the vampire Prince.

'' your Highness, they're here...the prince is here.

Lisa's shoulders immediately tensed up, upon hearing the shaken voice of her maids. Cold sweat dripped down her back revealing her fears and pain, she never wanted this marriage, she did nont want to accept this marriage at all. Within the confines of heart she had decided to runway and get married to a famer as she always wanted.

But, fate and reality had is a different plan for her. Her entire life was about to take a different turn, she always despised vampires, no she called it fear. The stories of how they raided the human empire was imprinted in her heart casting a shadow of fear in her.

'' Mother '' , I can't do this. Am not brave enough to do this, let me runaway mother please let be escape, please mother. She pleaded with her mother who just arrived.

'' Lisa Darling, am sorry love but I can't let you escape. You can do this, remember why you're doing this - and remember what's at stake here.

Okay mother, I can do this. I will do this for this empire and everyone. Lisa vowe, I will never cry or act weak in front of those creatures, I will wait patiently for you and father to come rescue me.

That's the spirit love, now her ready while I attend to the guest . her mother said.

Lisa's eyes were closed an her maids immediately hovered around her, as she internally strengthened her resolve. She made a vow and she planned to to keep that vow, she never imagined that her once simple life would suddenly take a different path. This marriage was forced both for her and the vampire Prince involved.

'' your Highness... You look stunning, her maids said finally startling her, her eyes flew towards the mirror as she quitely scanned herself. Her face was beautifully painted and her sliver locks beautifully arranged to emphasize her natural innocent maiden features. It had finally arrived, her wedding day a day she had always daydreamed but it was different because in her daydreams she always got married to a farmer and a man of her choice but now she was getting married to a creature of the night that too in the middle of the night.

The doors at the entrance was opened and she stepped gracefully along the the stills, before proceeding calmly along the corridors.

She couldn't count how many times she had calmed her own heart while internally taking deep breath. She couldn't stop the loud beating of her heart. The fear of the uncertain kept threatening to crash her resolve as she walked closer to those double doors, doors that looked discouraging with each step she took, with one final step she finally stood before the large double doors leading to the wedding hall.

' Be strong, Lisa for the sake of your family and the empire she breathed inwardly. She squared her shoulder's, looked up once again as she waited for the doors to be opened. The moon and stars are shinning brightly on her revealing her beauty and elegance while hidding her fears. The sky was clear, calm and peaceful. The stars blinked beautifully at her but even with its calmness her fears couldn't be eased, her hands were shaking and it took all her strength to keep them calm.

Her presence was finally announced and at long last the procession began.

The hall she walked into screamed luxury and was an eye candy but witherward to the grandeur of the hall the atmosphere was as expected tensed and heavy. It was extremely rare for vampires and humans to gather under one roof unless on occasions of war but this time it was different as both races had gathered for a single reason.

As she walked closer to the altar, her long slender fingers clutched her dress an action that went unnoticed to the guest because her hands were swallowed by the voluminous folds of her gown. Her face were trained forward but her eyes, were fixed on that single spot 6 feet away in front of her on the floor. She felt like a small fragile lamb walking into the butchers house to be sacrificed despite being promised of safety by her soon-to-be husband and all vampires. The tension in the air was so thick, that all she wanted to do was to turn around and runway but she couldn't, she mustn't.

Lost in her thought, Lisa didn't realizes that she had reached the altar and she was instantly pulled back to the present when a hand appeared in her view, she almost stumbled in shock. She just knew this was the hand of the vampire Prince she was going to marry.

Slowly, she lifted her eyes, her gazes moving towards his hand up to his elbow across his abdomen before stopping on his chest. She breathed in silently before she continued upwards, finally stopping on his face.

And the moment their eyes met... Lisa's heart momentarily stopped.

The man before her looked nothing like she was expecting. No he was the exact opposite of what she had heard, no fangs it was as if he did not have any fangs at all, no blood like eyes and he wasn't pale as White instead he was pale as human. The most striking thing was that...he was sinfully beautiful.

Lost in her trance, she was immediately joited back to the present when she heart someone clear their throat. She couldn't tear her eyes off his as she slowly lifted her hands tonolace it on his outstretched ones. His eyes were slivery gray akin to the bright shinning moon.

Then there was this his lashes ... They were so indecently long and thick for a man. His lips, his jaws and his nose ... Every single part of him rendered her mute. Well no one would blame her, she had never seen a human this beautiful. But to begin with he wasn't even human. When she touched his hands she almost flinched because her heart thudded even louder in her ears. He then led her to stand next to him before releasing her that's when she felt the cool air replace where his hands were.

Why wasn't his hands cold, well she heard firm the human soldiers that vampires were cold blooded beings. But he wasn't, o he was warm in comparison to humans. This man, for some reasons she couldn't tear her eyes off him she felt like he had done something to her the moment their eyes met.

But Lisa didn't have enough time to ponder on this, as the wedding ceremony began quickly anyone watching from outside could easily see that everyone inside wanted this marriage to end quickly. And thus the wedding ended almost immediately it started, well it wasn't anyone's fault as on one wanted this wedding on the first place.

A deep, quiet sigh escaped her lips when everyone started to quickly moved and dispersed, she couldn't believe his quickly the hall became empty.

Her husband offered her his hands, she already prepared herself for this. She was now going to the east empire, the vampire kingdom with one more look at her mother the vampire Prince led her out.