The curse

 '' what ... Adopted parent ? '' Lisa asked in her mind.


 '' yes dearest, his adopted parent ''.

'' grandmother, could you please explain what you mean ''.

 '' I will dear, that's why I came all the way from the north '' Queen Lauretta replied.

'' north ? Like the northern empire of Lirea ? '' she asked. Right now Lisa was speechless and the feeling of betrayal rose again.

'' yes dearest, don't you know ? ''.

 '' know what grandmother Lisa asked, because she couldn't understand why Arthur never spoke about himself. Well maybe it was because I never asked, but still she should still have told me even a little about himself '' she thought .

'' oh my, this grandson of mine. Listen dearest, Arthur, Alexa and myself are the original rulers of the entire vampire empire both north and east '' She said.

'' oh my heavens '' Lisa exclaimed inwardly, she felt extremely unhappy.

" you see my dear, there's a reaon why he and his sister were both adopted by king reign. Well you must have heard the rumor of your husband being a cursed Prince '' she said.

'' yes grandmother , but it's just a rumor right. Arthur isn't cursed '' Lisa said firmly.

Queen Lauretta was shocked at how her daughter in-law did not believe the rumors, she was happy at the same time sad.

'' grandmother, please go on '' Lisa urged her.

'' I will tell you a story, its a well know story in all Lirea. Although, each empire may have a different version of it '' The queen mother said.


many years ago, when all being human, vampires, witches all lived togethe but with the humans being slaves to the vampires. A different race and beings lived isolated in the western part of Lirea, this was the light and forest fae's. They were ruled by a supreme leader the Light Queen , she reigned in justice and truth using her light and forest magic in vanquishing the darkness completely. She was pure and true without an atom of corruption in her. 

This purity did not last for long, as she fell in love with a man of unknown roots, they met secretly outside of Lirea but then she got married to them in the west . she gave herself completely to him without confirming his identity, on the night they consummated their married she became corrupted. But that single act of love put the entire land of Lirea in doom, the land was attacked by husband whom she later found out was a demon lord, her so called husband was a demon lord who came to take over the entire land and she fell vicitim of his deceit.

The battle was really fierce that she had no other option than to curse him with both her magics combined....

'' the darkness shall casts its glow on the west from where my corruption took place and also consume I and my corruptor. We shall be bound as one '' this curse was sealed with her blood. 

But then it was prophesied that they would reborn and would meet again. Queen Lauretta ended the story.

But Lisa knew a lot of information was omitted but she did not want ask.

 '' well grandmother how does this story relate to Arthur and yourself ? '' she asked.

'' my dear ... Well you see Arthur is the ... '' 

 '' grandmother !!! Arthur's voice thunder from afar, that's enough storytelling for today, she needs to rest ''.

'' but Arthur she needs to know ... ''

'' no grandmother, she doesn't need to know anything. Besides these story has nothing to do with her '' Arthur replied.

'' But Arthur ... '' Lisa started.

'' come love, you need to rest '' he said leaving no room for questioning.

'' thanks grandmother, we shall continue again next time '' Lisa said.

 '' there will be no next time, Arthur cut in. You too grandmother you should rest '' he continued

'' Arthur .... Is it true ? '' Lisa asked when they got to their room.

 '' what true ? '' he asked as he tucked her in bed .

 '' the curse '' she asked again.

'' don't believe everything you hear love, you must only believe what I tell you '' he replied, the last thing he wanted was for her to start digging into any rumored story.

'' sleep love '', he lured her.

'' Lisa you must come to the west, the truth you seek ... Everything about the curse all lies deep within the west land. You was unlock the secret of the past to defeat the darkness that threatens to overwhelm Lirea, come fast Lisa '' the voice faded.

 Lisa woke up feeling extremely Impatient, she need to know the truth.

 '' I need to journey back to the west ... Oh no if I do tha, Louis would have to bear the consequences of my disappearance again '' she had found out from her maids what happened to Louis. Oh heavens, what do I do now. Please direct me '' she prayer internally.

'' morning love , '' Arthur greeted while starring at her.

'' morning Arthur ... Uhm can I ask you for a favour ? '' she asked.

'' don't even think of it Lisa, you can't go to the west land ever again. No way '' he replied shocking her.

'' how... How did you know ? '' she was very sure he wasn't in the room, until now.

'' the things I don't know are very little '' he replied.

'' then I will leave without your knowledge '' she concluded. She couldn't understand his reasons for not wanting to to leave but one thing was sure, she would go to the west today and nobody would stop her not even Arthur himself.

'' damn you woman, don't you get it lisa. You can't leave this castle to the west '' he said although with a calm voice his eyes glowed gold.

 '' you can't stop me Arthur, you can't. You can't always have your way, I will do what I want '' she replied as her eyes glowed brighter.

Everyone outside were all shocked by the unusual phenomenon surrounding the castle, the sky above them shinned brighter at the same time darker.

'' no no no, this can't be.... Its too early, Queen Lauretta exclaimed. Minster Andrew get ready, we must act fast. She mustn't leave this castle not just this castle but the empire. We must stop her at all cost even if it means running a stake through her heart '' .

'' what .... You want to kill the princess '' . minister Andrew exclaimed in shock.

'' she won't die '' she replied.

 ** back at the room **

 '' sorry miss, but you are not permitted to leave this castle '' oliver said politely.

 '' on whose order ? '' Lisa asked. She really felt the urge to rebel.

'' on my order '' came a voice from outside.

'' you ... Grandmother, you ordered this ? '' she asked in shock.

'' yes I did '', sorry dear my dearest but you can't leave this castle. I don't want you to leave nor does Arthur wants you to leave '' the queen replied.

Suddenly she chuckled, '' this is ridiculous and you think ,you can keep me against my wish. Its quite funn, you know quite alright that you can't stop me queen Lauretta or should I say lady ivory '' Lisa replied shocking the queen.

'' now oliver, leave my way '' Lisa ordered, this time her eyes glowed brighter with a hue of gold.

'' no, you don't remember, do you ? '' the queen asked.

'' not yet, lady ivory but I will very soon '' she replied.

Oliver was in shock, because the prince's eyes were now completely god and here the princess ever shinning amber eyes where now shinning brightly with a golden hue.

'' Oliver leave my way !!! '' Lisa yelled. She was getting really angry by seconds.

Oliver had no other option but let her leave. He wasn't acting on his own accord but on the princess's word, he was now under her spell.