
Scared? His deep, masculine voice echoed inside the carriage starling her. She did not realize she was clutching hard on her dress that her knuckles turned White but it didn't matter to her as her eyes were fixed on her disappearing from her sight.

With a deliberate slowness she turned to look at him with only one thought in her mind if only ... If only he was human but it didn't change the fact that he wasn't.

With a shaking of her head she answered him, of course it was a lie, she was perfectly scared and it didn't help that her husband... Yes her husband was this beautiful when in reality she know what was hidden behind all the beauty and perfection.

I ... Thought vampires never rode carriages, well not like she really cared but she really needed to break the silence and awkwardness she was feeling right now.

With a small smile that took away her breath he answered, yes we usually don't, no we don't need to.

Then ... Why, with a certain realization she finally understood why they were in a carriage right now. He could have left without her like the other did but here he was riding with her. It wasn't like he could not have Left without her but the truce and oath they took was really binding him. She was glad that her husband was the one to accompany her. Tha ... Thank you, your Highness.

His response was a soft sight.

'' Lisa '' , he called out and Lisa immediately flinched. She did not know why she caught her breath, the way he called her name sent shivers down her spine and a strange weird feeling throughout her body . do you know my name? He asked.

'' of course I do ''

'' then use it, when we are alone ''

'' yes your Highness ... Uh I mean, prince Arthur '' .

 His brows ceased, causing Lisa to flinch, remove the title, use my name only. He said.

Prince ... uh Arthur, she uttered obediently as her eyes wandered around. But surprisingly it wasn't as hard as she thought. Somehow his name rolled out her tongue easily. Lisa never imagined she,herself would ever get married to a vampire creatures she and all humans grew up believing they were Savage beings. She thought she would be trembling in fear while speaking to her husband but it wasn't as dreadful as she thought even though she was scared and she was stammering, she was glad she wasn't cowering in fear instead she was conversing freely with him and surprisingly she was very comfortable with him.

Arthur leaned against the wall of the carriage with his eyes closed. '' the vampires, I, your husband include, promised never to lay a finger on you without your permission. Your father and those human emperor made us make a vow. You know we vampires take oaths seriously in fact vows are sacred to us ''.

'' so Lisa, I, your husband is still promising not to lay a finger on you without your permission '' he said while leaning closer to her and starring deep in her eyes.

She did not know why, but every time he looked at her like that her mind suddenly starts spinning. No this man was a walking temptation, if only he was a human.

'' so, stop flinching every time I talk to you or come closer to you like am some stranger. I am your husband now Lisa '' . he finally said with a firm tone.

Husband, husband. It kept playing in her head like a broken tape. Not that she did not know he was her husband, but her mind wasn't ready to accept the fact that she was married to this sinful, heavenly and beautiful creature sitting beside her.

 When her parents informed her about this marriage, she was totally broken. She had planned to runaway that night but she couldn't, her parents had convinced her that day to be patient with them. She grew up knowing her family were the dragon keeper or she would day guardians, they were responsible for the safety of all humans and her family and her father were the last dragon keepers and without an heir the entire human race would become slaves to the vampires.

That's why she taught herself to believe she was just a slave in disguise of a wife and when the heir was born her father would come and rescue her. But here she was being promised safety by thus gorgeous creature who has done nothing but take away her breath.

 Her thought was suddenly disturbed by the constant bumping on the carriage, she was used to traveling in carriages but this time it was different combined with the cold she felt like throwing up. When she turned to look at her husband, she was surprised as he was constantly frowning every time their carriage went through a bump.

If .... If you don't like it, we could travel by your means. Well I guess it would be faster for us right? She asked.

'' no, it's not like you feel any better and if we travelled by my means ... You would get a cold ''. He said firmly while frowning.

 With one last bump, Lisa almost bumped her head on the carriage seat only to saved by her husband again


We well stop by the nearest inn, that's the last human place before we enter the valley of death. He suddenly said.

Startled by what he said, she turned to look at him. The valley of death was know to be very cold and a place for rogue vampire. She still remembered, when she and her mother were attacked at that valley all their soldiers were killed, they barely survived all she remembered was that someone saved them but she did not know who did.

And here, her husband was planning to go through that same path. Was he planning to kill her? Uh , can't we go through some other path? We mustn't go through that path, must we?

Well, do you know any other route we could take? He asked while they got down the Carriage.

No, she answered sincerely. Truly she didn't know any other route but she couldn't forget that incident.

Scared? He suddenly asked and with that killer smile, Lisa's heart thudded loudly in her chest. Don't be scared, those rogue vampires can't harm you. In fact you should be more scared of me than then you know? He said smiling.

Scared of him? She asked within herself while in her room which she was giving in the inn. She couldn't get herself to be scared of him. No he was too gorgeous to be scared of, especially when he looked at her with those eyes shinning as if the stars were all gathered in his eye's, no his looks alone stole her breath. So how could she be scared?

When she came down for dinner, she was surprised at how sweetly he spoke with the two old humans , she couldn't believe her eyes.

And then he turned to her with those eyes, she immediately caught her breath he was at it again stealing her breath without doing anything.

'' I will leave you here in their care, I will come for you by morning '' he said before leaving.

 Take care of her, I will return in the morning to get her. He said to the old humans.

'' we will your Highness '' they both answered almost immediately.

 With one last look at Lisa he left.