
(AN: I don't know how to describe things so I apologize for that)

During the whole month Noah did his usual routines, but a run in the morning is added, so his stats also grew.

[Name: Noah Finn

Class: Military Mage (SSS)

Level 3 (0/300)

Mana: 2,200

Strength: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 220

Endurance:120 ]

[Free stat: 8]

Ever since he awakened he felt that his growth is faster than before, and his stats proved that to him.

'I'm kind of excited, a while ago I just died but now I'm about to enter a supernatural school'

'I better finish my run because I also have to pack my things'

The Awakener University provides their own rooms inside so Noah has to say goodbye to his house again.

And Noah plans to be early in the University before any of the events happen.

In the envelop additional to his scholar, events that the university will conduct is contained on another paper.

'School Orientation, then well have to go to our classroom to meet one another, to which I hate'


Noah stood in front of the university gate and behind it is a tall skyscraper that is designed like a castle from medieval times.


Some students also came early so the gate is bustling with students that is entering.

Noah also went inside to find his room 'Room 101'

The catwalk is filled with directions so Noah went to a direction that said (Boys Dormitories) the Girls Dormitories are directed at the opposite direction.

'This school is huge, every facility is separated'

While walking Noah saw a training ground, gyms, etc.

'Ah there it is'

Another huge building appeared in front of him that read (Boys Dormitories) designed like a hotel.

He went inside and walked at the receptionist.

'A dormitory having it's own reception desk is such over the top'

"Hello, I'm looking for room 101"

The receptionist looked at him as if scanning him.

'I don't recognize this student, to actually own one of those rooms'

"It's at 11th floor, you can just take the elevator or the stairs, room name is on the door, it should be easy to find"

"Thank you very much" Then went to find the elevator.


" it is"

Noah opened the door with an ID given to him inside the envelope, and some sort of sensor turned green.

Noah looked inside, there's a wall on his right and left that has doors.

He looked inside the right door and it's a bathroom, and the left side is a closet so Noah just threw his bag in there.

'I'll deal with those later'

Noah walked farther inside, in the middle is a large bed and on it's left is a huge window that leads to the balcony that's able to see the beautiful scene of the school grounds, in front of the bed is table to study and eat, with his own tv, and another paper on the tabletable containing the benefits of the room.

'This room is huge, personal tv, bathroom and a closet, and this room is mine only?'

'The large tuition fee is reasonable'

He looked at the time and it's about to turn 9:00.

'Orientation starts at 9, I better go'


At the orientation Noah just found a seat closest to the door, students slowly flooded the auditorium.

The auditorium is designed like a Roman theatre so there's a lot of seat, as the auditorium became full a beautiful man slowly walked towards the podium holding a book.

"Ehemm...Hello everyone I am your School Director for those who doesn't know I am Mr. Calix Pagonis"

"I have gathered everyone so that I can get to know you and for you to get to know the rules of the school"

"First and most important rule of this school is 'The weak shall fear the strong' this rule is created because if you are weak during your time here what use do you have at the battlefield?"

"Some of you may treat this like a vacation but that's where you are wrong, here is hell before hell, we will put all of you in a dangerous situations that may result some of you dying, of course you already know that"

"Second is Do your best, that's it, if you follow the second rule you have no problem following the first rule"

"Because only when doing your best will result in a good result"

"Now I will talk about our facilities..."

After a bunch od speech about the school and inspiration to serve the country...

"...You might have already seen the students behind me, this students are the one who got the highest scores during the entrance exam, please go up front..."

Three students walked in front beside Mr. Pagonis, one of them is Freyja.

'As expected Freyja took the test, I didn't know the reason before but now...'

"For the 1st place, this is Freyja Hildebrand and as per the rules the first place will be the Student Representative"

"And for the 2nd place, This is Frediano Aquilius"

"For the third place, This is Briana Anemos"

"Please give them a round of applause"

'Finally it's done, I will always hate orientations'


'Class A'

While walking Noah thought about What Mr. Pagonis said.

'So we will be staying here for only a year, those who gets a higher grades during the stay will have a better time in the battlefields and for those who fails or only got low scores'

'You can just imagine how hard it will be'

'Anyways...Class A, here it is'

Noah walked inside and just like the auditorium the classroom is designed like a roman theatre but smaller in size and with a table on the right middle and left.

'Even the classroom is huge...what use is there to have it this big for only 50 students'

Noah found a seat on the middle, he noticed that students kept their distance exept for those that knows each other, so he did the same.

After he sat down a figure went down to the podium.

Bang Bang Bang, he slapped the podium.

"Listen up, I'm Brad Wilson the instructor for Class A"

"As per the rules we won't conduct any activity for today because it's the first day"

"So do your own things, I just came for today to introduce myself as your instructor and for you to see my face"

"That's it" Then he left.

For the rest of the day Noah got himself familiar with the school grounds.


The next day...

Early in the morning at 6, since their class starts at 8 Noah has a lot of time for him to do his usual routine, and with his morning runs he got even more familiar with the school terrain.

'I ran for an hour and I was only able to run around the entire school one time...'

He thought while walking to their classroom, as usual Noah took his previous seat and waited.

Not long after, Brad came in.

"I hope all of you has done the necessary things yesterday because starting today onwards is pure school activities"

"And for today I will conduct a vs match with each of you, so follow me to the school training grounds"

The students waited for Brad to go out, then soon followed.


Brad and the students of Class A is gathered in the Middle of field that is enclosed like a dome providing them a shield from the sun.

"Ms. Hildebrand come up front"

Freyja nodded and went in front.

"I don't need to introduce Ms. Hildebrand now do I?"

Students nodded.

"Since you are the student representative you will get to choose who you want to fight, even me"

Freyja was slightly surprised by the offer of Brad but shook her head 'even if I choose to fight him I will learn nothing' then she looked around and saw Noah looking around the area 'same with him...' So she just said.

"I don't have anyone in my mind at the moment, but I will fight those who wants to fight"

Brad smiled 'good answer, if she chose me she wouldn't even learn anything, it's better if she fights someone with the same strength'

"Okay since that is the case, anyone wants to challenge Freyja?"

Someone raised their hand, and it's Zenith.

Brad saw all his students files so he knows Zenith.

'Zenith Rai, another student that Jaimee recommended'

"Okay there's one, Zenith Rai come up front, and other students get behind me"

Brad created a dome around him and the students that is made from wind.

Zenith and Freyja stood not far from each other.

"Are you both ready?"

Both of them nodded.


Freyja immediately rush towards Zenith, although Zenith is an INT class his fighting style is close combat, more specifically sword fighting since his class is all about speed.

His passive skill is [Storm Savant]

[Storm Savant] - (passive) - For every Int and Agi, 5 thunder damage is added to your attack. Each thunder damage has a paralysis effect, effect duration depends on the opponents strength.

His passive effect stacks with [Thunder Beast]

Only during the whole month of free time did Zenith think of this fighting style, it was inspired by Noah and his use of manablade.

Seeing Noah fight like that he thought, 'yes, being an Int class doesn't mean I need to have a long range fighting style, why didn't I thought about this before' so for the whole month Zenith practiced sword fighting, specifically Rapier.

[Zenith Rai

Int - 44

Agi - 19]

During the whole month Zenith was able to improve his Agi to 15 and with the free stats he put 4 on Agi and Int.

Zenith trusted his rapier towards Freyja, Freyja raised her shield and blocked him, then a huge soundwave and dust spread.

The students exclaimed.

"Wow so strong..."

"It's just the first confrontation but their both already so fierce"

Vinera "as expected they are still equally matched, I have to work hard too"

Mainly amazement is what the students are feeling.

For Noah 'Hoo so they both changed their styles, if they had this style during our last fight I would have lost'

Dust settled, Zenith and Freyja exchanging blows can be seen after the dust Dissapeared.

For Freyja during the whole month she trained with a shield, her mindset before was 'since I have Vinera as my shield I only have to work on my offense' but Noah proved that wrong, although Noah doesn't have any sort of defense he has a high quality offense, but Freyja doesn't have that, so she always joins Vinera during her practice to learn shield fighting.

Although Vinera thought that she was useless for not being able to be the protector of Freyja, because Freyja is forced to use shield but she moved on, because she thought about how Freyja almost got hit by Noah during their fight for not having any defense, so she just thought 'I also just need to work hard'

After using their skills, Zenith and Freyja stood in front each other holding each other's throat, with Freyja's Endurance and Zenith's speed they couldn't quite deal any huge blows against each other so they fought until they ran out of stamina.

"Okay that's enough, goodjob you both it's a tie" Brad smiled and called the next fight.

"Next is Primrose Everly vs Student #"

Primrose has a Light Green hair that is flowing like water, brown eyes and an average face but her hair makes her beautiful.

Primrose is also from a huge family like Hildebrand and Rai, so she also has an S-Class Nature's Emissary, a Class that has an offensive and Healing capabilities making it one of the high S-Class that is close to being an SS Class.

So the fight went as expected Primrose won without any trouble, although the opponent did hold out for a while, but the constant bombardment from different kinds of plant made the opponent give up.

Primrose felt sorry so she healed him using some kind of plant.

"Excellent fight both of you" Then he called the next one.

Different kinds of fighting styles and Classes appeared but no one appeared above A Class, one or two has A class but the others has B.

Then Brad called the last fight.

'Hmm this both is also recommend by Jaimee'

"Okay last fight is Noah Finn Vs Vinera Fort"

'Vinera huh, did she also change?'

Both of them got ready.
