34 Training

As Giyu left the Flame Hashira's estate, Shinjuro's words echoed in his mind: 'A swordsman's grip will always be firmer in the chaos of combat.' Giyu couldn't help but nod in agreement. Those words held more truth than anything he had heard in a long while.

He needed a real challenge, a battle where he could fight without holding back. While he could turn his blade red using the method he and Sanemi had done in the past, he couldn't always rely on it. He needed to master the technique on his own, to make his sword glow red by his own power.

He briefly considered asking Sanemi and Tengen for a fight, but quickly dismissed the thought. It wasn't arrogance that led him to this conclusion, but a simple understanding of his own strength. Giyu had become stronger than he had ever been in his past life, especially after his battle with Upper Moon Two, a fight that had proven to be valuable experience.

There was only one person who could.

Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Hashira. Giyu had always considered him the strongest among the Hashira, and even now, after reliving his life twice, Giyu wasn't sure if he could match the man's overwhelming power. Himejima's strength was on a different level entirely. Without hesitation, Giyu decided to seek him out and ask for a sparring session. If anyone could help him unlock the power he sought, it would be Gyomei.


After asking around, Giyu learned that Himejima was training on a nearby mountain. The news meant Tomioka wouldn't have to wait long to meet him. Better still, if the Stone Hashira was already training, he would likely be more willing to accept Giyu's request for a spar. Giyu hoped the encounter would be mutually beneficial. 

As he climbed the mountain path, the dense forest around him began to thin, and soon, Giyu found himself in a clearing. The sound of something heavy scraping across the ground caught his attention, and he saw Gyomei—a towering figure, his immense form casting long shadows across the forest floor. He was effortlessly pushing a boulder that looked as if it weighed more than Giyu could ever hope to lift.

Himejima's focus was sharp, but after a moment, he paused, sensing Giyu's presence before turning his head in the Water Hashira's direction.

"It that Tomioka?" Himejima's deep voice broke the silence, a hint of curiosity in his tone. He stood still, waiting for an answer.

Giyu stepped forward, unsurprised by Gyomei's ability to sense his surroundings despite his blindness. In his past life, the Stone Hashira had been able to recognize anyone by their presence and the sound of their movements. Giyu's near-silent footsteps were distinctive enough.

"Yes," Giyu replied with a nod, stopping just in front of him. "I apologize for interrupting your training."

"There is no need for an apology," Himejima replied, his large hands folding together in a gentle yet powerful gesture. "What brings you here? Do you need something from me?"

Giyu hesitated for only a moment. "I need a favor," he said, meeting Gyomei's calm expression. "I want to spar with you."

The request hung in the air for a moment as Gyomei considered his words carefully. "May I ask why you seek this?"

"Is to recreate something I achieved in my last battle. For that, I need someone stronger than myself." Giyu answered truthfully

Gyomei's face softened, and after a moment, he nodded. "I understand, however, I must decline. My weapons are not suitable for training."

Giyu closed his eyes in disappointment for a moment before speaking again. "I'm sorry, but I must insist." His tone was resolute—he couldn't accept no for an answer. A few beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he awaited the Stone Hashira's decision, uncertain if he would change his mind

Himejima remained silent for a moment before continuing in a more serious tone. "I fear your sword may not endure the strain of my strikes."

Giyu's grip tightened on the hilt of his blade as he unsheathed it, the steel gleaming in the light filtering through the trees. "I don't need my sword to remain unscathed. I only need you to attack me. Please, don't hold back."

Gyomei stood still for a moment, then nodded solemnly. "Very well. I will not hold back" He turned back, before taking his heavy weapon in his hands "Be mindful, I do not intend on taking it to far, this is dangerous."

"Are you ready?" Gyomei asked and Giyu nodded "yes" With that, the two Hashira took their positions, standing a respectful distance apart. The tension in the air thickened as Gyomei prepared his massive axe and flail, swinging them with practiced ease.

The ground trembled beneath his feet as he shifted his weight, muscles rippling with raw power. Giyu's eyes narrowed, his sword ready, as the Stone Hashira swung his weapon with incredible force.

The axe descended like a falling mountain, and Giyu leaped forward, his blade meeting the crushing weight of Gyomei's weapon. The impact sent a shockwave through the air, pushing Giyu back several steps. The sheer power behind Gyomei's swing was staggering, but that's exactly what Giyu had been looking for.

Undeterred, Giyu lunged forward again, meeting Gyomei's next swing head-on. His sword clashed with the massive axe, and for a moment, it felt as though the ground itself trembled beneath them. Giyu's arms ached from the strain, his sword trembling under the immense force.

Gyomei didn't let up. He swung his weapon in a wide arc, the iron ball cutting through the air with a deadly whistle. Giyu instinctively dodged to the side, his blade barely grazing the blow that would have shattered his bones. He narrowed his eyes in displeasure at his own actions, he wasn't here to dodge, he was here to withstand it.

Gritting his teeth, Giyu forced himself to meet the next strike. As the flail came crashing down, he swung his blade with all his strength. The two weapons collided, the force of the impact reverberating through his body. His grip tightened, his knuckles white. He could feel the heat building in his sword, a familiar warmth that reminded him of the power he had unlocked in his last battle.

"You fight well, Tomioka," Gyomei remarked, his voice calm and unwavering despite the intensity of the spar. He brought his weapon down with crushing force, and for a moment, Giyu's eyes widened. If he didn't move, the blow would crush him. Yet, he stood firm, gambling with his life.

Gyomei's usually composed expression shifted. He could sense Giyu's resolve. In a split-second decision, the Stone Hashira pulled back on the chain, redirecting the flail's strike to avoid a fatal blow. "You—" Gyomei began to speak, but Giyu cut him off with a steady voice. "Again. This time, please don't hold back."

Gyomei hesitated, concern flickering across his face. "This is going too far, Tomioka. I don't wish to harm you!"

But Giyu's resolve didn't falter. "You won't harm me. Please continue."

There was a pause, then Gyomei nodded. With a heavy sigh, he swung his weapon once more. The force was overwhelming, the ground beneath them shaking with each attack. The wind howled around them as Gyomei's mace whistled toward Giyu, who gripped his blade tightly.

This time, Giyu could feel it. His heart raced, adrenaline coursing through his veins. The heat surged through his blade, his grip firm as he focused every ounce of his strength. As Gyomei's weapon neared, Giyu's sword glowed red, radiating with intense heat. With a swift, powerful motion, Giyu slashed vertically, and the two weapons collided once more.

But this time, something incredible happened.

Instead of breaking under the pressure, Giyu's blade cleaved halfway through the mace as if it were made of nothing. The heat from his blade sent ripples through the air, shimmering with a power that even surprised Gyomei. 

CLANG! The loud sound of metal shattering echoed through the forest as the seemingly unstoppable weapon was cleaved in two. The red glow of Giyu's blade began to fade, 

Gyomei stepped back, astonishment flickering across his face. On the other hand Tomioka lowered his sword as the red glow gradually faded, revealing his Nichirin blade, now shattered halfway through.

A few feet away from Giyu stood Gyomei's broken flail, both the hashira's weapons lay in ruins. Yet Giyu was satisfied, the warmth of the red blade still lingered in his hands, a sign he had achieved it.