Taren Denn Raunej

A solemn, overpowering voice spread through the square. Soldiers in white uniforms with blue striped patterns lined up next to the city hall's entrance.

"The ceremony will begin shortly. Please enter, everyone."

With this signal the crowd slowly began moving. The group of influential people didn't have any special rights, but they had made sure to capture the best spots early one. Now, they proudly entered first. Once in the city hall the adults separated from the youngsters.

Only after those disappeared behind the gate, could the remaining crowd walk forward batch by batch. It took a while until Tepo's class final reached the front. Constantly reminded by their teacher to stay calm, they were now standing before the impressive city hall.

White pillars made from sturdy clouds held up an impressive canopy. 'Floating Rain City' was written in bold, blue letters above it. Crystaline, glass windows sparkled as they reflected the sunlight towards the text.

This was the most luxurious building Tepo had ever seen. Imagining the wealth which was wasted here made his heart hurt. Was it really this important for the city to show off?

But unfortunately, this wasn't the end of it. As the crowd moved again, those in front of Tepo's class disappeared into one of the flying rooms. Now, the young man had a clear view of the city hall's interior. Artful statues and paintings lined the wall here. They depicted the heroes of the city, glorifying their deeds.

Having no time to study those tacky displays, Tepo walked forward together with his class. At the front was another opening which allowed one to view the whirlwind of rooms belonging to the city hall. Standing this close, many youths' eyes lit up in excitement. This specialty of the city hall was known even beyond Floating Rain. Now they were finally allowed to experience it themselves.

A few soldiers were still blocking the way when a room suddenly glided towards the entrance. It stopped, opening its doors wide and inviting another batch of people in.

With the soldiers stepping aside it was finally Tepo's class's turn. Fifty people poured into the wooden room before the doors closed again. While Ennuc was glad that everyone got in at once, the students pressed towards the sides, wanting to see out the windows.

However, most of them would be left disappointed. They imagined a thrilling ride, but the room only rose, made half a circle and docked on one of the big, fixed parts of the building.

Afterwards everyone was urged to leave quickly. There were still a lot of people waiting to be picked up.

Tepo didn't care, though. He gathered with his friends as they entered an impressive, big hall. Murmuring echoed within the opulent building.

On rows of seats a lot of people were waiting for the ceremony to start. Full of eagerness and apprehension they focused on the small stage in front, which only held a few chairs for now.

Ennuc had been here a few times. Keeping his own nerves in check, he led his class towards a spot reserved for their school. Many other youths belonging to their school had already found their seats there. When Tepo's class arrived, they exchanged polite greetings before chatting quietly.

While Parton and Nocia kept stoic faces, Yerive and Ganaph looked around in excitement.

"We really made it. We're sitting in the city hall!", exclaimed Yerive.

"What an accomplishment. You turned sixteen."

Laughing from Tepo's joke, Ganaph added:

"Coming here isn't special anyways. Leaving with a core is."

"Guess you're right. Which core do you hope for?"

"Definitely something aggressive! I don't want to run around with a shield all day because my core can only defend. Where's the fun in that?"

"You're right, Ganaph. I would like something made for swords. One day the world will know me as Yerive, King of Swords!"

"Why are you looking down on defense so much, guys?", asked Parton sadly.

Glancing at his friend, Tepo decided to cheer him up:

"Don't listen to them, Parton. Protecting your teammates' lives is the most noble thing you can do. Everyone will appreciate it."

"At least someone gets me.", answered the tall man in a visibly better mood.

Ganaph felt a bit bad, so she tried to get another opinion. Pulling on Nocia's sleeves she asked her friend:

"Nocia, what about you? What would you wish for?"

"I'm not that particular about it.", smiled the white-haired woman. "But something long-ranged would be nice."

 "Sounds like it would suit you.", nodded Yerive.

"And Tepo? Any preferences?"

"Me? Hmm…"

Tepo really had to think about what he should say. He didn't know yet what his core could do. The core of time sounded like something pretty versatile. As the young man was thinking too long, Yerive impatiently interjected:

"I think a supportive style would suit you."

"Yes, something requiring a quick mind.", added Ganaph.

"Could Tepo get one of those special cores?", suggested Yerive excitedly.

"Something like reading minds or soul attacks?", asked Parton.

"What even counts as special?", wondered Ganaph. The young woman turned towards her intelligent friend, hoping for Nocia to answer.

"Cores aren't that clearly defined. You never know what abilities they awaken later. A core related to ice could either develop to freeze your enemies or let you form shields of ice. At higher levels maybe even both.

A special core really just means hard to deal with in general. It depends on the one making the assessment to decide."

Everyone had understanding looks from this explanation. Only Tepo rose his brow slightly. This information wasn't something taught in school. Then where did Nocia get it from?

Now that he thought deeper about it, Nocia was the only one among them who didn't grow up in the city. She moved here when she was eight. Did she ever tell them where she came from? It seemed to be an established rule among them not to ask.

With the experience from his other life, Tepo dared to bet his hand that Nocia wasn't simple. But since the young woman avoided this topic, Tepo was sensible enough not to dig deeper.

Therefore, the group of friends continued with shallow conversation until another long gong suddenly sounded out. With the help of their teachers the youths quickly fell silent. A few tense seconds followed until at the side of the stage a big wooden door suddenly opened.

Ten soldiers with stern faces walked out. They positioned themselves in two rows, with two obviously higher ranked captains standing close to the door. Everyone's attention turned towards the door. The youths had a good guess who had arrived.

And they weren't disappointed when a brightly smiling middle-aged man stepped into the hall. With a straight back he walked quickly, his wide blue robes billowing behind him. His entire clothes were adorned with stylish striped patterns. But despite his approachable demeanor, the man's sharp gaze was evident of his determined mind.

Many youths felt exhilarated when they got to see one of their idols in person. This man's stories were spread throughout the Floating Rain City. This was Taren Denn Raunej, a well-known acolyte and the city's mayor.

Having to hold the awakening ceremony two times a year, the mayor's appearance was naturally flawless. With practiced, elegant movements he stopped in the middle of the stage, his eyes roaming the students.

Noticing their emotions, the mayor didn't delay any longer and began to speak while the soldiers took position below the stage:

"With great pride I, Taren Raunej, am standing here today. Me and the entire city can be grateful to have so many outstanding young men and women like you."

After only a few sentences the audience already erupted into applause. It could be seen how much prestige the mayor held.

"Thank you everyone! But it shouldn't be me who you all applaud for. Rather your praise should be directed at all those who came before you. Many young men and women have been reborn as adults in this very place. After the ceremony they awakened their core and rose to be prominent warriors.

Even of the soldiers I brought with me today, I watched many of them going through the ceremony."

The mentioned soldiers puffed up their chests in pride. A lot of youths looked at them with twinkling eyes. The idea of catching the mayor's attention was a huge motivation for them.

However, like Tepo, many also understood that the mayor was using the perfect platform right now to advertise. He also hoped that the city would attract a lot of future warriors. This was the benefit of presiding over the ceremony.

But Taren achieved his intended effect. He smiled brightly as he continued:

"Of course, some of you will also join other forces. But I hope you never forgot the city you grew up in. Only together can we make the Floating Rain City strong! Maybe there is even a genius amongst you who will travel the world in the future.

Then remember: this city will always be your roots, the foundation of your rise, and the safe harbor you can always come back to!"