The Beginning Of The War

It seemed that over the past two months, Seryu had truly been starving. After taking a bath, she devoured the exquisite dishes on the table with no regard for her image, ignoring even Kaguya's teasing.

However, because of her prolonged hunger, she couldn't eat too much to avoid protein poisoning. So after a short while, Air removed the dishes and served a light vegetable porridge instead.

Seryu, however, did not appreciate this gesture, assuming that Kaguya was deliberately making things difficult for her, her face full of resentment.

Kaguya chuckled, indifferent to Seryu's attitude.

In the days that followed, Seryu's health gradually improved. She no longer looked as sickly as before, though her body remained somewhat weak and required more time to recuperate fully. During this time, she behaved surprisingly well; she didn't try to escape or cause trouble, which surprised Kaguya.

Kaguya had initially thought that once Seryu recovered, she would be less compliant. Unexpectedly, the girl was quite obedient. Moreover, to Kaguya's surprise, Seryu got along well with Air. They were often seen together, almost inseparable. Seryu even listened to Air more than she did to Kaguya.

Perhaps it was because Seryu lost her mother at a young age and craved maternal affection, Kaguya speculated mischievously.

By this time, it was late autumn, and early winter, with everything withering away, and the cold wind blowing fiercely. There was no more lush green outside the window, only a bleak and dreary scene. The withered leaves swayed in the biting cold wind, adding to the sense of desolation.

Dark clouds loomed outside, covering the sky. In the howling cold wind, the autumn rain fell like threads and strands, lightly tapping on the glass with a clear, pleasant sound.

At this moment, Kaguya sat lazily on the sofa, her eyes, as clear as autumn water, gazing at the scenery outside the window. Her hands held a delicate porcelain teacup, sipping occasionally. Steam rose from the cup, and the fresh, elegant aroma of tea filled the air.

Just then, a series of hurried footsteps approached, breaking the tranquility of the room. The door suddenly opened, and Guard Captain Ieyasu rushed in.

"Your Highness, something's wrong," Guard Captain Ieyasu said urgently.

"What is it? What's happened?" Kaguya asked calmly, sipping her tea and gazing out the window.

"There are people spreading rumors in the streets, slandering you, Your Highness," Ieyasu said solemnly.

According to reports from spies, rumors were being spread not only in the imperial capital but even in rural areas. People were wantonly spreading falsehoods, accusing the princess of wantonly killing innocents, being cruel and violent, a merciless tyrant. These rumors were vivid and seemingly credible, fabricating tales like the murder of the earl's family, framing the honest and kind-hearted mayor, harming ordinary citizens, and so on, described so vividly that they were almost believable.

"As expected," Kaguya snorted coldly, unsurprised.

Recalling what she heard from Seryu in the dungeon, Kaguya had already anticipated such tactics: manipulating public opinion to slander and tarnish her image, turning her into a public enemy.

This tactic wasn't unusual because, in the original story, the minister and Esdeath used this method to vilify Night Raid, forcing them to retaliate. However, the target wasn't Night Raid this time; it was her.

However, this wouldn't have any substantial impact, nor would it cause much harm to Kaguya. Unlike Night Raid, Kaguya didn't need to worry about her image because she owned vast territories and had loyal citizens. In her domain, she was the supreme ruler. The residents first thought of Princess Kaguya before the emperor because they were directly under her jurisdiction, epitomizing the saying, "The mountains are high, and the emperor is far away."

Moreover, Kaguya implemented reforms in her territory, eradicated corrupt officials, abolished taxes, distributed land, and even helped the poor. Her reputation was high, and she had many supporters who wouldn't change their perception of her because of a few rumors, as they had genuinely benefited from her actions.

What worried Kaguya wasn't the rumors but the possibility that the ministers might take further actions, which could be troublesome.

"Keep a close eye on the rumors and increase patrols within the territory. If you find anyone suspicious spreading these rumors, arrest them immediately," Kaguya instructed. Then, she asked, "How many soldiers do we have in the territory now?"

"We currently have nearly ten thousand soldiers, but four thousand of them are new recruits, undergoing training. Your Highness, do you..." Ieyasu hesitated.

"Alright," Kaguya nodded, considering for a moment. "Send five thousand veterans to the northern pass, and take the city defense equipment from the territory with you, including the twenty cannons in the warehouse. Also, have Kurome accompany you. If she refuses, tell her that her sister will appear there."

Ieyasu was bewildered by Kaguya's sudden orders, hesitantly asking, "Your Highness, if we do that, with the soldiers guarding various places, won't there only be a little over a thousand soldiers left to guard the palace?"

"Just follow my instructions," Kaguya said, standing up and looking at the continuous autumn rain outside the window, murmuring, "It seems something big is about to happen."

"Your Highness, you mean..." Ieyasu asked in shock, realizing something.

"This winter will come earlier than usual and will be harsher. The northern tribes are lacking clothes and food, and it will be a difficult winter for them," Kaguya said softly.

"You mean they will attack your territory, Your Highness?" Ieyasu asked in surprise. "They have already witnessed your strength, Your Highness. They wouldn't be so foolish."

"When people are driven by hunger, they can do anything," Kaguya replied with a soft laugh.

At that moment, the door suddenly swung open, and a guard, panting heavily and covered in sweat, rushed in.

"Your Highness, bad news! The northern tribe's army has launched a full-scale attack on the territory!"