Chosing Class

As Adrian stood over the massive corpse of the Mutated Shadow Serpent, his body trembled from the intensity of the battle. The forest around him was eerily quiet, as if even the creatures of Shadowgrove Forest recognized the strength of the warrior who had just felled one of its deadliest inhabitants.

Eve approached cautiously, her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and admiration. "Adrian, that was... incredible," she said, her voice filled with awe. She quickly checked his injuries, her hands trembling slightly as she applied a basic healing spell to his wounds.

Adrian gave her a tired smile, grateful for her support. "Couldn't have done it without you, Eve."

Ding! Level Up!

Ding! Level Up!

Ding! Level Up!

Congratulations, Host! You have reached Level 10!

Please Chose your Class to continue leveling up

1.Draconian Shadowblade

2. Draconic Bloodrager

3. Draconian Spellblade

4. Draconic Ranger

5. Draconic Alchemist

6. Shadow Vein Stalker

7. Scaled Blade

8. Draconic Trickster

9. Wyrmblade Duelist

10. Veinwalker

11. Dragonshade Rogue

12. Fang Dancer

13. Dragonscale Infiltrator

14. Wyrmborn Siphoner

15. Stormfang Raider

16. Serpentblade

17. Windclaw Striker

18. Wyrmkin Hunter

19. Dragonflame Thief

20. Dragon's Claw Stalker

21. Draconic Trickster

22. Bloodfang Raider

Adrian was stunned. He had leveled up three times after slaying the Mutated creature, reaching Level 10 in one fell swoop. But what shocked him even more was the list of 22 class options now before him.

A quick glance revealed that they were all related to dragons, likely due to his Draconian Mana Manual. Most people only had five or six classes to choose from, yet he had 22. The lack of descriptions for each class only added to his confusion.

Deciding to consult Isabella and Sophia before making any decisions, Adrian turned to the system. "I've reached Level 10. Why hasn't the mission been completed yet?"

The system responded, "Host must select a class to complete the mission."

Nodding, Adrian headed home with Eve. Upon arrival, he asked a maid to summon his mother, sister, and Chris if she was with them.

If not, he instructed her to send someone to fetch Chris. The maid nodded and went to carry out his request.

Adrian then took a bath, while Eve also separated to freshen up. They reconvened in the meeting room, where Adrian explained his level-up and the dilemma of selecting a class.

As Adrian explained his situation to Isabella and Sophia, their expressions shifted from concern to utter shock.

The number of class options he had—22 in total—was staggering. People with more than six class options were already considered geniuses, but this was unheard of.

Furthermore, the names of the classes he mentioned were not just uncommon; they were rare and powerful, the kinds of classes that should by right just appear at later levels, not this early.

Isabella took a deep breath, trying to process the information.

"Adrian, this is beyond extraordinary. The first class you choose will lay the foundation for your future. You need to be wise about this. Consider your fighting style, the weapon you've grown accustomed to, and how each class will shape your path moving forward."

Sophia, still recovering from the shock, nodded in agreement.

"These classes... they're not just rare, they're on a completely different level. Any one of them could set you on a path far beyond what we could have ever imagined. You need to think carefully about which one aligns with your strengths and the kind of warrior you want to become."

Adrian listened intently, understanding the gravity of the situation. After a moment of contemplation, he began to sift through the class options, focusing on how each might enhance his current abilities and combat style.

The Draconian Spellblade stood out, resonating with his instincts and the battle had been undergone so far.

Finally, with a deep breath, Adrian made his decision.

"I've decided. I'm choosing the Draconian Spellblade."

Ding! Class Selection Confirmed!

Congratulations, Host! You have selected the Draconian Spellblade class!

As the system acknowledged his choice, a surge of power coursed through Adrian's body, aligning with his decision. His combat style, honed by experience, was now amplified by the raw power of the draconians.

Draconian Spellblade

Description: A hybrid class that combines the finesse of a rogue with the arcane might of a Draconian mage, the Draconian Spellblade wields both physical and magical attacks. Host can channel draconian mana into his weapons to unleash devastating elemental attacks.

Class Skills:

Elemental Slash: Allows Host to infuse his blade with elemental energy, such as fire, ice, or lightning, adding magical damage to each strike.

Mana Flow: A passive skill that enhances Host's mana regeneration and increases the effectiveness of his spell-based attacks.

Draconic Ward: A defensive spell that creates a barrier of elemental energy around Host, reducing incoming damage and reflecting a portion back at attackers.

Blade Dance: A rapid series of enchanted strikes that combine physical and magical damage, hitting all enemies in close proximity.

Dragon's Wrath: A unique skill that channels the fury of a dragon, allowing Host to unleash a powerful, area-of-effect attack that combines all elemental energies into a devastating explosion.

Stat Bonuses:

Each level up additional stats are as follows:

+10 Agility

+8 Strength

+6 Intelligence

+4 Endurance

+10 Mana Points (MP)

As the power surged through Adrian's body, he felt an overwhelming sense of strength and clarity, as if the very essence of the draconian was coursing through his veins.

His muscles, once weary from battle, felt invigorated, brimming with newfound energy.

His mind, once clouded with the uncertainty of the class selection, now sharpened with the precision of a blade. The power was unlike anything he had ever experienced, a perfect fusion of physical prowess and magical might.

Adrian could feel the draconian mana pulsing through him, a steady rhythm that synced with his heartbeat. It was as if the very elements around him were responding to his presence, bending to his will.

He glanced down at his hands, marveling at the faint glow that emanated from them—a testament to the immense power he now wielded.

Isabella and Sophia watched in awe as Adrian's transformation took place. The air around him seemed to shimmer, charged with the raw energy of the draconian.

Isabella could hardly contain her excitement. She knew that this power would elevate Adrian far beyond the ordinary path of a warrior. Her son was now on the cusp of something truly extraordinary.

DIng! Host You have completed the mission to level up to level 10. Claim your rewards.