I'm not good at magic.

The translucent piece of light engulfed Ace like vicious fluid, submerging his body from head to toe.

"Now for hard part"

Saying a mysterious chant in a solemn tone he ordered the translucent fluid to solidify.

«From vicious fluid to solid stone I order this piece of mana to solidify»

The translucent mass shifted and moved for a while but never managed to solidify.

"Damn it, this is why I don't use magic"

He repeated the chant this time with a more carefree tone.

«From viscous liquid to solid stone I plead to you oh mana to solidify»

"There we go it's solid, all that's left is to obscure it"

«Obscure in darkness»

This time his chant succeeded

Ace's body disappeared, only a dark cuboid akin to the shape of a coffin remained in his place.

Whir! whoo! whir! whoo!

"The patrol officers are on the way. What a bother"

He lifted the dark cuboid with an invisible force, setting it floating just beside him before he jumped on it.

Thee dark cuboid shot off in a sonic boom Soon after Accelerated by the some invisible force.

The streets of Culmen looked even more beautiful in the light of the setting sun.

His azure eyes gleamed as he looked at the warm and nourishing sun.

"what a beautiful sight"

he said as he watched the sun slowly make its way down the horizon.

By the time the sun had set he arrived at the academy only to meet a solemn silence.

Although the city was always crowded, the academy was not, rarely would anyone stay in the academy, if they could go somewhere more fun in the city.

The few people around glanced at him, specifically the black box that was now levitating at his side, but most lost interest immediately, as this was Culmen City, the city of magic—the supernatural was not rare here.

He ignored them as he went to the academy reception area.

"Old man, I've got something for you here" he said to the old man in the receptionist area with a tone full of familiarity.

"What are you doing Morris?" The old man placing the book he was reading down as he spoke.

"Why do you have a mundane human in the box behind you?" The old man questioned, somehow seeing through the dark mass of mana behind morris and the contents within.

"you know there are new rules protecting mundane's rights, right?"

He warned in a stern voice.

Morris unfazed by the old man's solemn tone spoke to him

"It wasn't me, If you want more details, I'll explain you through telepathy, I don't want anyone hearing about it"morris said

The blonde eyes of the old man lit up with clarity dispelling the cloudy eyes typical of old people, giving a frightful contrast, but Morris didn't look surprised seeing the clear golden Iris of the old man.

He met his gaze with a stare of his azure blue eyes

As their gazes collided, the world seemed to completely freeze, the only thing moving were sparks of knowledge shared between them.

That moment seen to last for an eternity.

When the world resumed, a lot of unspoken words had been said.

"Don't worry, I'll handle the recruit for you Morris," The old man said as the black box floated towards him.

"Just keep yourself safe Morris, you know I can't show too much favoritism towards you. I can only give you advice to work on your mana control, your talent is wasted specializing in being a psychic and a warrior."

The old man said as the black box shattered and scattered into pieces of light revealing a fully clothed ace wearing dark cloth with gold rims-the standard academy dress- contrasting from the naked state he was in when he was, when he was put in the box.

"I almost forgot, he had a laptop bag before the explosion happened so can you also manifest a laptop as well." Morris said ignoring the subtle attempt from the old man trying to convince him to be a mage—just as he always had.

The old man grumbled beneath his breath, "If you were a mage you would be able to do this yourself"

"No thanks, you know why I don't want to become a mage. The scope of magic is too broad.It is easier to focus on spirit and vitality which has a much more defined scope of application making it easier to specialize in, and master.

What I'm saying, old man is not that I despise mana, but that It just takes too much time to master compared to spirit and vitality. Maybe I can try my hand at being a mage when I'm old like you."

The old man closed his eyes and sighed.

"What a waste of talent"

Morris getting annoyed yelled at the old man, "I have plenty of research to do, so stop wasting my time trying to convince me to become a mage and tell me if you can do it or not"

The old man stared at him, briefly confused, before dawning a look of realization.

"Do what?. . . Oh! the laptop, yeah I can do it, but it's not gonna be the same, since I didn't see the original"

Briefly after the old man spoke, fragments of naked circuitry started appearing in the surrounding air before him, then after a few seconds they were swiftly covered with a thick outer black frame marked with the unique logo of C.M.B.P.

"There, the latest version, brand new!" The old man said with a tone full of satisfaction.

Morris, unimpressed by the feat, was in a hurry to leave saying his goodbyes and leaving Ace with the old man.

"Sigh ~ why are youths always in a hurry, when even elderly people like me, who don't have much time left aren't."

The old man put a «Temporarily Unavailable» sign at the reception desk as before he made Ace's body float beside him using some invisible force.

Opening the door behind him he put Ace's and the laptop into the room before him before shutting the door and turning the lights off.