Return to School

Three days had passed since Riku's emotional return to archery practice, and now the group was ready to face the challenges ahead. They had one last qualifier tournament coming up, and the pressure was on.

Back at school, the atmosphere was tense but hopeful. Haruki, Mei, and Aiko sat in the clubroom, waiting for Riku.

"Do you think he's actually coming today?" Mei asked, fidgeting with her bowstring.

"He'd better," Haruki said, leaning back in his chair. "I'm not eating lunch alone again. His jokes make the cafeteria food bearable."

Just then, the door burst open, and Riku walked in with a dramatic flourish. "Ladies and gentlemen, your favorite archer has arrived!"

"Finally!" Aiko exclaimed. "We were starting to think you'd become a hermit."

Riku struck a pose, "A hermit? Please. I was merely...uh, in deep training."

Haruki rolled his eyes. "More like hiding from your responsibilities."

Riku ignored him and plopped down into a chair. "So, what did I miss?"

"Nothing much," Mei said with a smirk. "Just the usual: Haruki failing to impress anyone with his so-called archery skills."

"Hey!" Haruki protested. "I'm still better than you, Mei!"

"In your dreams," Mei shot back.

The banter continued, lightening the mood. Their camaraderie was back, stronger than ever.


After school, they headed to the archery range for practice. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the field.

"Alright, team," Haruki said, clapping his hands together. "Let's get serious. We need to be in top form for the next tournament."

"Yes, captain!" Riku saluted mockingly, earning a laugh from everyone.

They started their practice, each focusing on their shots. Riku, despite his recent struggles, was hitting his marks with renewed determination.

Mei, observing Riku's concentration, couldn't resist a playful jab. "Hey, Riku, if you keep practicing like this, you might actually beat me one day."

Riku grinned. "In your dreams, Mei. I'm aiming for Haruki first."

"Dream on," Haruki retorted. "You'll need more than practice to beat me."

As they practiced, the usual friendly competition and banter flowed naturally. They cheered each other on, shared tips, and laughed at their mistakes.


The next day, Haruki and Aiko found themselves walking to school together.

"I'm glad Riku is back," Aiko said, glancing at Haruki. "It's not the same without his jokes."

"Yeah," Haruki agreed. "But let's not tell him that. His ego is big enough."

Aiko laughed. "True. By the way, how are you feeling about the upcoming tournament?"

"Confident," Haruki replied. "We've been working hard. I think we've got a real shot."

Aiko nodded. "Let's give it our all."


In the days leading up to the tournament, the group's bond only grew stronger. They spent every spare moment together, balancing intense practice sessions with moments of levity.

One afternoon, while taking a break, Mei pulled out a board game. "Let's play something to relax."

Riku's eyes lit up. "Oh, you're on! But be prepared to lose."

They played, laughed, and momentarily forgot about the pressure of the upcoming tournament. It was these moments that reminded them why they loved archery—not just for the competition, but for the friendships they had forged.


On the day of the tournament, they gathered at the school gate, ready to head to the venue.

"Alright, team," Haruki said, his voice steady. "Let's do this."

Riku said . "If we win, I'll treat you all to ramen!"

"If I lose?" "Haruki said." 

"Then you will my dear friend"

"Should I remind the whole group that u live in the castle" Haruki said while pocking rikus face"

"Well I maybe living there but I'm not rich you guys" haruki said with a sarcastic tone"

"I may live in the mansion and have my own archery field and have servents but I'm not rich you guys" Mei Imitating Riku"

"Fineee... you guys stop it." "said Riku."

"oh no he's enjoying this" "said haruki with a concerned face,"

As they walked towards the bus, ready to face whatever came their way, they knew that no matter the outcome, they had each other's backs.