The Dark Side. 4

Trent stepped into the room that appeared to have been carved out of the cavern walls. It seemed bigger on the inside than it had from the outside, much like the Batcave, but with a Paradox twist. The air was even heavier here, and Trent found himself standing in the center, eyes scanning the surroundings.

The far walls were decorated with ancient relics and tattered banners. A symbol immediately caught his attention—clearly that of the Rebels. Flames from scattered candles flickered in random corners, casting dim light as shadows danced along the jagged stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

Something caught Trent's eyes, and he faced that direction. It was a set of arcane implements, possibly what the Rebels use to ski down slopes and also carry out some of their activities. The place looked like a dump of old Dark Sorcery cultivation, and yet a place of innovation as well.