What I would I do.

 Her sudden outburst shocked him to the core. Series of question mark kept popping in his mind, he couldn't process what she was saying or the reason she might be acting this way or she might heard all these from. All he knew was that he couldn't watch her cry this way.

'' Lisa .... Where the hell are you getting all these things from? What have you the impression that I was with Lucy for a whole week. I would never do that to you '' .

She knew it, she had wrongly judged him and from the expression on his face he wasn't lying at all. She could hear her Leon wall cracking.

'' no I must not let him do this ''.

'' I never saw her shadows through out the whole week. Moreover the talk of engagement never happened , it wasn't even real. I would never get married to any one apart from you now or ever ''.

'' he will, his just lying to make you stay closer to him and suffer you '' the voices in her spoke.

'' I.... I... That '' then where were you at . where did you go for a whole week and how come you bought arrived at almost the same time, she stammered.

You... , before she could complete her words, Arthur slammed his his on the wall she was standing. Only then did she realize that she was standing between him and the wall.

'' don't let him deceive you Lisa , don't. The voices kept popping '' you must not believe his words at any cost, remember he will only make you suffer and shed endless tears ''.

She could not believe the situation she found herself, '' whom should I believe, Arthur or the voice in my head ''. But she could feel it, the intensity in his gaze the soft liquid flatter in his eyes told her he was lying but she was already blinded by the pain she felt. Before she could process everything that was happening, she heard him curse for the first time.

'' damn you Lisa, damn you ''. How can you not see how desperate I am for you to trust you, how can you not see how much I desire you and finally wish for the day you let me touch my own wife. How can you be so ignorant woman , how?

 C' Mon Lisa, I would never do such a thing to you. You are the only woman I desire and want, I never planned to met her. Lucy and I were childhood friends and I never knew she fostered such an intention towards me. You are supposed to trust me Lisa, I am your husband for God sake woman. And you stand here ... I was away for a week because I had things to take care off, I never dreamt of staying away from you for a week.

She could feel the temperature in the room getting hotter by the moment, she wasn't ready for any of these . '' how I get into this ''. Suddenly she felt his breath in her ear, her heart thud loudly she could feel his warm breath touching her ear as his body tensed up.

'' listen love, you have no idea of the kind if intentions have towards you. Intentions to corrupt you, the thing I would do if I had the luxury of spending the week with you '' do you know what I do ?.


The expression he was give out right were so lustful starring up emotion and feelings she never knew she had. She could see the slight change in his eyes, her so called Leon bars crumbed a long time ago but she had to stand her ground, she must not let her herself fall for His unslut.

Listen carefully , listen to the impure Intentions I abhor towards you . if I spent that week with you, I'd spend every second and minutes taking care of you as I promised, I would show you how much I want you to trust me and finally let me touch you...

And when you finally do, i would first hold you and make you feel the warmth of my body against yours, I had hold your waist against mine and then .... I will kiss you so passionately that your lips would get swollen out of my loving you, then .... I would slide my tongue in your mouth and and invade every corner of it until you moan my mane loudly, I would tangle it with you're until we are both breathless and aroused.

Then... I would travel downward, lick every curve of your body, from your jaw to the hallow in your neck. I would make sure I leave marks on your body . then .... I will take off your dress .... And slide my hands upwards to your breast... This time Lisa let out an embarrassing gasps, her head kept spinning as she imagined everything he was saying , he face started heating up.

His eyes flashed with a lustful glint introducing a hue of gold to his slivery gray eyes, I had kiss you again and again until you wiggle under me ... And when you are finally ready, I'd lift your breast into my mouth and suck them gently, Lisa and lovingly, she left out another gasped accompanied by a groan from Arthur. They moans echoed in their ears awaken an intended arousal.

I'd massage them gently, paying attention to each at a time as a worship every curve of your body. And when you are finally ready enough ... I would impale myself into you, until you can feel every inch of me inside you, until my name will be the only thing registered in you mind .... I would go gentile as you want and as wild as you want until you can't get enough of you... Then we will both cum with an intended climax .... I will show you how Much you mean to me in several ways.

Her mind had undergo series if malfunction from his unslut.

'' ar .... Arthur .... '' she gasped out.

'' yes love, he groaned. Tell me Lisa ... tell me, what do you want ''. C' Mon love, open your mouth for me, he said followed by a deep groan. They could both feel the heat were emitting.

'' let me kiss you love '' please say yes 

Of all scenarios she had imagined the week he was away, this was not part of it. She could feel her stand totally shattered, all the Madden emotions he had invoked in her mind, all of them she wanted to feel them all.

'' C'mon love say yes '' say yes Lisa he begged her. He was wat passes his limit already and just a single reply from her would break his restraint, still he wanted to coax her into letting him get a feel of her.

'' Arthur.... I ... ''.

'' excuse me your Highness but the generals are here to see you ''. Louis interrupted, he had being standing by the door calling out but the prince was so engrossed with his wife. He had to enter into the room.

Ahh, she felt like someone poured a bucket of ice on her, she was suddenly broken free from the spell he had cast on her.

'' okay love, go to bed, I will join you later ''. He said while leaving her alone in the room.

Everything single word he said reverberated in her ear's, each word, his expression all played in her mind.

'' oh lord, help me ''.