should be charming.

Oh princess Lisa, why not aim for a prince? A beautiful lady like you deserves the most most charming prince in the world. One of her maids said happily.

But I don't want a prince, I just want a man, a handsome hardworking farmer. So we could plough the ground, till and farm together. We could evening have a ranch or more later, rear a lot of exotic animals.Lisa explained happily.

Nonsense, utter nonsense, your Highness a farmer? You are a noble lady, you cannot have anything to do with a farmer. The senior maid said with disgust.

But why? Why can't I choose whom to marry, why must I marry a princess or Knight. Marriage isn't limited to a particular class is it? She asked sadly.

Yes your Highness, marriage is limited to a particular class. The rich for the rich and th poor for the poor. You see your Highness that's just how the the world works and it must be followed. So no more talks about getting married to farmers whatsoever it isn't permitted, the senior maid explained.

 But... I want to be free. I don't want to be ties down by all these customs and traditions, I want to make a new era, an era where noble ladies and princesses can get married to men of their choice. I want to... Lisa Darling, Lisa. Her mother's voice interrupted from a distance, okay ladies this discussion continues another day.

Mother, mother, oh mother there you are. You called for me right? 

Yes darling , her mother said sadly which did not go unnoticed to Lisa.

Oh mother, why art thou sad, why art thou soul downcast? You do not sound happy. Oh no!!! She yelled shocking her mother. Did something happen to father? Is he alright? Oh mother why art thou silent, your silence disturbs my soul mother. Lisa said with concern.

Come with me Lisa her mother finally said, we both I mean your father and I needs to talk to you.

Oh mother you sound urgent, what is this about? Lisa asked curiously.

Just keep shut for once and stop joking around. Her mother said angrily, shocking Lisa to the core. Her mother had never yelled at her for once in her life.

But mother... Oh father there you are, mothers seems to be in a very bad mood today, she sounds upset. She even... Even yelled at me, Lisa said tearfully.

No darling... your mother, she is perfectly fine. She is just tired you know, anyway that aside we need to talk to you Lisa and we want you to understand the reason we are doing this .okay?

 Hmmm ... Yes father, I will try understanding as long as I can help Lisa answered .

Well Lisa... Your marriage has be fixed with the vampire Prince of the east and the marriage is to take place by tomorrow, her father said in a shallow voice. 

Wait... What father? My marriage and to a vampire prince. Come on father, this is one funny joke of the century. Me marry a vampire? No!!! Lisa yelled in shock, never father I had rather die than marry those nasty creatures. Never Father never, her voice thundered with pain and anger.

Calm down Lisa, calm down. This marriage is just for a while to solidify the truce with the vampire empire and for an unknown reason, you were the one chosen for their prince.

But father... I don't want to get married and not to a vampire.

Lisa dear, do this for the empire, for your family. I promise you dear I won't let you stay there for too long, I would make sure your mother and I seir an heir and I will come get you dear. So hold on there my love.

No father!!! No I can't do this not for you or anyone. You want me to lay down my dream, my future intact my entire existence on a platter of Gold just to end a war we never caused ? Mother you are not going to support this right? Lisa lamented bitterly.

Lisa my Darling, her mother finally spoke . you have to do this , you need to Dave this entire empire by greeting married to that Prince, your father will save you. You trust us don't you?.

I do mother, I do ... I just can't believe all this. I can't it's so unbelievable, but just like Veronica said earlier I don't have a choice right. I will do what you all want.

And with a single decision a new era was about to be established.