
'' oh lord help me ''

She could feel the release of different emotions right.

'' oh mother, what do I do ''. She was really thankful that they were interrupted, she swore that she would have really let him kiss

'' this man is really bad for my health '' she could feel herself twitching down there. She almost came undone just by listening to him.

That night while she slept, she dreamt of everything he said during the day. He wasn't just tormenting her physical and emotional but also in her dreams. He kept invading her heart slowly and now her dreams but suddenly what felt like a pleasant dream turned into something else.

'' Lisa! Lisa!! Lisa !!! She heard the voice of a lady calling out to her, she suddenly found herself in a room but she could not understand what was going on.

'' you should have killed him when you had the chance to kill him but you didn't. Look now Lisa, he is almost awoken and he will come for you, this time he will kill you before you do ''. Run Lisa run!!! You have people you must save. The voice yelled.

'' my wife! Lisa!! Love!! ''.

ahh!! she gasped out with tears in her eyes.

'' relax now love, you are with me and you are safe. Its just a bad dream'' do you want to talk about? He asked her, he could sense her fear.

Suddenly she hugged him, she couldn't understand her dream but she had a gut feeling it had somthing to do with her husband.

'' not fair wife, not fair. You can touch me but I can't ''.

'' its too early to be shameless Arthur and am starving '', her stomach growled in response

He knewshe was trying to cover up her fears and not talk about the dream and he was willing to play along.

'' alright, get ready and come down for breakfast '' he replied.

That morning she wore a peach coloured gown, giving off the feeling of a queen. She never noticed it but her eyes glowed brighter than usual.

'' what would you like to do ''. He asked her

'' well, back at my father's palace. I secretly learnt magic. Father doesn't know about it, if he did he would be very disappointed ''.

'' why would he be disappointed ? '' he asked.

'' well , magic is considered to be very bad and an act practiced by witches. But I do believe magic has a line in our family, because if it doesn't father would not be able to summon a dragon. Summoning a dragon requires a lot of magic ''.

'' so you want to to continue learning, is that what you are saying ? ''.

'' oh yes of course, I would really love too, only if I get a proper teacher ''.

'' that's perfect then, I would get the best magician to teache you ''

'' will you do that? Oh thank you so much '' she said happily.

'' no thank you between us love, I will glady do anything for you. Moreover we are one now ''.

'' oh okay ''.

'' you should rest now, we will get your teacher by morning ''.

'' okay , but ... Don't go anyway till I fall asleep, please ''.

'' okay love I won't '' . he could sense her fear and it made him worried, he didn't know what she saw in her dream but he wasn't happy about it.

'' Lisa Lisa Lisa '' she heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice call her. She knew she was in another dream.

 '' Lisa Darling, you need to run away from him. You can't be beside him because the longer you stay with him the more to suffer ''.

'' but who are you? '' Lisa asked , her curiosity was getting the best of her right now.

'' I am you '' the voice replied.


'' yes you, listen Lisa the last will repeat it self again. We tried our best to keep him from awaken but we can't anymore ''.

'' keep who from awakening? Can you speak clearly and I can't even see your face '' Lisa said.

'' he is the one, the demon lord and the reason you will die. I can't say much but you must meete tomorrow, when the darkness cast its glow on the west, follow the darkness and you shall fine me ''... The voice faded.

'' wait ... '' , was the last last thing she said before waking up.

'' who is the he? And why is this person the reason I will die? I can't seem to understand this dreams and I can't tell Arthur abouth it either. Does this dream have something to do with Arthur? Wait .... What, Arthur isn't a demon apart from his mysterious aura am certain he isn't a demon. Moreover we have never met until the wedding day. So what all these dreams ''.

'' morning wife , the voice she was longing for greeted. It seems you had a lovely night ''.

'' yes I did '' , she answered trying to cover up her fear.

But he sensed it, '' did you have another dream? ''.

'' how ... How did you know ? '', she asked with open eyes. She was really shocked at this moment.

'' well love , your expression gave you out. Don't worry I won't push you, but you will have to tell me if the dream persists.

'' I will '' was her curt response. It to as all a lie, she wasn't going to tell him anything not until she unraveled the mystery behind her dream.

 '' am really sorry Arthur but I can't tell you anything, until I understand my dream '' she murmed under breath.

'' did you say something? '' he asked, he clearly heard what she said but he did not want her building trust in him to fumble.


'' no I didn't .... '' suddenly her stomach . ahh this is so embarrassing, she exclaimed inwardly.

 '' you should freahing up and come down for breakfast '' he said while leaving.

'' Lisa , am waiting ''. She heard the audibly this time.

'' I mustn't waste anytime, I must find out who is calling out to me. But were do I find the west from here and how do i get out of here '' she asked within herself. 

'' i must ask Arthur for a map'' she concluded.

'' uhm, Arthur can I get a map '' she asked during their breakfast.

'' what do you need a map for '' . he already had a clue of what she wanted to do but he still wanted to tell him.

'' nothing, I just want to familiarize myself with the surrounding kingdom '' she lied through her teeth.

'' okay, then I will send Louis to get them for you ''. He was so shocked by her level of distrust in him but he didn't show it.

She secretly studied the Map during the day. When the night came, she tiptoed out of her room towards the back door of the. Kitchen and she finally left the castle.

And there, she could see it . the darkness tha cast's its glow on the West and she followed it without leaving a trail behind.