
(AN: Yay got my first review, planned to have 2k words on every chapter but it seems to be not enough so I will try 3k words every chap)



Although Noah has a good stamina because of his endurance and the run he takes every morning, at 15th lap he is also already about to collapse.

'God damn...finally done' as soon as Noah reached his 20th lap he laid down on the ground.


The students complained in their heads but had to continue.

Those still at 10th lap is already crying, some even already considered to use their skills, but in doing so would be an additional lap.

20mins later all Class A are laying on the ground and for Noah who finished early, already rested together with Vinera because only the two of them has the highest End in the whole class.

So vinera asked "Hey man are you really an Int class? How do you have more stamina than me"

"Maybe genetics?" Noah answered.

"Bullsh*t, tell me, did you put all your free stats on End?"


"Hey man come on what's your secret..." Vinera asked as she kept shaking him.

Freyja and Zenith was competing the whole time so they laid together and as they expected Noah came first.

They both thought 'How does that guys do it'

"All of you have rested enough so get up, we'll be doing some drills" Brad said, while he also looked towards Noah and Vinera.

'It's understandable for Vinera to not get that tired but Noah an Int class to not only keep up but came first is interesting'

Brad saw the students not getting up so he gave them motivation.

"If you don't get up in 5 seconds there will be an additional 5 lap"


With that all of them sprang out from where they are lying.

"That's more like it"

"For the drills, they are relatively easy, For those who specialize In close combats will practice with their weapons, as for those long distance attackers will practice their running ability and ability to attack while running or Kiting for short" Then Brad went to a wall and pressed a button, suddenly the whole area changed, a mini arena appeared on the middle and a bunch of dummies with weapon racks surrounded the mini arena.

"The dummies outside is for close combat, the mini arena is for long distance attacker"

"This is new to all of you so I will demonstrate"

Brad went to a dummy and a level 0 appeared on the dummies chest.

"Level 0 means it possess no threat and is not able to dodge" Then he change it to level 1.

"Level 1 still has no threat but it has the ability to dodge" Then to level 2.

"At level 2 it can have a weapon of your choice, and is only able to counter attack" Then he change it to level 3.

"Level 3 is the hardest, the dummy can attack you without any reservation so injury is expected once you get to level 3"

Then he moved to the mini arena, inside has a single dummy that is standing on the middle.

"The levels are the same for this dummy, but instead of short range attacks it has long range attack"

"So was my explanation clear?"

They nodded.

Then someone asked "Are we the close combat attackers also able to use the mini arena sir?"

"Yes and long range attackers can also use the close combat dummies" Then he looked at Noah.

"Okay since you were the one that finished their lap first, you will be the one trying out the dummies first"

'As expected'

Noah nodded then went to the weapon rack beside the dummies, and couldn't find a suitable replacement for the weapon he invented for himself.

During the whole month of free time Noah decided to experiment with his skill [Attack Change], and to much to his surprise a medium can be used.

For example Noah can create a sword with a knife as a handle, and the theory behind is that the knife is the weapon and the sword created with mana is the ammo, making it almost weightless, he thought of this with his manablade before.

The mana consumption is not very user friendly though, the smoother the medium Noah used will make the MC lower but a curved medium like a hammer will make the MC 2 or 3× the original.

For example his mana blade consumes 1 mana per minute so the sword he created with a hammer would make him consume 2× mana.

(Again MC is Mana Consumption)

Then creating a gun with a hammer as a medium is another, you need mana to maintain the gun and the ammo is also another mana consumed again.

But then a smooth medium comes in, like a stick or tube, makes the MC lesser, for example the original 1 pistol ammo is 1 mana turns into 0.1 mana.

(AN:Y'all get it?)

So he asked "Can I use a personal weapon?"


So Noah took out 2 5inch metal black tube.

Brad asked "Is that your weapon?"


So Brad didn't ask further.

This Tube reduces the mana consumption of the blade or gun he creates by 50% and the ammo by 90%.

Noah made 2 swords with the tubes as his medium.

Brad is amazed 'So that's the use of that'

Noah adjusted the dummy into level 2 because he wants to try it out first.

Then he and the dummy is surrounded by a 10meter circle.

"Once you get out of that circle the dummy stops and gets back to its original position"

Noah nodded and attacked the dummy with a diagonal cut, with Noah's sword being weightless it came down fast on the dummy.

The dummy stepped back and Noah expected this so he trusted his left sword towards it, the dummy easily parried it, and also did a vertical cut at Noah, Noah immediately stepped back.

"The dummy is programmed with one of the best combat system by the way" Brad reminded everyone.

Both Freyja and Zenith already wants to try it out.

Noah and the dummy did some back and fort for a while and eventually Noah was beaten.

'Although it's just for a while I already learned a lot, I need to have better attack methods'

Then he came out of the circle.

"You give up?"


"Do you want to still try the mini arena or rest up for a bit?"

"No I will try it out"


Noah deactivated his swords and created deagles.

With it Brad is amazed again 'So he can change it'

Noah selected level 3 and made it a gun fight.

"Are you sure?" Brad asked

"Yes sir"

"Alright continue, the attack of the dummy won't really hurt but when you are attacked it will be considered a loss"

Noah went inside and a screen appeared outside the arena for Brad and the students to watch.

'The first one to attack wins'

Then a coundown


Noah immediately fired at the dummy but they are both far from each other so it took a while for the bullet to reach the dummy so it was able to dodge.

The dummy also wanted to fire immediately but Noah was faster.

Noah run closer to it while firing constantly.

Then when he reached 5 meters away he fired dozens, he doesn't need any reloading so it's an expected win.

26 seconds, Noah is able to win in 26 seconds.

The students and Brad got amazed one after another 'I think that's a new record for new students'

"Great job Noah, I guess the fun is gone, all students go to your desired place to train"

"As for the mini arena is a turn base so you have to wait for others to finish before you can use it"

Immediately Zenith and Freyja ran to the mini arena but Zenith is faster.


"I guess I will go first HAHAHahaha"

Freyja could only watch Zenith on the screen, so she also found a dummy outside to train with first.


Their training in the morning is done at noon.

They went to grab lunch and immediately returned to the stadium, while on the way to the cafeteria and back at the stadium they also saw other classes from other stadium beaten up.

'Glad it's not just us getting beaten up' Noah chuckled

As they went inside Brad is already waiting for them, and the stadium is back to normal.

"Let's wait for others to return"


"As I have said earlier this morning, at noon we will conduct a teamfights and teams would then require leaders"

"We need 4 teams so anyone would like to volunteer as one of the leaders?"

Only Freyja raised her hand.

"Hmmm, okay Freyja is Team 1's leader"

"Anyone else?"

Zenith and Primrose also raised their hand.

"Zenith is leader for Team 2, Primrose Team 3"

"Were missing one" Then Brad saw Noah hiding behind the students.

"Noah is the Team 4 leader"

'Damn, I didn't even raise my hand'

Noah reluctantly went up front.

"This are the leaders for the teams, there are 48 of you so each team has to have 12 members including the leader"

"Now go to your desired Team"

'We can choose teams?' All of them thought and immediately ran.

Unsurprisingly Freyja is popular so there's a lot that went to her even more than 12.

After a while each teams is sorted out by Brad.

"I will leave you alone with your teams so that you can get to know each other"

Noah looked at his teammates and sighed.

"Ehem, listen here"

"I know some of you didn't want me to be your team leader and I also didn't want to be a team leader, but I'm already assigned as one so I can't do anything about it"

"As you already know I am Noah Finn and I will be your leader, although I still don't know what Mr. Wilson is going to make us do but let's get along with each other"

"That's all from me"

Then the others also introduced themselves.

One of his members stand out to Noah, Apollo Barnes, and interestingly his class is [A-Class Sun Blessed].

Noah asked about their skills and Apollos is one of the strongest A-Class maybe it's close to S-Class.

'Such a blessing came to me' Noah thought.

[Sun Absorption] - (Passive) - Absorbs the heat of the sun and uses it as an attack or defence.

Very simple explanation but Noah knows it's a strong skill because it didn't say the maximum heat Apollo can absorb.

But of course the weakness of it is nighttime.

Noah smiled 'That is a fun skill'

He called apollo over.

Apollo has dark skin, orange hair and 7'0 flat so he has a menacing look.

Noah is only 6'1 so he also has to look up.

He asked "Have you tried using your skill to make an armor or even a sword?"

Apollo touched his chin as if remembering and answered "I think I didn't yet, the way I use it is like making a fireball and throwing it as for defense I usually build wall of fire"

'This guy is a treasure, he can be a long range attacker and close combat'

"Do you want to know what I think about your skill?"

"Yes I'd like to hear another opinion, because I have asked several person about it and they thought the same as me, that I should focus on Int"

"That's were you are wrong, you see your skills didn't say the maximun heat you can absorb right?"


"So the only limitation your skill has is you, you need to have a stronger body to handle the heat you will absorb, and without a strong body? Maybe you can only use 1/10 of that skills potential"

Apollo got into thinking "So you're saying I should focus on End and Str?"

"Exactly yes, and I asked earlier if you have tried to make an armor out of the heat you absorbed right? Practice doing that and you'll know what I'm talking about"

Apollo nodded "I will try it out"

Why would Noah advice Apollo? Because he wants to have a front liner so that he can just stay back and shoot.


Brad noticed that each teams are already laughing with each other so he called them over.

"Okay gather up" Brad pressed a button again and the stadium change into a Gladiator Arena.

"The teamfight will be Team vs Team, the 2 teams that are not fighting will be waiting at the spectators seats"

"And the first two teams to fight are Team 1 vs Team 4"

The arena is large so it's very much suitable for huge battles like teamfights.

Brad pressed another button and the area bellow changed, obstacles ranging from different shapes and sizes appeared.

"The rule is very simple, use skills as less as possible, no killing, cutting of a leg or a hand is fine, they can be recovered back"

"Is that understood?"

Noah and his team nodded, and so did Freyja and hers.

"Okay go to your place, I will give you 10min for your plans"

Noah and his team geared up and went opposite of Team 1.

"Okay the opposite team is very balanced, they have 6 long range, and 6 close range"

"As for us, we only have 4 long range and 8 close range"

"So our plan would be to rush their long range attackers, if you see either Vinera or Freyja, do not engage, only engage when you see a long range attacker"

'Apollo is still a long range attacker right now so I can't use him yet, would have been nice if I also have a Vinera with me'

'I'll look at their skills first with this fight, Either we lose or win'

Then Brad appeared on a large screen on the middle of the obstacles.

"10mins are up, ready or not"


Team 1 also has the same plan however it's more focused on Noah, Freyja plans to find Noah first and eliminate him.

Noah, Apollo and 2 others immediately jumped to a tall obstacle to see the battlefield.

'Not a clean sight, I can't see anyone with this obstacles man'

Then the Team 1 long range attacker also went up to an obstacles and saw Noah.

"Enemies spotted, all close range attacker engage but remember about Vinera or Freyja"

They nodded and run towards in front.

The opposite team also informed their team about the location of Noah, then immediately fired rounds of attack, attack skills and arrows slowly reached Noah his 3 teammates.

Freyja and Vinera immediately also ran forward towards Noah.

The obstacles on the middle are lesser and shorter so you can see people.

While Noah and his team is dodging the attacks his teammates also returned fire but he didn't.

Noah waited for a while, Freyja and Vinera is able to reach him fast.

"That was fast"

They didn't answer but immediately launched an attack.

Noah also took out his tubes and made 2 swords.

"3 of you support me from behind, be careful with their long range attacks"

They nodded.

Noah is dodging constantly while also counter attacking.

"You see we had the same plan, but I have the upper hand"

8 immediately rushed to the side of Freyja also, so its 8 close attacker vs 6 long range and 4 close range.

Each close range would engage in a duel and the other 4 close range from Noah's team would chase the long range attackers from Freyja's side, and those long range attackers has a weak confrontations, so it's just a matter of time for Noah to win.

That is if Freyja and Vinera can deal with Noah fast and help their team.


As expected Freyja's plan failed, they couldn't deal with Noah fast enough and their team got overwhelmed with numbers.

"Both teams did a good job, you had the same plan but Noah's team executed it better, as for the injured you can go to the infirmary"

"Next team go to your places, you have 10mins to plan"

Primrose team is composed of a bunch of close range and only her and another teammate with a healer class is long range.

So their plan is very simple Run and Attack that's it, They will overwhelm their enemy with number the moment it starts and with Primrose and another healer they don't need to care about injuries.

Zenith's plan was also the same because same with Team 3 they only have 2 long range attacker.

The winner is Team 3, although injuries gets accumulated Primrose and her healer teammate can heal them again and again, Zenith and his team can't reach Primrose because she is protected and also has personal capability, so eventually Zenith and his team got tired because of the injuries they received.

"A good fight both teams" Brad saw the condition of Zenith and his team so, he and others helped them go to the infirmary.

Primrose's mana is already exhausted so she cannot heal anymore.

Noah is also amazed by the plan of Team 3.

'That will be hard to go against, a constant heal would require constant firepower so I would need to try a little when we fight'

'Team 1 and Team 2 won't be able to win against Team 3 so If I am not here Team 3 will become unbeatable in teamfights'

'Welp I will worry about that when that time comes, and that time might be tommorow, man I hate using up all my mana, it feels like I didn't sleep for days'

"Okay Class is done, you can go back to your rooms" Then Brad left.