Fighting Mutated Shadow Serpent

Ding! Level Up!

Name: Adrian Everhart

Age: 18

Level: 6 → 7

Title: Head of Everhart Manor


Health Points (HP): 450

Mana Points (MP): 240

Strength: 61

Agility: 28

Endurance: 41

Intelligence: 33

Charm: 20

Luck: 13

Seduction Points (SP): 2500


Intermediate Swordsmanship (Level 1)

Basic Mana Control (Level 3 → 2)

Dragon Roar (Level 1): An area-of-effect attack that sends sound waves whose strength depends upon the mana applied to the skill

Scaled Defense (Level 2): Increased resistance to physical damage

Eternal Yin-Yang Harmony Technique: A profound dual cultivation method that balances the energies of Yin and Yang between partners, significantly enhancing cultivation speed, physical strength, and spiritual awareness


Enchanted DaggerBasic

Healing Potion x3

Exp Storage Orb

Virtual Training Chamber Voucher

Charming Spray

Adrian saw the level-up notification as he finished off the last of the Gloom Wolves surrounding him. Blood dripped from his blade, and the battle's intensity began to fade, leaving him with the familiar sensation of leveling up. Eve approached, her expression a mix of concern and relief.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes scanning his injuries.

Adrian nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I'm fine. Let's take a short break before moving on."

After a brief rest, the duo ventured deeper into Shadowgrove Forest. The towering trees loomed ominously, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch toward them.

They had already encountered and defeated several monsters—Gloom Wolves, Horned Rabbits, and Shadow Serpents—but the forest seemed to grow more dangerous with each step.

Despite the fatigue creeping into his muscles, Adrian's determination to reach Level 10 kept him focused.

The atmosphere grew denser, and a sudden chill filled the air. Adrian's instincts flared. He immediately activated his Mana Fortification, sharpening his senses. His vision caught a subtle shift in the shadows around them—something was watching.

"Eve, stay alert," he warned, his voice low but firm. "We're not alone."

Eve nodded, her grip tightening on her staff. She activated her Mana Shield, a soft, translucent barrier shimmering around her, ready to absorb any incoming attack. Together, they moved cautiously, eyes scanning the darkened forest.

Without warning, a massive serpent emerged from the shadows. Its scales were darker than night, its eyes glowing with malevolent light. Venom dripped from its fangs, hissing as it touched the ground.

Adrian quickly activated his Appraisal skill, a wave of information flooding his mind:

Mutated Shadow Serpent

Level: 20

Health Points (HP): 1,200/1,200

Strength: 75

Agility: 60

Endurance: 70

Special Ability: Shadow Phase - The serpent can temporarily phase into shadows, becoming nearly invulnerable for a short time

Weakness: Fire and Light-based attacks

Adrian's heart raced. This creature was far stronger than anything they had faced before. A single mistake could prove fatal.

"Eve, it's a level 20 Mutated Shadow Serpent," Adrian called out.

"Its strength and agility are off the charts. Be ready—this is going to be a tough fight!"

Eve's eyes widened but she quickly steeled herself. "Got it. I'll focus on weakening it with Flame Burst and keeping you protected. Watch out for its Shadow Phase ability—it can become nearly invincible."

The serpent hissed, coiling its massive body as it prepared to strike. Adrian took a deep breath, centering himself.

He activated Mana Fortification, focusing the energy into his legs to enhance his speed. He needed to stay one step ahead of this deadly creature.

With a sudden, lightning-fast movement, the serpent lunged at Adrian. He barely had time to react, diving to the side as the serpent's fangs snapped shut just inches from his face. He rolled to his feet, his sword at the ready.

"Eve, now!" he shouted.

Eve responded immediately, raising her staff and chanting the incantation for Flame Burst. A ball of fire materialized in front of her and shot toward the serpent.

The flames struck the creature's scales, causing it to hiss in pain. The fire crackled and danced across its body, exploiting its weakness to heat.

Taking advantage of the serpent's momentary distraction, Adrian charged forward. He activated Dragon Roar, sending out a powerful shockwave that disoriented the serpent. The creature recoiled, its massive body thrashing as it tried to shake off the effects of the attack.

But the serpent wasn't done yet. It activated its Shadow Phase ability, its form flickering as it merged with the shadows. In an instant, it became nearly invisible, blending seamlessly with the darkness around them.

Adrian cursed under his breath. "Damn it, it's using Shadow Phase! Stay sharp, Eve—we can't let it catch us off guard."

Eve nodded, her eyes scanning the area. She quickly cast Dark Binding, sending tendrils of dark energy into the shadows. The spell wouldn't harm the serpent but might reveal its position.

For a tense moment, there was only silence. Then, without warning, the serpent reappeared behind Adrian, its fangs bared and ready to strike.

Adrian's enhanced reflexes saved him—he spun around just in time, his sword slashing through the air. The blade met the serpent's scales with a loud clang, the force of the blow pushing Adrian back.

The serpent hissed in fury, its massive tail whipping around to strike. Adrian raised his sword to block, but the impact sent him stumbling backward. His HP dropped slightly, a reminder of how dangerous this creature was.

"Eve, I need cover!" Adrian shouted, trying to regain his footing.

Eve responded immediately, casting Mana Shield around Adrian. The shimmering barrier absorbed the next strike from the serpent, giving Adrian the precious seconds he needed to recover.

He focused his mana into his sword, enhancing its sharpness, and prepared for a counterattack.

The serpent lunged again, but this time, Adrian was ready. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding its fangs, and drove his sword into the creature's side.

The blade sank deep into its flesh, and the serpent let out a pained shriek.

"Now, Eve!" Adrian yelled.

Eve unleashed another Flame Burst, the fiery explosion engulfing the serpent. The creature writhed in agony as the flames consumed it, its HP dropping rapidly.

Despite its injuries, the serpent wasn't ready to give up. It activated Shadow Phase once more, its form flickering as it tried to escape into the shadows. But this time, Adrian was prepared.

He channeled all his remaining mana into Dragon Roar, the powerful shockwave disrupting the serpent's phasing ability. The creature materialized fully, vulnerable and weakened.

With a final, decisive strike, Adrian drove his sword into the serpent's head. The blade pierced through its skull, and the serpent let out one last, pitiful hiss before collapsing to the ground. Its massive body went limp, and the glow in its eyes faded.

Adrian stood over the fallen creature, panting heavily. As he caught his breath, he noticed the familiar chime of a system notification:

Ding! Level Up!