
'' good morning miss Lisa, Louis greeted from behind the door. May I come in miss? Yet no response came. She has never been late for breakfast, so what's happening '' he asked himself.

Suddenly the doors opened and her maids came out looking nervous.

'' where is the princess and why is she not down yet '' he asked.

'' the princess .... She's ... We couldn't find her in her room ''.

'' what do you even mean by you can't find her ? '' he asked again.

'' we got here this morning , we greeted but no response came. We thought we might be asleep , we then decided to open the doors but she wasn't in bed nor the dressing room. Its as if she never slept in the castle last night '' Evie answered.

'' oh lord, this is bad, he exclaimed. How can this be ?. Have ... Have you checked around, she might be in the garden, no? ''

'' we've searched the places we know she be, even the library but she isn't there '' Abigail answered.

'' no!! He yelped, we must inform oliver '' he said .

**In the field**

'' don't you think the prince has been acting strangely since he came back a week ago ? '' Juan asked.

'' what do you mean ? '' levy asked.

 '' like the constant change in his eyes, his aura, everything feels totally off ''.

'' forget about it Juan, we all know the prince is beyond our imagination '' zolan answered

'' but still ... ''.

'' Oliver ! Oliver !! Oliver !!!, Louis called out. We have a problem ''.

'' relax Louis, you chicken hearted man. What's the problem that you had to run all the way here just to inform us. You all see the reason why I constantly bug the prince to train him ''. Ezekiel teased.

'' shut up Kiel, this has something to do with the princess '' he said.

'' what happened to her '' Oliver asked


'' she's... She's...'' He stammered.

'' Calm down Louis '' zolan urged him.

'' the princess, she's missing '' he finally said.

What!!!! Am the men immediately tensed up. They knew Louis wasn't some to joke around.

'' this is really bad '' levy said.

'' when did she go missing ? '' Oliver asked.

'' this morning. I only noticed that she wasn't in her room this morning, and when I asked her maids, they couldn't find her. We searched for her everywhere but she's no where to be found '' he said crying.

'' everyone scatter yourselves around we need to find her '' Oliver ordered. They were all tensed, they knew how much their Prince valued her. They still remembered how devastated he was the day they first argued, they couldn't get reed of his sudden blast of darkness, those golden silted eyes. No the memory hunted them and they did not want to experience it again.

After hours of searching, they all gathered at the same spot.

'' any luck? '' oliver asked.

'' nothing boss '' they chorused.

'' how , the hell did she leave this castle without our knowledge. She has never done this, she's not a careless person. Then how did she go miss '' he murmured.

'' maybe .... Maybe, she was kidnapped '' Louis said.

'' kidnapped !! No no no let's not think in that direction yet. The possibility of her being kidnapped is very slim , extremely slim ': zolan answered. They were all tensed, this had gone beyond joke they had being searching for hours now still yet they couldn't find her.

'' where are you princess, where '' they all thought in their mind.

After she had successfully gone out of the castle, she followed the direction of the map and darkness to the west.

'' Ahh, what have I done, I have being walking for hours now still no sign of any being human or vampire. I should have told Arthur ''. All the maps she studied pointed to a single direction but the direction she was taking was a little different for an unknown reason she could picture a very beautiful castle ahead of her and she was very sure that the person in her dream was there. But unknown to her the castle she left behind was a total mess.

 ** back at the castle **

 '' your Highness, the princess .... She's ... ''.

'' Oliver speak up, you are not one to stammer '' Arthur said.

'' the princess ... She's missing '' he finally gained the courage to speak. They all waited for him to react but he just sat there with is eyes closed but the temperature in the room decreased, they could all feel a soul biting fear.

'' princess Lisa is missing your Highness ''.

'' how did this happen '' he asked in very calm voice. But despite the calmness in his voice, they could all feel the darkness emitting from him.

'' answer me Louis, she was under your care, then how did she go missing '' this time his was was a little loud.

'' your Highness ..... I ... '' , suddenly Arthur aura blasted sending Louis flying.

'' your only job was to ensure she was properly taken care of and you couldn't do that. You should pay for your inabilities ''. He said opening his eyes which were now fully gold with a snake like silt in them, no there weren't just gold they could see a sliver lining of gray in them. He was emitting a very dark aura.

His mean never believed in the rumors of him being cursed, they only believed whatever power he possessed was as a result of him being a pureblooded vampire. But vampires do not wield magic nor dark power, so what was wrong with their Prince?.

'' uhm... Your Highness, you need to calm down. We will go search for her agai , she may just be withn the castle '' oliver said trying to calm him. Turning to the men, everyone out !!! Dispatch all the guards and search for the princess '', oliver again ordered even though he knew it was futile.

'' damn it, damn it to hell '' Arthur yelled. You better be safe Lisa, you better be. Unless you want me to turn the world upside down.

The men turned the entire empire that night searching for the princess Lisa, she did not leave any sign of struggle for them to lay hold off.

'' I think the princess left the castle on her own will, we have been searching endlessly and still no sign of her '' levy said.

 '' let's report back to the prince '' oliver said.

'' oh no, I don't want to be anywhere mean, Juan said. Did you see the look in his eyes? He looks totally different just a as the curse explains ''.

'' keep shut Juan and follow up '' zolan said. He too knew what Juan was saying, they all knew it but they refused to believe it.

 But the curse was real and true.

 ** back at the castle **

''Your Highness, we found no sign of the princess '' Ezekiel reported.