Lasers and RIPs

But how did we get here so fast ? Was the question that suddenly crossed her mind, the last she remained was fainting in the carriage . so how come they they were in a room? She thought while starring down at him

like what you see ?

What .... What ... What do you mean by that,how can you be so shameless? Lisa asked feeling embrassed.

Shameless? How can someone with such perfect as mine be shameless? He said bitting down his lips.

'' God, this man why torment me like this '' she thought in her mind. When did we get here and where are we '' 

'' we got here last night while you fainted, I had to carry you all the way here and we are in the palace ''. 

'' So, you carried me all the way here '' why didn't he just carry me here from the start. Did he have to put me through all these stress ? Did I just go through all these trauma for nothing? She thought with a pained expression written on her face.

'' my wife .... ''

'' well , why are you on the same bed with me and you are even half naked'' she interrupted him.

 '' pfff, what do you mean by being on same bed with you? This is my room and bed,so if you think I will be leaving this room for you. then no way, listen Lisa we are husband and wife now and we will share the same room.


'' your Highness, breakfast has being served '' a voice interrupted their discussion 


 '' okay, then you should get ready, there will be a banquet tonight at the palace. We booth will have to attend it but before that I will take you on a tour round the city before leaving for the banquet '' .

 Lisa ! Lisa!! Are you listening to me, he asked.

hmm, could you please put on your cloth?

'' Oh why, don't you like what you are seeing ''.

Oh God, he's doing it again tormenting my poor mind. '' there are minds everywhere and they're looking, so please put on your cloth ''. She couldn't take it, she could see the maids starring open eyed at him like some display sculpture in a museum. This man was her husband and he was her's alone.

When she realized her train of thought, she face palmed herself in her mind. She couldn't believe her own thought, it wasn't up to three days and she was already acting like this.

Okay then if only you call me '' my husband '' first then I will heed to your plea. It excited him. Her being possessive without her knowledge excited him.

C' Mon my wife, call me my husband, it isn't difficult right? This time he bit down his lips harder.

No, I can't take this, this level if shamelessness seems to double by seconds. How can he expect me to call him that in the presence of the maids.

Well my wife, it seems you aren't ready. I will ready then while you remain here. He said as he strode towards the dressing room.

My .... Uh ... My husband can you please out on your cloth?. It took all her courage to say those words, she could feel her face turning red.

'' you see. It wasn't that hard, was it? Now get ready am starving '' , he said.

'' good morning, milady its a pleasure to meet you '' the maids greeted her excitingly.

'' good morning ladies '' Lisa answered, she couldn't believe her eyes, these two ladies one with black long hair and oliver green eye and the other a blonde lady with a honey brown eyes ere human.

 you both are humans? We she already prepared herself to be served by vampires but this surprised her.

'' yes milady , we are indeed human but we grew up in this empire ''.

'' well ... Am glad to meet humans again'' Lisa answered happily.

Where are we right now? She asked.

'' we are right in prince Arthur's castle, miss'' the maid called Evie answered.

Arthur's castles? Then where us the palace and why are we not there?

'' suddenly they both knelt down, we are sorry miss but we're not in the position to disclose anything ''.

'' no problem ladies, you can get up. I guess I will do the asking myself ''.

The dinner hall Lisa found herself right now was nothing like she had ever seen this place screamed power and luxury. It was different from her father's infact the whole place was another level of luxury.

She did not even enough time to ponder over the hall, suddenly her stomach growled at pleasant smell of the meat before her. She couldn't wait to start devouring the dishes before her, still in her beautiful trance she suddenly saw a fork close to her mouth.

'' now open your mouth my wife ''

She could not believe the situation she found herself. She was getting embarrassed by the moment but this time she didn't care all she wanted was to have a taste of this juicy meat, and before her mind could process what was happen she already opened her mouth.

'' oh Lord '' , she exclaimed inwardly this was the most delicious meal she had ever tasted. She just had to close her eyes and enjoy the taste. Lord this was more than she expected, she just kept eating what Arthur few her without complaining.

On the other hand, Arthur enjoyed every bit of expression she was giving right now unless that he wanted her forcus to be on him but it didn't change the fact that he was happy. His blissful moment did not last because Lisa suddenly gained back her composure.

'' ahh , I can't believe I let myself get carried away because of a meal. Thank you , but I can feed myself now'' she said attempting to take the fork from Arthur.

But instead of giving it back, he used the same fork he used in feeding her to eat. She almost choked on her food as her imaginations ran wild, she did all she could to concentrate on her food and it worked.

Arthur was not happy at the turn of events as he glared dagger's at the meat I front of Lisa. He couldn't believe that he just got bitten by a meal. The looks he was giving were laser's and Rip's. No he was starring at the meat like he could kill them with the laser's in his eyes, if the meat where to

be a human or vampire it would be their Rip's right now.