Castle of Light

 Everything happened so fast that everyone in the castle could not process the event, it's been an hour since the princess stormed out of the castle and the prince Arthur just kept himself out.

'' what do we do now, grandmother '' Alexa asked.

'' I did not see this coming, if she remembers everything it would be very disastrous '' Queen Lauretta replied.

 '' disastrous ? ''

'' yes darling, with her awaken comes the awaken of the demon lord, it isn't like he hasn't awaken but not completely '' the queen replied.

'' but mother If she wakens, she won't harm brother right ? She loves him right? Both then and now '' Alexa asked.

'' I don't know Darling, I don't know. All we know is she's still corrupted and a part of him resides in her '' the queen replied.

'' where do you think she's heading too now ? '' Alexa asked again.

'' castle of light, and if my timing is right she just arrived there '' a man answered.

'' Prince creek ?, what are you doing here ? '' Alexa asked.

'' I invited him over '' her grandmother answered.

'' oh I see, I will take my leave then '' Alexa said, she disliked this prince alot and swore never to have anything to do with him.

'' she still doesn't like huh '' Prince creek said.

'' let's leave that for now '' the queen replied.

'' leave ? You want me to leave my soul mate alone ? Seriously lady ivory '' he replied.

'' kept it down creek !! , what do you think will happen ? '' she asked.

'' the expected '' , came his response.

'' expected ? Oh Creek do not speak in riddles with me ''.

'' okay ... Okay. Now, once she enters the castle she will have to seat on the throne to regain her memories, not all especially the once of the demon lord '' he replied.

'' and why is that '' she asked.

'' it's the curse, we all know what the curse say but something was clearly opted out ''.

'' something, you meat the curse is incomplete ? '' she asked.

'' not just the curse lady ivory but the entire story '' he replied.

'' why don't we know about it? '' she asked again

'' seriously woman, you are so impatient. Well they both placed a curse binding them even in the after life, it happened when they consummated their marriage during the first phase of the war back then you , Alexa and the rest were in a deep slumber '' he replied.

 '' wow, so the curse can only be broken when they consummate their second marriage ? She asked.

'' no for now , she's just a corrupted fae. The curse will only be broken when she die and regain her full glory . well am quite excited, ahh my powers will be back soon '' he said. 

Lisa found herself standing before the same door she stood the first time she came.

 '' remove your shoes Lisa only then will the doors open '' The voice spoke.

She immediately did as she was told and the doors glowed amber with a touch of green light until it opened, looking inside she saw nothing .

 '' hello she called out. Am her here now you can now show yourself '' but no reply came. She decided to step inside, she never noticed but the moment she entered to west land her body glowed and shimmered with a amber green light.

The moment she step in a deep green eyes appeared before her.

'' ahh she yelped, this is a dragon right. She felt and impeccable feeling downwards this dragon. But I thought all dragons came from the south at least that's what all dragon keeper were told, moreover there's only one surviving dragon . so why is there a dragon here ? ''. No matter the questions she asked, she constantly felt a familiar feeling towards this place even with the dragon following her right now. Bracing herself for the unknown, she ventured deeper into the dark castle with herself being a beacon of light which she failed to realize. 

She could see different languages written on the wall, the images that told a long lost story. The more she looked at them the sadder she became and the more she believed she belonged here.

 '' your Majesty, you're back '' a familiar yet unfamiliar feminine voice called out.

'' back ? Whose back ? '' she asked trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

 '' you are , oh pardon me your Majesty. Let me reintroduce myself I am Yuan '' the lady introduced.

'' oh my '' Lisa gasped when she finally saw the Lady, the person before her had a sliver hair with a very light shimmering skin and an ember colored but green hue eyes. You are so pretty she said .

'' thank your Majesty, but you need to come with me to your palace '' Yuan said.

'' sorry ... Palace? What palace are you talking about and how is it mine. Moreover am not a person of the west.'' Deep down Lisa had a feeling she was a person of the west but she did not want to admit it.

'' you will only learn the truth if you follow me '' Yuan replied.

'' no I won't, am really sorry but is this a mind game or something ?. I came all the way from the east just to know who was calling out to me and you Telling me to follow you ? Do I look like a fool to you ? '' she was extremely angry right now , all the unknown feelings this place invoked in her made her uneasy and angry.

'' forgive me your Majesty ''. Yuan replied. She quit understood what Lisa was going through, she too waned to remember things quickly. The voice you are talking about is mine.

'' excuse you ? You've been the one talking to me ? Moreover don't address me as your Majesty, I am princess Lisa. She replied.

'' I know you are princess Lisa, but you need to came yourself down and listen to me your Majesty, its important you come with me '' Yuan said.

 '' come with you ? But to where ? '' Lisa asked.

'' to your palace !!! '' Yuan raised her voice a bit . she was getting irritated , the queen she knew was never this fear and weak. The Lisa she knew was stronger than this, could this as a result of the rebirth or something happen, she murmured.

'' fine , I will follow you '' Lisa finally agreed. Moreover I came here by myself. I really need to get a grip on myself, I can't be behaving like this when coming here was my on decision , she whispered.

Yuan took her deep into the castle, everywhere they passed shinned brighter.

'' oh wow, this place is beautiful with the lights '' Lisa praised

'' lights?, oh my it seems you haven't noticed yet but you seem to be shinning not the castle '' yuan said.

'' me ? it was at that moment she realized she was glowing really bright. But how am I shinning this bright ? '' she asked.

'' you will understand everything when we get to the palace '' Yuan replied.

They continued walking until they got into a very beautiful house at the center of the castle. This was the light Queen's palace.

'' listen your Majesty, you must seat on the throne when we enter, that's the only way to find out what is and what was '' Yuan explained.

The moment they entered the palace, Lisa's body burst out with different rays of light going towards the throne. She felt an impeccable feeling that brought tears to her eyes just by looking at the throne.

And then she

seat down on the throne, and images of the past flashed before her eyes forcing her into a deep sleep.