Complete Victory

The guard was a bit perplexed, unable to make sense of the Princess's cryptic remark. How could the danger beasts vanish on their own? That seemed quite unbelievable. Although he had always had great faith in the Princess, this time, he couldn't help but feel confused.

However, his confusion was soon resolved.

One of the danger beasts rampaging across the battlefield, covered in crimson blood, suddenly began to swell like an inflating balloon, gradually growing larger. Its body distorted, making its originally terrifying appearance even more grotesque, enough to make one's hair stand on end.

Suddenly, with a dull "bang," the swollen danger beast exploded.

Blood sprayed everywhere, and flesh flew.

Blood mixed with chunks of meat fell from the sky, pattering on the ground like a rain of blood, instantly filling the air with a foul stench.

At the same time, the other danger beasts on the battlefield also began to swell, then exploded with a muffled sound, shattering into pieces.

"This..." The guard was stunned by the scene before him, finding it beyond his comprehension. The danger beasts had exploded on their own.

Kaguya, however, remained unfazed, having expected this outcome. The virus used this time was not the same as the one from the previous plague. The current virus was an incomplete version, or a defective product. It could cause mutations, turning beings into danger beasts, but due to its defects, the transformed danger beasts could not sustain themselves for long. Their bodies would eventually succumb to the intense effects of the drug, causing them to explode.

Therefore, Kaguya was not worried about the virus spreading. If it were the previous complete virus, she would never have used it, as it would have turned the story from Akame ga Kill! into Resident Evil.

Kaguya stretched lazily, revealing her alluring curves.

After the successive fierce battles, Kaguya felt a slight fatigue. What she wanted now was to rest, but she could not, as there were still many things to do.

Moreover, she was somewhat worried about the other two battles. She wasn't too concerned about the troops led by Kurome, as Kurome was quite strong and had improved significantly under Kaguya's training.

Moreover, she possessed the Teigu "Yatsufusa," which could control up to eight puppets that she had killed with the cursed blade. The puppets looked the same as in life and could be manipulated freely, turning back into ordinary corpses once the ability was canceled.

Kurome's puppets were very powerful, including many skilled fighters and even a super-dangerous beast. Combined, the puppets were much stronger than Kurome herself, almost equivalent to a small army.

However, the more puppets she controlled, the more Kurome's own power diminished, and it greatly consumed her physical strength.

Despite this drawback, the benefits outweighed the costs. Especially after Kaguya had removed the toxins from Kurome's body and intensified her training, Kurome's physical strength had greatly improved. She was no longer the frail girl she once was.

Compared to Kurome, Kaguya was more concerned about the unit with Seryu.

Although that unit included Ieyasu, who would ensure things wouldn't get too chaotic, Seryu was impulsive and fought recklessly, like a little maniac, which worried Kaguya.

She hoped Seryu wouldn't cause too much trouble.

Kaguya's clear eyes gazed at the distant horizon, pondering with some concern.

On a vast grassy plain, a large troop was advancing rapidly. They wore black armor, wielded sharp spears, and carried steel swords at their waists and small steel crossbows on their backs. Their disciplined formation marked them as elite soldiers. They could only be matched by the Imperial Guard defending the palace.

At the forefront of the group were a man and a woman, both on horseback. The man had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, his appearance exuding strength. He wore armor with a large sword hanging from his waist, radiating heroic energy; he was Ieyasu, Kaguya's chief guard.

The orange-haired girl had a sweet appearance and a slender figure. Her uniform armor only enhanced her cuteness, and she held an adorable puppy in her arms, who was Seryu and her Imperial Arm, Koro.

"This is so boring; is this the so-called Northern tribe?" Seryu said, disappointed, as she pinched Koro's face. "I thought they'd be formidable, but they're just a bunch of rabble, scattering before I could even exert myself."

"Indeed," Ieyasu nodded, noncommittal.

He had always thought of Seryu as just a normal neighborly girl and had never taken her too seriously until the battle revealed how wrong he was.

He was shocked by Seryu's formidable power, especially with her devastating weapons, which even made him break out in a cold sweat. Her devastating munitions and "Justice Cannon" annihilated the Northern tribesmen, leaving no trace.

She single-handedly routed the Northern army, showing the power of her weapons.

Moreover, these Northern soldiers, though appearing fierce, had low morale and poor discipline, with formations disorganized. After a few attacks, they quickly scattered. They were indeed, as Seryu said, just a rabble.

Could it be that these were not the elite troops of the Northern tribes but merely cannon fodder meant to draw fire?

If so, that would explain how the Northern tribes could muster 400,000 troops. The Empire could only field several hundred thousand, including supply units.

The Northern tribes fielding 400,000 troops without deceit seemed impossible.

Where were the Northern tribes' elite forces? Could they have...

Realizing this, Ieyasu grew anxious, fearing the elite Northern forces might be heading toward the Princess, who had just a thousand troops. If they were engaged...

Yet he did not know that the Northern elite force of 200,000 had already been decimated by Kaguya.