A Young Girl's Dilemma

"Why should I tell you?" Seryu snorted, feigning defiance, though there was a hint of unease in her heart.

"Forget it," Kaguya waved her hand, seemingly bored. "Even if you don't tell me, I will find out."

With that, Kaguya turned and walked out of the dungeon. As her light footsteps faded away, Seryu's heart sank deeper into despair, her face showing a hint of fear about the miserable future she foresaw for herself in the dungeon.

Just as Kaguya was about to leave the dungeon, she suddenly turned back and looked at the orange-haired girl. Seeing Kaguya turn, Seryu hurriedly hid her downcast expression, pretending to be indifferent.

"From today, you are released," Kaguya said with a slight smile, finding Seryu's attempt to appear composed somewhat amusing.

Hearing Kaguya's words, Seryu was momentarily stunned. She had expected Kaguya to mock her, not to release her, leaving her momentarily bewildered.

"But there are conditions. You cannot leave this palace. If you leave without permission and get caught, you will be locked up in this dungeon again," Kaguya said, playing with a strand of her hair, smiling. "Then it won't be so easy for you to get out."

"Who needs you to release me?" Seryu lifted her head, pretending to be disdainful. "I was fine here."

"Oh, really?" Kaguya looked at her with a half-smile.

Under Kaguya's scrutinizing gaze, Seryu felt uneasy, regretting what she had just said. But the words were already spoken, and she could only brace herself.

Fortunately, Kaguya did not pursue the matter further and opened the lock of the dungeon, which allowed Seryu to relax a bit.

"It's your choice to come out or stay," Kaguya said with a smile. "If you choose to stay in the dungeon, that's your decision." With that, Kaguya turned and walked out of the dungeon.

With the dungeon door open, Seryu was overjoyed at the prospect of finally leaving this wretched place. It felt like a release, almost unreal, but she was eager to leave.

Without hesitation, she dragged her weak body out of the dungeon and into the open.

Seeing Kaguya's unguarded back ahead of her, a thought suddenly surged in Seryu's mind: to take advantage of Kaguya's inattention and kill her. Although weak now, Kaguya likely didn't expect her to act, perhaps...

Seryu's heart raced uncontrollably. She couldn't help but clench her fist, which held a sharp little knife hidden inside her body, always with her.

Should she take this chance to kill Kaguya? If she did, everything would be over, and she would avenge the innocent civilians harmed by Kaguya.

Seryu's eyes brightened, but another thought crept into her mind. What if she failed to kill her? Knowing Kaguya's strength, failing would surely provoke Kaguya's wrath, and given her cruel nature, Kaguya would likely torment her further.

The thought chilled Seryu from head to toe.

While the orange-haired girl was caught in her inner turmoil, she was unaware that Kaguya walking ahead was smirking subtly.

With Kaguya's cautious nature, she was never truly unguarded. Even someone with minor strength could pose a threat if she was careless. Many powerful individuals have fallen to lesser opponents through unforeseen circumstances.

If Seryu dared to act, Kaguya would simply throw her back into the dungeon and teach her a hard lesson.

But disappointingly for Kaguya, Seryu didn't make a move, instead following her quietly out of the dungeon.

At this moment, a pretty girl with pink hair appeared from a distance—Air.

"Princess, the meal is ready. Please come and dine," Air said, bowing slightly. Noticing someone unfamiliar beside the princess, she asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Seeing the unfamiliar orange-haired girl behind Kaguya, Air was a bit surprised.

"Nothing, just a new maid," Kaguya replied. "Though she's a bit disobedient."

"Is that so? Hello, I'm Air," Air said with a slight tilt of her head, smiling.

"Hello, I'm Seryu," Seryu replied, managing a forced smile. Although she disliked Kaguya, she felt no animosity towards this girl.

"Please arrange a room for her," Kaguya said, suddenly thoughtful. "And make sure she has a good bath—don't want her dirtying the place."

Seryu's face flushed red, glaring at Kaguya angrily, as if she wanted to attack her out of shame and rage.

After staying in the dungeon for two months, where she couldn't wash properly, Seryu's body had developed an unpleasant odor.

Watching Air and Seryu walk away, Kaguya smiled, unconcerned. Air had a kind nature, was gentle, considerate, and naturally endearing. Seryu, though somewhat twisted inside and ruthless to those she deemed evil, was kind to ordinary people and enjoyed helping others, as seen when she helped the lost Tatsumi in the original story.

Kaguya wasn't worried Seryu would harm Air, and more importantly, Kaguya had already placed a curse seal in Seryu's body—a power to control someone's will through eye techniques—so she wasn't worried about Seryu running away.

Kaguya returned to the parlor, sat on the sofa, and held a delicate porcelain teacup in her hands. As she sipped, a breath of aromatic tea rose like mist, and her gaze turned to the window.

With a sense of foreboding, she mused that a fierce battle was on the horizon.