The Princess's Royal Guard

"The scouts reported Northland soldiers five kilometers from the village," the Imperial Guard scout said, kneeling respectfully.

"That's great, Koro, let's go," Seryu exclaimed excitedly, clutching Koro and tugging at the horse's reins, speeding off like an arrow.

"Hey, wait!" Ieyasu shouted a few times in vain, but Seryu was already out of earshot. He shook his head helplessly. Seryu usually seemed like a cute little girl, but when it came to fighting, she became a different person. Even he was somewhat intimidated by her. Only the princess seemed to have any control over her.

He could almost see the princess's beautiful face, capable of conveying both anger and joy. Ieyasu shook his head to clear away his wandering thoughts.

When Ieyasu finally arrived with the troops, the area outside the village was already in chaos. Bodies of the northern soldiers were strewn everywhere, many unrecognizable, with severed limbs and even internal organs scattered about.

It seemed Seryu had completely annihilated the northern soldiers.

"Don't eat these things," Seryu said, patting Koro's head. "These people are filthy, not tasty. I'll get you something better later."

Ieyasu's mouth twitched. Though he had seen Koro eating people many times, he still wasn't quite used to it. The expressions of the Imperial Guards behind him were also unsightly. Killing people was one thing, but the gore was another.

Seryu walked into the village, joyfully shouting, "Come out, everyone. The brutal northern soldiers have been eliminated."

However, the village remained silent, as if uninhabited.

Seryu found this odd, and with Koro in tow, she ventured deeper into the village.

The village showed signs of great hardship, appearing dilapidated. Most houses were damaged to varying degrees, with walls bearing marks of sword and knife cuts, and doors and windows in disrepair, barely serving their purpose. Some houses had burned down completely, leaving only charred ruins.

The village paths were littered with rubble and collapsed walls, stained with dark red blotches that any experienced person could identify as dried blood.

"Those damned northern soldiers, doing such beastly things," Seryu's pretty face was full of anger. "They must be punished by justice!"

Seryu shouted a few more times, but the village remained silent, without a single response or sound.

Could the village be deserted?

Just as Seryu was about to leave, an angry voice called out.

"Imperial dogs, get out of our village! Stop pretending; we won't fall for your tricks again!"

The voice was abruptly silenced, as if someone had covered the speaker's mouth.

"Hmm?" Seryu paused, turning toward the source of the voice. But with so many houses, it was difficult to pinpoint its exact origin.

At this moment, a tall, armored young man approached—it was Chief Guard Ieyasu.

"What's going on?" Seryu asked, puzzled. "What did they say? Did they call us Imperial dogs?"

"They might have mistaken us for the Imperial Army," Ieyasu sighed, looking at the desolate village.

"What about the Imperial Army?" Seryu was still confused. "Aren't they here to save them? Why would they react this way?"

"You'll find out soon," Ieyasu turned and shouted, "We are Princess Kaguya's Imperial Guard, not the Imperial Army. Please don't be afraid."

The village was quiet for a moment, then came murmurs, followed by someone daring enough to peek through a curtain.

"Are they really the princess's Imperial Guard?"

"They might be tricking us; the Imperial Army used that trick last time."

"I don't think so. Look, their armor has the red spider lily symbol."

"Sure enough, that's the red spider lily. Could it really be the princess's guards come to save us?"

They recognized the red spider lily symbol on the guards' armor and uniforms. This symbol was unknown in the world, introduced by Kaguya to distinguish her forces from the Imperial Army rabble. She disliked anyone associating her troops with the Imperial Army.

Over time, the red spider lily became a beloved symbol among the people. The Imperial Guard's discipline and kindness, often helping civilians, earned them a good reputation, unlike the Imperial Army, who plagued the populace.

Suddenly, a door opened, and an elderly, white-haired man emerged, walking shakily with a cane. "Are you really the princess's guards?"

"Indeed," Ieyasu stepped forward, smiling. "And you are?"

"It's wonderful you've finally come; we've been waiting so long," the elder said with emotion. "Apologies, I'm just overjoyed. I am the village chief."

"Hello, Village Chief," Ieyasu replied warmly. "What happened here?"

"It was those damned northerners, pillaging and burning," the chief said mournfully. "Many in our village were killed."

"What about the Imperial Army? Weren't they nearby?" Seryu asked suddenly.

"Don't mention those bastards!" the chief's face twisted in anger, striking his cane on the ground. "Those beasts were worse than the northerners!"

Hearing the old chief's tale, Seryu fell silent. She never imagined the situation was so different from what she had envisioned.