Breaking Through the Gates

For three long days, Riku was a ghost. His absence was a constant, nagging worry for his friends. The usual buzz around school was missing something, and the group couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

It all started with the group's lunch meeting. Haruki slumped into his seat, frustration evident on his face. "So, I've tried calling Riku, texting him, and even sent him a message on social media. Nothing. It's like he's vanished off the face of the earth."

Aiko frowned, twirling her chopsticks absentmindedly. "I'm really worried. He's been so focused on the qualifiers lately. This isn't like him."

Mei, usually the most composed, had a rare edge in her voice. "This isn't right. We need to check up on him. If he's not responding, something must be up."

The next day, Mei was even more determined. "We've got to visit him. No more waiting around."

"Yeah," Haruki agreed, nodding. "We can't just sit here. If he's in trouble, we need to be there for him."

The group decided to visit Riku's house after school. They were in for a surprise. As they approached, they saw the grand mansion behind a towering gate.

"Wow," Haruki said, barely containing his amazement. "This place looks like a set from a high-end movie. No wonder Riku's been quiet—he's probably busy with his fancy mansion!"

Mei shook her head, smiling despite her worry. "Let's get serious. We need to find out what's going on."

At the gate, they pressed the intercom. The voice that came through was polite but impersonal. "Who is this?"

Mei stepped forward, trying to sound as professional as possible. "We're friends of Riku from school. We're in the same archery club."

The gate creaked open, revealing a pristine lawn and a well-kept pathway. A staff member, impeccably dressed, greeted them. "Riku is in the back of the house. He's been training there for the past four days."

The group walked through the expansive grounds, marveling at the beauty of the estate. The atmosphere was a mix of awe and tension. They were about to confront their friend and uncover what had been troubling him.

They reached the back of the mansion, where a vast field was dedicated to archery practice. The sight was impressive—rows of targets, neatly arranged, and a pristine practice area.

Riku was there, arrows flying with precision. But something was off. He looked exhausted, his face pale and drawn. The group approached him, their concern palpable.

"Riku!" Haruki called out, trying to get his attention.

Riku paused, pulling back from his shot. He turned slowly, his eyes betraying a mix of fatigue and defiance. "Hey, guys."

"Hey?" Mei exclaimed, worry evident in her voice. "What's going on? Why haven't you been at school? Why aren't you answering your phone?"

Riku shrugged, avoiding their gazes. "I've been... busy."

Haruki's frustration boiled over. "Busy? You've been missing for days. This isn't like you. What's going on?"

Mei's eyes widened as she noticed Riku's hands. They were covered in bruises and bandages. She gasped, her voice trembling. "Riku, what have you done to yourself?"

Riku looked down at his hands, his expression shifting from defensive to regretful. "I... I had to. If I want to keep up, if I want to be as good as you guys, I need to train harder. I'm dragging you all down. I know how important these tournaments are for you, Haruki. I just..."

Haruki, struggling to control his anger, took a step forward and slapped Riku across the face. "If you think so little of me that I care more about archery than my best friend, then I don't know what to say!"

Mei and Aiko intervened, trying to calm Haruki. "Haruki, don't," Mei said softly. "Let's talk this out."

Riku looked away, his voice cracking. "I know how hard you've worked for years. I'm just not good enough to stand with you."

Haruki's expression softened as he saw the pain in Riku's eyes. "Riku, it's not about being good enough. You're our friend. We need you, not just your archery skills."

Aiko nodded, her voice firm. "We came here because we care about you. We need you back at school with us."

Riku's shoulders slumped, the weight of his friends' words beginning to sink in. "Alright... I'll come back."

As they were about to leave, Riku suddenly stood tall and struck a dramatic pose. "So, guys, how do you like my palace? Welcome to Riku's Palace! You shall kneel before me!"

The group erupted into laughter, the tension finally breaking. Riku's eyes filled with tears, but he smiled through them.

Mei noticed his tears and asked, "What's wrong, Riku?"

Riku wiped his eyes, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so lucky to have you guys."

The friends gathered around him, enveloping him in a warm group hug. The bond between them was stronger than ever, and as they left Riku's mansion, they felt a renewed sense of unity.