Dangerous encounter.

Ace couldn't believe how crowded Culmen city was, every nook and cranny of the city was full of either people or machines. For such a big city it felt so small, even within one of the remote alleyways I was navigating my way across felt tightly packed with a large amount of people.

But that was the beauty of Culmen, the never resting city, the country's capital,

Were seventy percent bestowed in the country resided, that was a terrifying thought. Seventy percent of the country's bestowed were in this city, probably one of the faceless people that I passed by in this alley.

Ace shifted uncomfortably at the thought of beings with much greater strength than him just walking by him.

'Hah!, fifteen more minutes of walking amongst these wolves in sheep's clothing. really though, a bestowed could bump into me and I wouldn't know, oh how I wish I got a cab, but sadly I don't have enough money to get one, mom and dad already spent a significant amount of their savings to get me into Culmen academy and to the supersonic train here.'

Ace sighed as he increased his walking speed, eager to rush away from this street full of hidden dangers,

But he was soon forced to an abrupt stop, when he noticed a sickly pale man with blonde hair floating mid-air, but not of his own volition, as he was being held above the ground by the neck with some invisible force 

"Where's my spirit incense?John!"

A young man with navy blue eyes and hair calmly stated as he slowly floated towards the man raised above the ground.

"I've already paid you, so why haven't I got it?"

John quickly losing oxygen yelled "I-I swear, I don't have it, It's out of stock, I promise"

"You know, John I trusted you, you were my most trusted supplier and you took their side, I'm so disappointed" The Navy-eyed man said with a frown.

"Please, I didn't have a choice" John pleaded with a faint voice, the lack of oxygen was taking its toll.

Faintly releasing the grasp on John's neck, 

The navy haired man bent down, and whispered into John's ears.

"But now you do have a choice, all you have to do is tell me, who's behind this"

"I don't know who, he didn't show me his face, he was wearing a mask"

John stuttered as he gasped for air,

"Lies, you wouldn't jeopardize our relationship for an unknown person, you know what I'm capable of, so if you don't stop lying, I'll just search through your soul for answers and believe me you wouldn't like that."

John showed a look of horror at the navy-blue haired man's threat.

"WAIT!, I'll tell you, The person who is antagonizing you is–" 

Before John could finish his sentence, pieces of flesh underneath his skin started glowing as if he was getting an x-ray from within.

"what's going on" John's eyes widened in fear, As the light emitted from his body kept getting brighter and brighter until.


A spherical beam of light expanded from within him, engulfing everything in the alleyway.


"Am I dead?"

Ace asked himself, trying to adjust from the burst of tinnitus he got from the explosion of light.

The sting of his seared flesh gave him a quick answer.

"As expected, It was just a bait, though they miscalculated my strength a lot, that explosion was far from enough to kill me" The azure haired man from earlier said, unfazed by the explosion of light.

Ace's mind raced with questions,

'What was he talking about?, Where even am I? I was just sleeping on the train and. . .'

Ace's sight suddenly blurred, making him stumble face first into the ground.

Blood streamed from his scorched head, The world grew foreign and distant, death's hold grew tighter, memories emerged like a tide, flooding into Ace's brain and making him scream in agony.


"why I was just about to lay hands on the door of the supernatural!"

"why did all this happen!"

An intense feeling of despair rose within him.

Darkness overtook as his grip on life slipped continued to slip.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, he felt a hand tap on his chest and from that hand came an influx of warm energy that flowed through sending a warm and comfortable sensation throughout his body, The warm energy felt much like a mother's embrace, like his mother was singing a soft lullaby to make him fall asleep.

"Out like a lamp!"

The navy-blue haired youth remarked as he watched Ace fall into the land of dreams.

Looking at his mundane nature, the azure haired man seemed to have understood where ace was going to.

"You're a new student? How troublesome, that means I have to take you to the academy, Culmen Academy's reputation must be upheld,"

He lifted Ace in the air, before noticing Ace had little to no clothes on as the had explosion burnt it away.

"I'm not good at using magic but, I'll try"

The Azure haired man said as a light blue glow arose from his hand, engulfing Ace's body.