35 Butterfly effect

"Ho?" Doma's cheerful voice echoed through the silent hall as a sliding door beneath him opened, and in the blink of an eye, he found himself inside the Infinite Castle. His usual smile never wavered, eyes bright with curiosity. "Did the lord summon me?" he asked, his tone light and pleasant, like a man asking about the weather.

The space stretched out in every direction, an endless expanse of buildings, polished floors and shifting walls. It defied the laws of space and gravity, with floating platforms and bridges that appeared and disappeared without warning.

The structure itself felt alive, constantly shifting as if it were a living, breathing organism. Walkways hovered in the void, connecting nothing to nowhere, creating a sense of disorientation. The sheer vastness of the castle, coupled with its unsettling stillness, made it feel more like a dream than a physical place.

With a light thud Doma landed on one of the platforms, he then sat on the floor waiting.

A tall, imposing figure stepped onto one of the podiums above, casting a long shadow over Doma's kneeling figure. The weight of an overwhelming pressure filled the air, bearing down on Doma, but he merely smiled, undeterred by the crushing force. "My lord!" he greeted, bowing deeply, his voice filled with the usual glee.

Muzan's gaze bore into him, eyes filled with disdain. The sheer displeasure emanating from him made the atmosphere feel heavier.

"You useless wreck," Muzan muttered, his words cutting like a blade. His voice carried an icy venom that would have sent shivers through anyone else. But Doma, ever unfazed, kept his smile.

Doma lifted his head slightly, his eyes gleaming with delight. "I have done a mistake, my lord. Please, punish me. Should I gouge out my eyes? Or perhaps rip off my hands?" His words were spoken with unsettling cheerfulness, offering his limbs as if it were a joke.

"Keep your insignificant hands to yourself," Muzan said coldly, the fury in his voice barely restrained. His calm words masked the rising tide of frustration.

His expression twisted into a deeper scowl, and the pressure around Doma intensified, strong enough to shatter bones. Doma's body trembled slightly under the force as blood started dripping from his lips, which were still curled up in a smile.

But something was strange. The overwhelming control Muzan usually had over Doma… diluted. The connection between them, usually so strong, was weaker but Muzan failed to notice it.

"You had the opportunity to kill not one, but two Hashira, and yet you failed to kill even a single one!" Muzan's voice boomed through the halls, vibrating the very walls of the castle. His rage rippled outward like a shockwave.

"As an Upper Moon Two, no less!" His crimson eyes pierced through Doma, who remained smiling

"Oopsie" Doma said in a playful tone, though his mind began to wander. Something was definitely off, but what?

"Come here," Muzan commanded sharply. The words held less power than usual, but Doma obeyed since he was still loyal to his lord, crawling toward him. Even though the compulsion wasn't as strong, Doma had no intention of resisting. He saw Muzan as the true meaning of a god.

Muzan watched him closely for a moment, then extended a single finger, pressing it into Doma's forehead. "Ah!" Doma gasped, his body freezing in place as Muzan delved into his memories. Flashes of the recent battle with the Slayers surged forward—the clash of weapons, the nearing sunlight, and then…

Muzan recoiled, jerking his hand back from Doma's head before the image of a bright red blade sliced through his mind. His eyes widened, disbelief momentarily flickering across his face. 'That blade… again?' The cursed memory of the red blade haunted him, its power a constant thorn in his side.

He gritted his teeth, fury swelling in his chest. "Even now, that cursed red blade finds a way to get in my way!" he spat, his voice trembling with rage.

Turning his back on Doma, Muzan dismissed him with a flick of his wrist. A door appeared beneath Doma, and in a flash, he was sent back to where he had been before.

"Lord Mu—" Doma began, but the words caught in his throat as he looked around, suddenly unsure. His ever-present smile faltered for the briefest moment. Doma touched his neck, gently caressing the spot where Giyu had sliced him.

After centuries of unwavering loyalty to his lord, the god of his cult, a terrible thought crept into his mind, one that he quickly dismissed. 'No' Doma thought, his innocent smile returning. He was loyal. Always loyal....


"Ugh" Giyu groaned, his palms flat against the rough surface of a massive boulder. His muscles strained, feet digging into the ground as he pushed it forward, one step at a time. His body was soaked in sweat, the exertion evident in every movement. A few steps ahead, Himejima pushed an even larger boulder with ease.

After their sparring session, Giyu had decided to stay with Himejima for a few more days. His weapon had been destroyed in the spar, leaving him unable to go on missions until a new blade was forged.

While waiting for his sword, Giyu opted to train with Himejima, pushing his physical limits. Himejima, however, was also stuck. Unlike a standard Nichirin blade, his weapon, a massive flail, was unique. Forging a replacement was a far more difficult and time-consuming task.

Giyu had apologized profusely for breaking Himejima's weapon, though the Stone Hashira hadn't taken offense. "You did well, Tomioka," Himejima's voice rumbled, deep and steady, as he clapped his hands together, towering over Giyu's fallen body.

Giyu lay on his back, panting heavily, his body completely drained of energy. He wiped the sweat from his brow and looked up at the sky. "Thank you" Giyu said with a faint smile, slowly pulling himself to his feet.

Himejima, seemingly less tired than Giyu despite their intense training, stood calmly, His immense strength was proof of his gifted body, stronger, taller, and more durable than any other human. "Rest well. Tomorrow, we'll train again."

Giyu nodded, his gaze turning to the bright sun overhead. Though his body was exhausted.

(Author's note: Figured this is a good place to wrap things up for now, at least until I have more time to continue writing.)