
 Wait ... What? They are all exclaimed in they minds but despite the shock they suffered from his order they still obeyed eagerly waiting for what would happen next.

'' give them to me '' Arthur ordered once again, the men glanced at each other princesses except oliver who had kept his eyes set on the vampire Prince.

One by one, his men handed over their coat which they had dusted earlier and folded to their Prince on a single, they couldn't understand what he needed it for. The vampire Prince face was so serious that one dared to question by waited patiently to see what he would do next. And then, he started wrapping the human princess as if she was one fragile little fluffy lamb that would break.

His men all opened their eyes in shock, no their princes was wrapping her so slow that even a snail would win him if it were to be a race. They couldn't fathom why he was doing this no, everything and the way he was acting right now was totally different from the prince they knew.

After what seemed like hours to the men, Arthur finally orders, '' we will now travel slowly '' he said after deep consideration . the men became very excited that they would finally be leaving that eerie environment.

But after some minutes, five able bodied men started scrowing, the slowly they thought their prince meant was different from what they were experiencing right now. They were going damn slow that they could even see a turtle ahead of them. Vampires were known to move very fast especially prince Arthur his speed was unbeatable, no other vampire in their empire was a match for their prince's speed, so they could not understand why they were moving this slow.

'' oh oliver, tell the prince to move a little bit fast. The human princess would not die if we move fast '' Ezekiel complained.

'' why don't you tell him yourself '' can't you see he is trying to be careful in handling her? Oliver replied him.

Oh zolan, don't you think something happened to our prince in that human empire? Ezekiel suddenly asked.

What do you mean? Do you think anyone can harm the prince without his permission? And moreover its not his first time going to the human empire remember? He has being there several times, so why would you even think something happened to him. zolan asked

Well, its the first time he stayed this long in that empire. Oh fuck, what if.... Just what if you those human emperors used magic on the prince , that's why he is acting this way, Ezekiel said in shock.

Oh stop it now Ezekiel, just stop it already, stop whining like a mother hen. Why would you think they used magic on the prince. Do you think those humans would do that? After letting their most priceless princess marry our prince. Have you forgotten how proudful those emperors are? And you still think they would seek the help of magicians to cast a spell and that too on our prince? You seem to forget that the prince isn't someone that magic would work on unless on rare occasions. Their leader oliver answered.

But still, why are we going this slow if nothing happened to him? Oh c'mon now zolan, even you know the prince has never being this slow. It would take forever for us to get to the castle, at this rate we may just get there by tomorrow.

'' oh shut up now Kiel, just shutvup'' zolan barked at him. Do you think the prince is a damn fool? Let him be.

After what seems like hours, oliver suddenly spoke up not been able to bear the excuricating slowness.

'' uh, your Highness can we .... We at least increase our speed a bit? If we continue like this, it would take a day for us to get to the castle and you would not want the princess to wake up while we are still travelling.

'' no!!! We can't move any faster than this, Lisa isn't immunes tonth cold like we are, if we move on our usual sooes she may have frostbite and I don't want that. He answered.

But your Highness, we all gave her our coat including yours. Our moving fast will not in any way affect her. Zolan intercepted.

'' my answer remains No '' he answered leaving no room for any more questioning.

Did something really happened to the prince was the thought that ran through their minds. Because they could all tell that their prince was different and they would be seeing more of this difference.

And at long last, they finally arrived at the castle.

When Lisa opened her eyes, she was in a sweet morning ignorance. She feltblike she just woke up from a deep slumber, she blinked her eyes sheepishly while moving, she immediately stiffened.

A man .... Was laying next to her makes and on the same bed. She almost yelped in shock not until she looked at his glorious face and she knew he was her vampire husband. How can someone be this beautiful and dangerous at the same time, he had the ability to steal her breath even while he was asleep.

Suddenly, memories of last night flooded her mind like a broken dam, from the wedding to the in and then the valley of death, to the fearful look of those red-bloody eyes of her husband casting a shiver of fear down her spine. No the man before her lookedd nothing like she had seen last night, his eyes were devil red, it didn't belong to this beautiful creature before her, she tried convincing herself but the fear was to intended that she started having difficult breathing, it took her several in and out breathing to calm her troubled heart.


After what seemed like ages she looked at him again, he was so flawlessly beautiful and perfect fro his lashes, noses ,lips, his lean chest and his chided abs.

Ahh!!! She screamed in her mind when reality stroke her. He was half naked and covered by the blanket, why was he naked and she ..... She was on thesame as him. All the blood suddenly drained from her face at theses thought. She quickly scanned herself making sure, she was properly dresses and untouched. After properly checking herself she finally breathed down in relief, she did not know what she would do if something happened to her.

'' he seems modesty, she thought I her mind. He could have touched me if he wanted to but he didn't. Well maybe he really considers this marriage fake '', she said feeling a bit sad.

But how did we get here so fast?.