Light Queen  I

Lisa's eyes flicked open with an amber green light in view.

'' I can't believe mother would do this to doing. Send me away ugh, just like that Yuan this isn't right '' a voice spoke from the distance.

'' you have to, moreover its just for few days not forever '' another replied.

Intrigued by their conversation Lisa moved to take a closer look at them while maintaining her distance. '' who are these people ? '' she thought, the environment she found her self was a bit different.

'' Lisa !! You can't go there, her Majesty your mother would not permit that '' a voice spoke shocking her.

'' did they see me ? '' she questioned in her heart.

'' c'mon yuan, if you don't spill nobody would know moreover aren't you happy we finally got to leave that boring palace ? '' another voice answered.

Lisa fastened her footsteps until she cut up with the tow people speaking, suddenly a lady in sliver hair turned shocking her.

'' no way !! This … this can't be me. I have never being here before '' she said in shock. The lady before her was an eighteen year old version of herself dressed in a princess attire with a shimmering light skin.

'' come Lisa let's go back, the queen won't be happy if she finds out we started out for long '' a lady voice sounded.

'' ugh!! You listen to mom too much Yuan, am you friend not her !! ''.

'' and she's the queen not you ''

'' I will be someday and that day you would have to listen to only me and nobody else '' .

'' but you aren't any queen now, you are just a Prince but little baby prince. So I will listen to the queen and not you, moreover even if you become a Queen I won't listen to you ''.

'' oh yea, because you are me and am you '' Lisa replied.

'' yes Lisa, am you and you are me. We are one ''.

They both laughed and played , trained together.

Years went by and Lisa watched her younger self grow into a powerful woman with her second half yuan by her side.

'' queen Lisa '' a mans voice called out.

'' yes lord Roland, how may I be off help to you today ? '' she asked.

'' its been three whole years since your mother died, isn't it time for you to get married ? '' the man asked.

'' and how does my being married affect the land of Lirea or the west land lord Roland ? She asked.

'' my apologies your Majesty, I asked out of concern. As you well know the feeling war is threatening to ravage our lands ''. He answered.

'' listen human lord and puppet of the vampires, when the time is right I shall get married '' she responded.

'' my love '' a voice called out shocking Lisa

'' Arthur '', she saw her past self running towards a man.

'' I waited all day, but you never came, why my love ''.

This came as a shock, '' how is this even possible, I ,me , Arthur. Ahhh !!, this is totally strange. So I have know Arthur from time past ''. She murmured.

'' am sorry love, I got really busy but am here now ''.

'' but Arthur, you haven't told me where you come from, what land are you from ? And where do you live ? Sorry am asking too much but I need to know , its … its just … I don't want us meeting secretly anymore ''.

'' am really sorry my love, I can't disclose anything about myself to you for now but I will when the time is right ''.

'' okay then… come to the west and live among my people '' she suggested.

'' no I can't don't that. You want me to leave among those earthlings uhm sorry I mean among humans, vampires, witches and the likes of them ?''

'' yes love that's what I want ''.

'' no love, I can't don't that, I have a race I belong to and land of my own but if you don't mind I could come you at your palace ''

'' no, you can't come to my palace, I can't let any one see you. Am under a lot of pressure right now and I don't want to add to it '' she replied refusing instantly.

Sensing her troubled mind he asked '' what's going on love ''.

'' my people... They want me to get married as it will balance the power ''.

'' then let's get married '' he announced.

'' wait ... What !! c'mon Arthur you aren't from Lirea nor from the west land and you want us to get married ? What do I tell my people '' she asked.

'' don't worry love, just lnform them and leave the rest to me '' he replied.

'' okay I should leave now , Arthur ''.

'' okay love ''.

'' listen Yuan ''

'' yes your Majesty ''

'' pass down this information to the entire land of Lirea, stating that I, the light Queen would be getting married in two days '' 

'' wait ... Marr .... Marrr ...marr what !! Seriously Lisa Darling I can't believe you. You want to get married to whom, you don't even have a lover be it human vampires, humans, witches or even among the fae's so how can you be getting married and to whom ''

'' I do have a lover yuan, and a very handsome and caring man. Just pass down the information, I don't want those dukes and lords coming here to constantly bug me about getting married ''

'' okay your Majesty the light Queen, where is he from ? '' she asked

He ... He.. He's... I don't know yuan, all I know is that I love him and I will get married to him even if it means given up this entire land for him I will do that just to be by his side '' Lisa replied.

'' what !! You can't be serious Lisa . you can't marry him and that's final ''

'' no Yuan, am done listen to you, pass down my message. Not even the gods can stop me from getting married to Arthur ivory do you understand ? ''