The Banquet

After the breakfast Lisa vowed never to be carried away easily.

'' I can't believe it, did I just get carried away by food? Anyway, that wasn't just food it was heaven. It was the most delicious meal I have ever tasted, its not my fault I got carried away. But still, I really need to start staying away from him unless my lron walls would crumb '' , She murmured under her breath.

'' milday, you look very stunning. Am very such everyone's eyes would be on you at the banquet'' said Evie.

'' thanks Evie and Abigail. You both are the best but I don't think I need such attention right now, I already feel nervous '' it wasn't a lie she really felt nervous. I wasn't her first time attending banquets but this time it was different, she felt like she was going to be serves as dinner to those vampires.

'' I really need to strengthen my stand and tolerance against this vampire husband of mine'' she thought while walking down the staircase and there he was stand just right before the door waiting for her. She could hear the warning bells ringing loudly warning of impending temptation.

'' you look different'' he said. That night she wore a bright sliver gown which stood out with her hair and a black coat, she was indeed looking like a goddess that she was. He just kept starring at her like she was some priceless treasure that he personally found.

Offering her his hand like he always does.

'' shall we leave now? But we will have to tour round ''.

 '' who are those people outside'' she asked while Starring at a huge man. 

'' oh , those are my men. Come wife I will introduce them to you ''.

Meet oliver, he is the leader and would be responsible for your safety along side the rest.

'' greetings miss, its a pleasure meeting you '' oliver a tall huge sky blue eyed man greeted her.

'' hi miss, am zolan and it's a pleasure meeting you '' all five of them took turns to introduce themselves.

A little overwhelmed, Lisa was speechless. She had never seen her father introduce his men to her mother, but here she was standing before these five able bodied vampires watching them introduce themselves to her gave her a sense of pride.

'' okay now, we will be leaving. You know what to do'' he said facing oliver.

'' yes your Highness '' was his only response. They could all sense his possessiveness towards the princess. His men all noticed the keen change in their prince.

'' did .... Did the vampire just glared at me? Levy asked he just felt really bad, he could not fathom why the prince had to glare at him.

'' oh c'mon levy, don't you see it the prince is jealous and possessive of the miss . moreover could you not see she was starring at you ? Ezekiel said.

'' but still ....'' 

'' just let it be, we should follow suit'' oliver said.

Oh my god !!! She exclaimed, the place before her eyes was nothing she ever dreamed off. This place was the most beautiful and busiest place in all or Lirea Even the human capital was nothing in comparism to this.

 is this place always This busy ?? She asked as she was being securely held by her husband.

'' yes it is. Well its morning so it would be busy but when its night it won't be this busy'' he explained.


'' yes love, it's morning right now, listen my wife here in the vampire realm your morning is our night and your night is our day. I hope you will be able to adapt''

'' yes of course '' she didn't have a choice, she was now married to one of them so she would need to live like them.

Okay then we don't want to be late , do we ??

 '' Uh no '' she answered nervously.

'' okay now, wife you need to relax no need to be tensed.he said as they stood before the double doors of the palace, she could hear loudly banquet music playing and she could tell they were in a place full off vampires.

Just as they entered the palace which looked nothing like her fathers palace or the human emperors palace. She could feel different eyes on her, some gave her look of envy while other gave her looks that screamed pity something she could not quite understand.

'' greetings father'' she heard Arthur greet a handsome baby blue eyed man.

'' welcome son and welcome princess Lisa. Welcome to the vampire empire ''. King Kievan said happy.

'' greetings, your Majesty its a pleasure meeting you'' Lisa greeted the man before her.

Taking her sear beside her husband, he heard a deep masculine voice talk to her

'' aren't you the most beautiful princess alive.another baby blue eyed man spoke. Oh where are my manners, am Prince Dante. Prince Arthur's younger brother and its a pleasure meeting you princess ''.

The banquet was an eye candy with a lot of mouth watering dishes but none of this fancied her. She felt a little uncomfortable, the striking differences between her husband and his family gave her Chill's. Arthur was a black haired and slivery gray eyed man but his father, mother and siblings were all Baby blue eyed people.

Suddenly a lady's voice pulled her out of her thought.

'' prince Arthur, I never knew you back. You should have informed me ''.

'' greetings Lady Lucy, meet my wife princess Lisa ''

'' Wait .. What you are married? I thought were supposed to get engaged the moment you returned from the human empire ''.

Oh my, this can't be possible kept running through Lisa's mind. She did not know why but she felt a pang of pain in her chest.

 '' he was supposed to be engaged and that too to this lady? Then why did he get married to me. So this marriage was truly to solidify the truce ''.

'' Uh excuse me your Majesty, but I would like to take in some air '' she said as she ram out of the hall, she felt an incredible paid right now, an unexplainable pain of betrayal but why. She could hear little creak in her heart, on getting outside she cried bitterly. She just wishes she ran away that night she got married.

 **Back at the banquet**

Lady Lucy !!! Arthur's voice suddenly thundered loudly sending shivers to the soul's of everyone present at the banquet.

'' what did you just say, get engaged to you? Was their ever a deal as that '' ?

'' prin... Prince Arthur, even if they was none. There would soon be , moreover she's just a human and anytime soon she will die but I won't. You and I will stay forever young but she won't.

'' enough !!!! '' he yelled this time with a slight change in his eye's shocking everyone.

Why why are your eyes changing? Lady Lucy asked. She could feel a fear she had never felt before.

'' excuse me father but I must live ''

 ** back outside **

My wife, he called out. Suddenly he could hear someone crying out their soul, moving closer he found bout it was his wife.

'' my wife, why .... Why are you crying? Come let's go come '' panic was evident in his voice.

'' No !!! I don't want to go with you ''