Queen mother Lauretta

 They all left the west land silently with only one thought in their mind, what was going on? Expect for Arthur whose mind was at rest, he did not know what happened but a part of him immediately became restless the moment he found out she was on her way to the west.Well, unknown to Lisa, the trail she thought she had kept properly sealed. That night when she studied the maps, she left a mark on one of them indicating the direction she was heading towards. That night he was everything, her dreams and the voice she heard all played like a tape before him. He did not know what happened but something sparked within him, an urge to ensure she doesn't remember the past a past he did not remember vividly.

On getting back to the castle, Lisa went straight to their room without speaking to Arthur, she wasn't exhausted but also confused. 

'' how can this be ? He could hear the voices and he even knew my dreams ? . I never told him anything and am very sure I didn't leave a clue as to where I was going to ''. She said aloud.

'' milady '' , a voice startled her.

'' oh my god, heaven's. What happened to you Louis ? '' she yelped, the condition he was in right now was not how she left him. He was .... He was not looking good.

'' ahh ! Nothing miss, I feel down while trying to get something from the kitchen '' he lied.

'' are you sure ? '' 

'' yes miss, am glad you are back. You should get ready for dinner '' he said.

'' oh okay '', she replied. The atmosphere surrounding the castle was a bit gloomy.

'' this is all my fault, I shouldn't have left in the first place. What was I even thinking , following a voice blindly without informing anyone ''. She thought. She just freshened up and went to bed, she was too confused to even eat.

'' your Highness, a voice called in the dark. Queen Lauretta will be arriving at the castle soon ''.

'' what's she coming for ? '' Arthur asked.

'' her mission and purpose for visiting is still unknown sire '' the person replied.

'' prepare for her arrival ... And Lisa ... What's she doing ? ''.

'' she's asleep sire '', was the short response that came.

'' Am sorry Lisa, but this is for the best '' Arthur murmured.

The next morning, the castle was in a total commotion. The arrival of the queen mother made everyone tensed , she was only and closest relation to the vampire Prince, she was a very strict woman.

'' where's my grandson and his wife ? '' she enquired the moment she arrived.

'' princess Lisa , she's still asleep while the prince is .... Well, your Majesty the prince is .... ''. Suddenly oliver was interrupted.

'' am here Queen mother and stop intimidating my men '' Arthur answered while approaching.

'' greetings yours Highness, it's being a long time now ''. The Queen mother's right hand man greeted .

 '' greetings minister Andrew '' was his response.

 '' grandmother, you shouldn't be here '' He said.

'' you spoilt child , you .... My darling grandson I came to meet the human girl you got married too and .... Before she could continued she noticed the slight change in his eyes.

 '' no this can't be happening, its too fast'' she thought.

'' grandmother you should rest first. besides my wife is still asleep, she had a stressful day ''. He answered.

'' okay dear grandson, but I must meet her the moment she wakes up '' . when she got to her room, she became worried.

'' Queen mother, why are we here? It is well known that prince does not welcome guest '' minister Andrew asked.

'' I know he doesn't ''

 '' then why are we here ? '' he asked again.

'' listen Andrew the curse is about to be broken, not now but soon. I don't know what happened in the last few days but am very such the curse will be broken soon ''.

'' am sorry, your Majesty but what curse are we talking about here. If I quiet remember the curse is just a rumor ''.

'' no it's not ''


'' what ... But what's does it have to with the prince ? The prince isn't curse right? '' he asked again.

 '' all you need to know is that we're here to prevent the princess from leaving this castle. We must at any cost prevent her from leaving ''.

When Lisa woke up, she felt her whole body ache.

 '' oh lord, why do I feel so much pain ? ''

'' morning love '' her husband's voice sounded beside her.

'' morning Arthur, I should freshen up '' she replied.

 '' Lisa are ... You angry ? '' he asked.

 '' no '' came her response. She was angry but not at him but at herself, last night she realized how much risk she had taken by leaving the castle without informing anyone.

 '' then ... Why ... ''.

 '' I need to freshen up '' she interrupted him while moving fast.

 '' my grandmother ... The queen mother , she's around and would love to meet you

'' what !!! When did she arrive '' she felt extremely nervous. First his parents and his grandmother. But wait grandmother ? ''.

 '' yes my grandmother... It you aren't ready to meet her , I could just tell her you're busy ''.

 '' no don't, I ... I just felt overwhelmed that's it, I will just get ready and come down '' she replied.

 '' greetings grandmother '' a tiny feminine voice spoke from a distance. This was Arthur's sister.

 '' oh my, is that you Alexa ? '' Queen Lauretta asked in shock.

 '' yes grandmother, it is I your one and one beloved granddaughter. I have missed you mother '' Alexa answered.

 '' I have missed you too my child. But first things first , where are you here ? Your brother doesn't welcome guest most especially from the north and you know that ''.

'' well my dearest grandmother, brother a letter for me last night stating i must be here. Moreover grandmother, I heard brother's wife is extremely pretty so I would love to meet her personally '' Alexa replied.

'' Alexa, grandmother, meet my wife princess Lisa '' Arthur's approaching voice sounded.

The two ladies, standing before Lisa where ... They were absolutely beautiful and this two ladies had a striking resemblance with her husband, their slivery gray eyes and dark hair ... She just could describe their beauty 

 '' greetings Queen mother, greetings Alexa '' she finally voiced out.

 '' oh my heavens '', Alexa exclaimed. She's so pretty right grandmother? She asked.

Queen Lauretta could not believe her eyes '' how can she be this pretty ? '' she asked within her mind.

'' grand mother, grand mother !!! '' Alexa called out when she realized her grandmother was dumbstruck.

 '' oh my, greetings dearest '' she finally said. Oh my my I can't believe this , so the rumors where true Arthur got himself a goddess for a wife.

 '' thanks Queen mother '' Lisa replied shyly.

 '' no Darling, you must address me as grandmother understood ? Now Arthur if you don't mind , I would love to speak with your wife privately '' she said.

'' no silly advice mother '' Arthur warned.

'' oh sure sure my dear son but take this sister of yours away '' she said 

 '' but ... ''. 

'' Alexa ... Come with me '' Arthur interrupted her as they both left.

'' my Darling, how do you like here, I mean this entire empire '' Queen Lauretta asked.

'' not bad grandmother '' Lisa answered she was overwhelmed by the presence of the queen.

'' any questions you might want to ask ? ''

'' uhm, grandmother .. Why do you ... I mean Arthur , you and Alexa look different from the rest family ? ''. 

'' oh wow, he has introduced you to his adoptive parents ''.

'' wait ... What !! Adopted parent ? '' Lisa asked in her mind.