
 '' no!!! I don't want to go back with you'' she yelled shocking Arthur.

Are you angry ? Why are you crying ? He asked nervously .'' come love, let's go back home '' he said offering her his hand .

No I said no, this time her voice was much louder. '' I will go with Oliver, he will take me home '' 

'' leave now, he ordered through their eye contact to Oliver who just arrived'' sorry wife but he already left, he said trying to calm her down. Let's go home wife, its not good for a wife to stay out this long it brings bad omen to their husbands.

She suddenly turned facing him with her tearful face and shocked written over her face. Is that even true?

'' yes it is love. Its a family belief so we must leave now, moreover your lips are turning white due to the cold ''.

 And this time , she obeyed because she didn't want to any bad omen. She couldn't believe how one man could make her cry and smile at the same time.

'' I haven't forgiven you yet ''

'' its okay love , you can be angry as you want but don't push me away ''

'' am not angry, I never was angry in the first place ''

Then why were you crying?

'' Something got into my eyes ''.

 The next day was a total mess for her, a different butler was introduced to her

'' good morning milady, am Louis and I have been assigned to serve you. Is a pleasure serving you miss ''

'' good morning Louis '' was are only response.

'' miss, your breakfast has been served in the garden and prince Arthur won't be joining you for breakfast ''.

'' why and where is he at '' she asked feeling sad. Since they got married, he always ate with her and he wasn't around today.

'' well miss, I have no information of his where about'' 

 '' oh okay '' came her response.

 '' I will take my leave now miss '' he wasn't blind not to notice the princess' s mood was off today. She did not see happy and he did not want to linger much around her.

She couldn't eat well at all during breakfast. Her mind kept going back and forth to the event during the banquet and everything lady Lucy said.

'' what if , he is with her now, what if they are together right now planning the engagement and he just left me to myself all alone. I can't believe he could do such a thing . I thought he said he would protect me and keep me safe , he said he would take care of me . then why is he doing this? And then she felt it again that pain it was choking the life out of her and all she could do was cry,despite vowing not to act weak or cry yet she has been doing a lot of crying lately all because of one man.


 **A week later**

 '' mis will you like to read or listen to music or even ask a question concerning the empire. We will answer all your questions to the best of her knowledge '' her maids tried to cheer her up. Everyone in the castle noticed she wasn't happy, she even stopped coming out of her room or even eat well. Even her butler started getting annoyed at behavior.

'' let's go to the garden first '' was all she said.

Well Evie, why does Arthur's appearance look different from the rest of the family.

'' well miss, we don't really know much but all we do know is that ... It is rumored that prince Arthur is the only pure blooded vampire among the family and always a cursed prince '' Evie answered.

Cursed? Original blooded vampire ? What does that even mean, she asked feel confused.

'' miss, we only have little information . we are but maids and are not opened to much information. We are sorry miss'' they both said.

No problem , but is Arthur back. She couldn't get her mind off him, is being a whole week now and she had not seen nor heard from him.

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke

'' missing me already my wife ? I never knew you were interest in know so much about me and the empire. I would have given you a comprehensive information.

But before she could answer him, another family voice that hunted her dreams spoke from behind.

'' Arthur, you are here and I have been waiting for you '' lady Lucy's said while smiling at Lisa.

Oh greeting princess, I did not notice your presence on time. May I speak with Arthur?.

'' yes of course, of course you can '' she had mustered all the courage she had not to sound angry as she answered this of course shocked Arthur as he looked at her with open eyes. He had expected her to reject the offer, he could clearly see the pain and anger in her eyes yet she said yes.

'' aren't you the sweetest. now Arthur shall we? We have a lot of catching up to do''. Lady Lucy said loudly almost as if she was announcing it to the world.

While they left, Lisa could hear loud audible voices in her head.

 '' he will never truly love you. He have has and he will never, both then and now. You have awoken your own doom Lisa'' suddenly images flashed before her eye.

 No !!!! She screamed loudly. This pain she couldn't take it and the voices kept tormenting her, due to excessive pain she fainted.

Upon hearing her scream, her maids and guards gather round only to find their miss laying flat on the ground.

'' your Highness, miss, milady ''. They all called out in panic.

'' Ezekiel, go inform the prince and Louis take the princess inside '' ordered Oliver.

** back at the waiting room**

Everyone within the parameters of the waiting room could feel the suffocating air the prince was emitting.

'' Lucy what do you think you are doing her? What are you trying to prove and why are you beneath on annoying me'' he yelled causing the already frightened lady to flinch.

'' what do you mean Arthur? We have been friends since childhood and I know you better than anyone does. It is just appropriate that we get married !!! She yelled back despite her fear. You got married to a human who won't live long and you expect me to just seat still and watch you ruin your life ''.

'' excuse me your Highness, but the princess .... Well princess Lisa she ... Before Ezekiel could conclude his statement, Arthur already dashed out leaving Lucy in shock.

What happened here, why is she laying almost lifeless? Arthur asked in panic.

'' We don't know your Highness, she just suddenly screamed and fainted '' Zolan answered.

'' leave all of you, every body leave'' he ordered.

Several minutes later her eyes flicked open.


how do you feel love? Arthur asked

Upon hearing his voice, Lisa's eyes overflowed with tears, tears she was trying so hard to hold in just broke out and flowed. Causing shock to the already nervous Arthur.

'' leave me alone please, go spend your time with her. Get married to her but please just leave me alone '' she said between her sobs

'' I don't understand , what do you mean by that '' he asked feeling confused

Don't act like you don't know anything, didn't you spend a week with her? And ... You even brought her back with you, she yelled while getting off the bed. How can you do this your Highness, you had a deal with my people not to hurt me but what have you been doing?

Tell, you spent a week with another lady whom she should be engaged to and you seat her and act like nothing happened? Even if this marriage was based o. A truce you should at least honor it prince Arthur?

'' I ... What the heck are you talking about '' Arthur asked trying to get closer to her.

'' Don't come any closer just leave me alone '' she latched at him while sobbing.