Entitled scum.

'Add that to my list of worries.'

Ace told himself to add that to his growing list of worries.

The first one was; worry of getting soul searched

The second one being added was; worry of getting hanged up upon by a group of warriors.

'As I go further on the path of bestowal, I'll find solutions to those worries, so for now just let them pile up.'

Ace said to, trying to occupy his bored mind by talking to himself.

It worked for the first few seconds before he got bored, so he switched tactics and instead tried to listen to the omnipresent chatter within the academy.

'Come to think of it, how come so many people know each other well enough to be chatting already?'

Ace wondered as looked at the groups of chatting students almost similar to his mother's gossip groups.

'I remember, when I was a baby she used to take me with her to her gossip groups, chatting with other mothers about the stuff that went on in the city.'

Ace reminisced with nostalgia.

"Hmmm ~ where was I?"

Ace retraced his train of thought purposely taking his time a he had nothing but time to waste right now.

'I was thinking of why people are chatting so much.'

Ace thought as he remembered what he was thinking.

'It's probably because they met eachother during the

pre–semester opening ceremony.'

'Ah ~ it's such a pity I missed it, it's all the fault of that a blue haired bestowed and his blonde dealer, It's all their fault I'm going to be some kind of social recluse in this life.'

Ace shamelessly blamed his introvertly nature on the blue–haired bestowed.

'Blue haired bestowed, you had better not appear in front of me again.

You have offended me, Ace.

A man so talented nobody like him appears for centuries,

If I see you in my presence I will not show mercy.'

Ace said in a pretentious manner looking down on the azure haired bestowed in his mind with disdain.


Ace snorted, establishing dominance over the imaginary azure haired bestowed in his mind.

After a few seconds the realisation of how cringe he had just acted moments before sobered better than a bucket of ice cold water.

'There has to be limits to boredom.'

Ace switched his method of this distraction, this time to something more productive.

He strained his ears to listen to the receptionist registering the chosen list of subjects for some students.

"Excuse me, you can't just pick only one compulsory subject you have to pick at least two . . . No you can't pick that one either, it doesn't Match your affinity . . . you need me to explain it?. . . you can only pick general studies and one other subject based on your affinity from the category compulsory subjects, totalling two compulsory subjects, you can pick as much subjects as you like from the category of non–compulsory subjects."

The receptionist said with an annoyed voice to a particularly stupid student.

'Such a dumb guy, the instructions were written clearly on the website.'

Ace commented in disdain.

Ace took one step forward as the red–haired student finally registered his chosen subjects correctly and left the line.

After the red–haired student left, the queue went much faster, with the other students being less problematic than him.

Ace smiled at the the receptionist; a girl with flowing pink hair and pair of round rimless glasses.

Ace noted that she was a different receptionist from the one he met the last time he was at the academy.

"Here's my subject choices." Ace said as he gave her a sheet of A4 paper with his choices listed in it.

"Perfect, just wait a moment, while I-" The receptionist said after receiving the sheet of A4 paper.

"what the heck is this?" The receptionist yelled taken back at the subjects Ace had taken.

" You just picked all the subjects,

What do you think this?

A wish list? "

Her pink eyes gleamed with a dangerous light.

"Woah! woah! woah! ~ calm down!"

Ace said as he swiftly tossed her his ID card a bit frightened by the stern aura she released.

'Damn, are all staff within this academy so frightening, Why are they all so strong.'

The receptionist reflexively caught his ID, before staring wide–eyed at the contents of Ace's ID card.

She took a long time to regain her composure.

'Yeah, I bet you awestruck by my talent.'

Ace said, in a mediocre attempt to regain his honour, but he only dared to say that within his mind, as the sliver of strength she released previously had sent shivers down his spine.

"I guess you could choose everything, but are you sure you can handle all this, just because you can pick all subjects, doesn't mean that you should."

Before Ace could even open his mouth a loud voice reverberated in the academy walls.

"THAT'S UNFAIR! how can he pick all subjects but I can't."

The same red–haired guy's from earlier that held up the queue earlier shouted, wearing an expression of disgust on his face.

Every student in the hall stopped their chatter and looked at straight at him.

A strange silence filled the academy.

The red haired guy continued, somehow ignoring the chilling silence and the hundreds of gazes that fell on him.

"Is it because of his background?"

"Is so, you should be ashamed of yourself, Culmen Academy is a place of equal rights, whether you come from a noble lineage or the slums of crater city, we are all the same here, so stop using your noble privilege and being so f*cking entitled."

The red haired noble took relaxed breath after his speech as if he had just got something unbearable of his chest.

"You're a disgrace to all noble lineages in the world."

He added contemptiously soon after.

'what the fu–'

Ace was too stunned to complete his thoughts.




You sure you haven't got the wrong guy, because if my memory isn't failing me I come from the remote town of Quintus, an average city in Astreal, Literally nothing about me spells noble, my parents are as mundane as mundane can be, surely you must be mistaken.'

While Ace was totally confused and lost in his mind, a wave of spirit force erupted from within the receptionist's body.

"Hey! did you just insinuate that I let him pick all the subjects he wants, because of his background?"

The pink–haired receptionist said angrily staring at the red–haired guy with her pink glowing eyes.

"Did you just call me a corrupt staff?"

She repeated, her murderous intentions growing larger.