A heart of passion and a heart of duty.

"Oh! No I–uh–I–didn't mean that."

With the overwhelming murderous intention bearing down oh his head,

The red–haired guy barely managed to form a coherent sentence.

His weak denial did nothing to appease the murderous intent of the receptionist.

All he got in response was an inexplicable force slamming into him and sending him to the academy walls.


The sound of his bones clashing against the brick walls of the academy resounded throughout the silent hall.

'Such a crazy woman, did she kill him?'

Ace shivered at the thought.

'Surely she wouldn't right? Even though the guy was annoying, this whole situation was clearly a minor misunderstanding.'

Ace traced his gaze from the bloodstain on the wall that flowed down to the tiled floor of the academy,

Before landing his gaze on the body of the red–haired man.

His arm had been twisted to an awkward angle, His dislocated bone poked out from his skin, fortunately for him it didn't penetrate through the thin layer of his skin.

The minute twiches in his body told that he was still alive, though it was a mystery if he would be alive for much longer as the stream of blood that flowed out of his head had started to pool up

The frozen chatter of the students resumed, soon after his body was flunged across the room.

Their jumbled words sounded like the rabble of a congregation of believers during fervent prayer.

Ace looked at the pool of blood around the red haired man hesitating whether to and help him or not.

'I would go help him, but…'

Ace subtly glanced towards the fuming receptionist.

'I don't know if she'd allow it, I don't want to end up at the gates of hell for the second time, for some no–name nobody in my life.'

"Quick! help me take him to to school infirmary."

Fortunately for the red haired man, while other students were hesitating to help him.

A blonde haired girl came out of the crowd to his rescue; perhaps out of braveness, kindness or maybe both.

The murmur of the crowds got louder as she flung his arms over her neck and attempted to drag him to the school infirmary.

"who is this lunatic?"

"It seems like someone has a death wish."

"It's such a pity a beautiful woman like that has to die today."

The blonde haired girl looked around in astonishment at the amount of people who just stood by and did nothing when someone was about to die.

'I know they're afraid of the receptionist, I am too, but, it's too selfish to watch someone die just because you're afraid, It's stupid to let an innocent life disappear because you feel fear.'

The icy chill from the receptionist eyes landed on her, but it didn't dissuade her from her previous actions.

She shrugged off her fear and hardened her gaze, meeting the glowing pink eyes of the receptionist.

"Don't you think you've punished him enough?"

She barely got those words out of her mouth as there was a substantial pressure that beared on her body.

Despite all that, she showed no fear in her eyes, sweat trickled down her forehead as the pressure seemed to mount every second, pulling her, pushing her, towards the ground forcing her to bow, forcing her to pay her due respect to the receptionist–A respect, mandatory from the weak to the strong.

But she pushed against the force with her willpower, deviod of fear and filled with of boundless determination.

She refused to compromise.

'Rule number 1 of the Holy order: never compromise with the forces of evil.

Someone who treats human lives with such disregard is clearly evil, and it is my duty as a holy maiden of the order to not compromise.'

The blonde haired girl chanted in her mind to renew her resolve when she felt lacking in strength.

After seconds that felt like eternity to her, the receptionist finally responded.

"I don't plan on stopping you from saving him, I never planned on killing him from the start actually, I strictly follow academy rules, contrary to what that idiot over there said."

The receptionist said while taking her gaze off the blonde lady and placing it onto Ace.

"Now leave me alone, its time to get back to work, you two just delayed the queue for over a minute."

"Where was I–oh!–I was telling you that just because you have special grade talent and can pick all subjects doesn't mean you should pick everything, as a wise woman once said don't bite off more than you can chew."

Ace was almost too afraid to refute her claims–Considering what she had done earlier–but there was a limit to cowardice and this was his, he wouldn't let anyone; even himself, to disturb his exploration of the extraordinary.

"No, thank you, but, I've chosen this list of subjects after careful consideration."

Ace said in an overly polite manner.

'I truly had, I had deeply ruminated where to focus all my energy; to specialize in one subject or to play into my advantage—having a special affinity—and diversify my specialization.'

"Okay whatever you want." The receptionist said before slotting my ID into the computer in front of her.

The computer lit up with a bright blue light soon after the ID entered it's metal frame.

"Here is your ID back, your timetable is now engraved on the back."

Ace took back his ID card squinting his eyes to read the time table engraved on the back of the card.

"Wow that's tiny!"

Ace exclaimed.

But even though the text was tiny, Ace could read it easily thanks to the daily tempering of his body with vitality in the past four days–he wasn't lazying around during this time.

'General studies huh,'

Ace remarked as he made out what subject he was having today from the ID card.

'Why did they make it so tiny anyway.'


The receptionist yelled out in frustration.

That jolted Ace out of his thoughts and into reality.

He quickly exited the queue, giving fate no chance to test his luck.